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Mike Budenholzer


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Fans in San An weren't butt hurt for nothing. As thorough as he is, my favorite quality about him is he's very ornery, borderline azzhole even. We could be up 20 and he has a look on his face like he missed last call.

Randy Whittman and his staff's mouths were dropped to the floor because they achieved their main goal of bottling Kyle up and still got scored on at will in their building. It's the same thing that prompted longer than usual meetings from Vogel's staff in the playoffs last year. He simply outclasses most of these guys from the military-style approach he learned from The GOAT. It's gonna be crazy in 10 years or so watching his coaching tree spread out amongst the league. Like Quinn, they're all gonna be pacing, adjusting their tie, and chewing their guys out. Because they love them of course and "want them to get better every night."

Edited by benhillboy
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He's impressive. How he gets this undersized crew to work and developing damn near everyone is amazing. Sap is better now than when he became a Hawk. Everyone has improved but Elton but he's old so he doesn't count.


You bring up a great point.  Someone as old as Sap and who already has that diverse of a skillset is tough to develop.  It really takes a hard-working, perfectionist coaching staff to continue to diversify and improve the game of guys like him.

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Here in Magic country, they envy what is happening with the Hawks. They often compare Vaughn & Coach Bud being they're both from Pop's tree

I don't get to watch the Magic so I rely on highlights, articles, box scores, and the heavy Summer League coverage regarding them. I think Vaughn is well on the right track with 4 fine young core players. I'd certainly take him over Brett Brown and Monty Williams.
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Bud is what Atlanta sports needs.  A winner, can get the most of the talent around him, develop it and put his concepts into action.  (Hint: Falcons......)


Exactly.  I haven't seen a Hawks team so dedicated and focused in a long time.  There were a few games to start the season where the discipline wasn't quite there yet but it is now.  I also like how Bud seems like a hard-ass during games but the players always talk about how personable he is.  Demarre even said that Bud was, "like my best friend" during a game interview the other day with Nique and The Smooth Operator.


As for the Falcons, I actually like Mike Smith quite a bit, although he has made some bonehead calls lately.  It's the lack of personnel on defense that's their achilles heel right now.  They need a quality pass rusher badly.  I can honestly see both Dimitroff and Smith getting one more year to patch the holes before Blank declares the ship sunk.

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