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Last night JT gets ball-hoggity on a break and instead of passing, he lands hard on the ground. Reef picks up the ball, scores and gets an "and one".

After the play, Reef looks at Terry and walks to the freethrow line. He didn't bother to even help him up.

There is something going on in that locker room, I tell you. People aren't hunky-dory with each other.

On a positive note, it was nice to watch Reef get fired up over a missed "and one" call. When he flipped out screaming "give me the and one".... it was just nice.


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Playmaker, I didnt notice that but one thing I do notice is that Reef is playing hard every single minute out there and he is noticing that JT plays hard in spurts. We all know I'm a huge JT fan but I notice that bad things he does, and that is that he is not playing "man up" defense or playing like is the last possesion of the game. Only a couple of guys are playing hard out there these days and JT is not one of them. Start getting that head band and shoes tied JT and start playing some NBA basketball.

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It would be nice if JT would "man up", because he can be so vital. He is choosing to be a pawn rather than a force.

He is just TOO influenced by people around him. He needs to start doing some influencing.

What JT needs is a good coach who will give him a kick in the pants when he plays like an idiot.


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I did notice the Reef incident. But, I don't think Reef was upset about that play necessarily. I think Reef is upset that JT is just dumb.

I like JT as much as the next Hawks fan. But, the more I have watched him this year the more I have come to a conclusion that he just isn't smart with the ball.

Last night he made bad pass after bad pass. When we are on the break I keep my fingers crossed that he scores. Otherwise he finds a way to F' it up.

He had a three on two last night and instead of taking a layup tries to drop off a pass and it is intercepted. That is unacceptable when you have the odds in your favor. Not to mention the countless times he makes bad entry passes in our halfcourt offense. A couple of times he just threw it out of bounces. One time he had a clear jumper in the lane and instead of taking the shot he slipped a pass to one of our big men between two defenders. He was lucky it didn't get stolen. He should have just shot the 5 foot shot.

After watching his pathetic passing ability. I have come to the conclusion with JT. Just shoot, don't try to pass. Run plays where he doesn't have to touch the ball until he gets in a scoring threat. The only assists he gets now is off the pick and roll with whoever is near. I don't see him creating shots for others.

But I wouldn't get rid of him yet. I think he could be a good scorer in this league if we can it another point guard. Or we should just move him to SG and play JV with him. He is deadly from the outside and is quick to the hoop.

I don't agree with some that think he should come off the bench. I think he can be a valuable starter, once he is put in the right situation.

But it is obivious he doesn't know how to run an offense.


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Like I have said for a while, JT is a SG.

Here's a thought....

Phoenix wants to get rid of Old man Penny. Penny keeps coming up more valuable than Joe Johnson but Coangelo and Johnson thinks that JJ is ready to take over.

maybe, we can offer Nazr/Hendu/CC to Phoenix for Penny/Voskuhl/Archibald.

What it does is give us Penny who can play OG...

What our new Rotation would look like is:






Voskuhl could be replaced by Trybanski if Neccessary.

I would much rather have Barry or Christie, but Penny can split time with Diaw (Effectively) at the OG position running the offense.

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There is certainly the possibility of a split in any losing locker room, and it doesn't help when four of the guys single themselves out.

Still, it's not an acrimonious locker room, even if there are cliques developing there. JT still calls Reef "The Captain" and respects his game, and Reef is not angry with anyone, though he is clearly frustrated that the team as a whole can't play with a sense of urgency.

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Just wondering/ This is not to accuse any one/ Just saying ---

Some people, which I fit right in this list, probably very near

the top ----

Are said to have two left feet. They are all thumbs. They

can't get it together right, even AFTER reading the

directions. They have trouble walking and chewing gum

at the same time.

You get the picture??

It seems that some players in the N.B.A. are great

athletes. They can talk a very good game. They don't

sound like a "dumb bunny" or anything like that when you

listen to them.

They just can't think and play basketball at the same time.

