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Take this with caution: The Hawks are in talks with the Wolves for Kevin Love


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Now I want to clarify that my source on this is new and is basically Wizards version of myself. Diehard NBA fan, connected with a few ppl around the league. A professional by day so I can't validate much on this one. Basically what he said was this:


Six teams are serious about getting Love:

Golden State







He said that teams have far less offered than the media talks about and far more limits as well.


He didn't know what Denver had but he knew what the rest of the teams had.


For Phoenix, everyone is on the table except T.J. Warren and Dragic and even he can be had for the right price.


For GS, everyone is on the table but Klay, Curry, and Bogut. As reported, they have ZERO interest in trading Klay Thompson. It was talked about and they all passed it as also reported.


Chicago has everyone on the table but Doug M, Noah, Mirotic and Rose. Everyone else is on the table. Gibson is the centerpiece. They have no interest in moving Noah, Doug, or Rose. No interest whatsoever.


Cleveland has everyone on the table but Wiggins, Lebron, and Kyrie. What is shocking is Wiggins is completely off the table and was never on the table from the jump from his sources. I wasn't sure how believable it was due to ESPN dickriding of getting Love in Cleveland by any means necessary but he stood by that one personally.


Atlanta has a good part of the team on the block and is willing to take bad salary back as well. They don't have Horford, Dennis, Payne, or Edy on the block at all in this trade. That caught me off guard. I assumed Horford would be on it but he said Atlanta isn't moving Horford at all and stand by that. From my personal opinion, Dennis needs to stay but if they want us to trade him or the deal is dead then he's gonna have to go and to be frank, I think Dennis has more potential than ANYBODY on this team but a chance for Love/Horford is scary. I was shocked when he said all of the rookies we drafted and asked about Patterson, he was like who and said they were talking about the tall one. So I don't know if Patterson is on the block for Love or not. Probably not relevant it seems. With that said, I don't want to see Dennis traded period. Especially if Chicago has no interest in trading Doug.


I asked him what are each team chances and he said they don't know. I asked what is Minny looking for, he said they don't know. Teams around the league are saying different stuff. Some saying they want assets, some saying they want to clear cap space and get assets. Some saying they want a potential superstar. It's anyone's guess he said.


I know that gives us nothing but mindless chatter for a couple of days and while it's nothing to hooray about, it does say Danny is working those lines to get us top tier talent. Once again, this guy is like a Wizards fan version of me. He's not personally connected to the NBA at all.

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Immediately... I know this is B.S.


Kevin Love would never resign with us.. so why would we give Minny anything of true future value.

It seems like we are doing just that. As is Golden State, Denver, Phoenix, Chicago, and Cleveland are. I don't think Kevin would resign either but maybe Ferry thinks he will.


Place me on the, "I am cool with whatever that doesn't involve Horford train". I would prefer Dennis stay as well but that's a preference, not a need. If it take Kevin Martin's contract then let's do it today in my opinion.

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Well at least Ferry is throwing our name in the hat. Personally i think it will take us another year or so to establish ourselves are a FA destination. 

Horford and Love...Wow that would be something.


I don't even think Minny knows what they want in trade. I wish someone knew.

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Personally i think it will take us another year or so to establish ourselves are a FA destination. 


How many more years...  Do you honestly think another early playoff exit is going to change anything?  Millsap will be gone next season for nothing because we're not going to trade him since we have to make another meaningless playoff appearance for some reason.  I guess we'll have super duper flexibility next offseason though...and then the next offseason when Horford seeks an actual contender to play for.  Good times.

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Unprotected Brooklyn pick > anything anyone else is willing to offer (six teams supe mentioned)


 Can someone explain what thi sis all about is it like if we make playoffs and they dont we get there lotto pick?

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 Can someone explain what thi sis all about is it like if we make playoffs and they dont we get there lotto pick?


Yes.  If their pick ends up better than ours we have the right to swap (playoffs, no playoffs, etc.).  However, as was the case this year, if our pick is better then nothing happens.

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Yes.  If their pick ends up better than ours we have the right to swap (playoffs, no playoffs, etc.).  However, as was the case this year, if our pick is better then nothing happens.



 O ok that good hoping there bad!

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Immediately... I know this is B.S.

Kevin Love would never resign with us.. so why would we give Minny anything of true future value.

Could he be used as a trade asset later if he refuses to resign? Not sure if givin up all of that is worth him as a trade asset but its an option as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm hoping this 'rumor' is true only because Love is my favorite non-Hawk in the NBA and would really be excited to have him. A top 10 player, Hawks haven't had that in a long long time.

Edited by RWF
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Could he be used as a trade asset later if he refuses to resign? Not sure if givin up all of that is worth him as a trade asset but its an option as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Not buying he would never re-sign with us. Especially if we keep Horford. I definitely see him opting in and staying with us another year.

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Not buying he would never re-sign with us. Especially if we keep Horford. I definitely see him opting in and staying with us another year.


This. Assuming we make the playoffs, it would be Love's first, and that can go a long way in showing that re-signing with the Hawks would mean playoff appearances, which he wants.


Also starting with Love/Horford, that could help lure that star player.

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Immediately... I know this is B.S.


Kevin Love would never resign with us.. so why would we give Minny anything of true future value.


But if all we give up is Millsap, picks, and cap space then why not.  The mindset on here seems to be that Millsap is earning a big payday and could walk to a team that gives it to him.  I'd rather have Birds rights on Love than Millsap.  I'd rather be able to max out Kevin Love and lose him for nothing than to pay Millsap $12+ mil/yr.  Horford/Love would be dominate and fun to watch... even if it is just for a year.

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Not that I would EXPECT us to get Love, but...I have been thinking how quiet it's been lately with the Hawks and was hoping it was because Ferry was working hard on a big trade. Dude doesn't just take off work to go to the beach, especially this time of year. If all you hear are crickets, then you know he's holed up playing some serious poker. Remembering @Sothron mentioning months ago that he heard the Hawks were going to go hard after Love got me thinking this might be the time we make that hard push.

Lastly, I think the Cavs have to consider trading Wiggins if they want Love, and they can't do that for a month after they've signed him, so it would make perfect sense for Minny to go to any/all teams to see what they could get and drive that price up while they wait out that month till Wiggins is available.

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Love did mention that he'd like to play for the Spurs... We have the same system and he's the perfect player for us.



“Ooh, that’s tough to say. (First) I would have to crack the playoffs. I’ve been coached by some great coaches and been with young teams.”


“If there’s a way I can jump on that Spurs roster then I can get on that road to the NBA championship. Hopefully it becomes soon, I’m 25 now, maybe when I’m 26.”


Sounds to me that the guy just wants to win.  He wants a legacy and could be one of those stars that takes a paycut to form a super team.  Could be a positive and a negative for the Hawks.



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You can call it BS. I was just telling you what he said. Being that this board is dead at the moment. We need something to talk about and while i don't trust this guy, he was right on Lebron and on Bosh. I got to respect him on that. Whenever you mention the Hawks, that peaks my interest since they are so rarely mentioned especially by someone like him.

I was right on Bron; and being right on Bosh just meant he would take the best max he could get...Houston came in second

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