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Exactly, Perspective.

Look at the camera angle again. It's not like the photographer was looking up at Hendu and Theo from Hendu's side. Both players are prominently displayed on a level basis.

My thought was that Maybe Theo was Slumping.

Even still, I didn't think that Hendu was that big and Theo was that small. Perspective.

And to believe that when we first drafted Hendu, he played some minutes as SF?

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Exactly, well at least based on photoshops calculation of straightening them. Anyways, yes he does appear to be slumping somewhat, but I am sure thats due to being exhausted, as he appeared to be. Also, the perspective that I am talking about is the picture is being taken closer to Alan and even though its taken from pretty much straight on, there is always a bit of image trickery involved in 2 dimensional photographs.

Speaking of Alan at SF, I think that we could play him there some with Reef on the floor as they have similar games, although Reefs is far better of course. Alan can rebound and hit the medium range shot, but is a terrible defender at the 3 I would imagine. He would give us a size advantage on the boards though with most teams. Not something I would want to see often, but at times wouldnt be bad. He can rebound and get garbage points thats for sure.

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Are they all in camp? Finals just ended and shouldnt they be preparing for the draft and summer leagues?

I know JT and Hendu arent playing in the summer leagues are they?

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No Shareef just asked that the players show up 3 days a month for

workouts to stay in shape and better improve for next season.Reef

really wants it to work down here...that is obvious.

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I know the workouts are voluntary but Jacque was a key component in our offense last year so you would think if he really thought he would be back next year he would be working out with the team. I guess he feels he will be moving on elsewhere. Someone was pointing out how heavt Hendu appears. He has to be around 245lbs. Maybe this explains why he stays injured.he doesn't stay in decent shape during the offseason.

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