Kinda' like the walking and chewing gum. I can do either

one, just don't ask me to do both at the same time.

From some things I see happen on the floor, it causes

me to wonder -- Could this be ????

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I would hope JT respects Reef's game and I wouldn't expect Reef to be "angry" with players.... he isn't that type of guy... but I think he is going mad.

This 26/11 guy is going to start fizzling out if we can't sustain some wins.

I would love to sit in on a candid discussion with Theo though... I'd bet he has some interesting things to say.

As for JT singling himself out with the other "four horsemen"... well, he is a follower. He is a sheep. That is why he can't play PG. The four horsemen in the bible were symbolic of the apocolypse... and the four horsemen of the Hawks are manifestations of our potential imploding.


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1st let me say that I was a believer that JT could learn how to be a decent pg. After all he did graduate college, so he should have the ability to learn right ? Well I was wrong.

JT's problem and more importantly the Hawk's problem is JT's inability to see the floor and watch a play develop as a whole. He can't even run a two man game effectively or pick and roll much less run a 5 man NBA offense. My point is JT can only concentrate on 1 thing at a time. Most of the time that is scoring. When he is not scoring he runs a 2 man game that stagnates the offense and leaves 3 guys out of the flow of the game. Man I love watching team ball. Memphis, Dallas, and college ball is the only ball worth watching now.

A point guard must be able to see the whole picture not just one part of the picture.

I think he has some serious ADD. That is why he cannot do these things that a point guard must do, he just does not have the brain (attention span) or the ability to learn. JT has not improved since his 2nd year in the league. Of course his assist numbers went up last year but that was from Dog hoisting up a jumper every time JT gave him the ball (which was too often). But his overall game as a pg has not improved one bit. I hate to say this but JT is just dumb (as many of you have said), meaning he can't concentrate. In todays politically correct society we tell kids they have ADD so that have an excuse for their stupidity. That excuse prevents them from sucking it up and concentrating on a job until it is finished. Just tell the kid they arn't smart rather than giving them excuse why. Then they will suck it up and improve themself. My point is I believe JT is ADD therefore given a free ride through school. B/c come on/ How did this guy graduate college with that attention span. If he can't play a simple game how did he pass college calculas. I hate guys with all the physical ability in the world but lack the motivation, discipline, attention, or just plain brain to compete. B/c lets face it JT has more physical ability than Isaiah Thomas or any other small guard in history. It's just what is between the ears that makes him different. The saddest part is that after over 4 years in the league it is evident he will never learnor improve as a point. He is just a Vinnie Johnson minus 30 pounds of muscel. A good 6 man scorer off the bench for a playoff team. It saddens me to say this but JT should not start. In fact he will never start on a team that is over .500. Therefor he should be our 6 man. He would be a darn good one too.

JT's ADD, stupidity, lack of concentration, what ever the word you want to use for it will never get better.

Sorry for my rambling but here is the point, in a nut shell, that many of us feel. JT can not do the things a pg must do lead by example. Translation - play your butt off every minute on the floor. I think this is due to JT's inability to concentrtate. He looses focus and concentration, therefor the result is lack of energy and lazy sloppy passes that lead to turnovers. More importantly JT has proven that he does not have the ability to learn.

Sorry for the shotty post. I tried to do it at work and tiped maybe one minute each hour. But just had to let some frustration out over JT

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I don't think intellect has much to do with playing the PG spot. I am a relatively educated and smart individual, but I couldn't run PG or learn to run point.

I also couldn't play QB and make the proper reads.

Some people are born with an ability to play off of instinct. They "see" things happen and develop. This ability can also be learned and developed.... but it is nothing like an innate ability.

JT has neither the learned or innate ability to see the floor. He has an ability to score, but none when it comes to seeing the floor. Worse yet, he has never had a decent coach to actually FORCE him to learn the correct way of doing things.

So there is little JT... completely immersed in his little four horsemen group... heck, the guy has to have something to cling to, right?


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