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Billy Speaks Out


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Kudos to Tim Tucker, who is, as always, being the best reporter on the AJC Sports staff.


This is what I had been talking about...Billy won't be around long if Belkin's obvious attempts to "Clipperize" the Hawks is upheld in court Tuesday.

I will be praying for all the good people in the organization that Belkin's fanny be tossed on the pavement.

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Looks more and more like tomorrow either cements BK to the Hawks longterm or he walks out the door..I can't imagine BK and Belkin ever working together again if Belkin wins..

...And I'm going to be blunt and say that if Belkin wins and Knight leaves, then I'm going to take some time off from the Hawks.

I can't support the Clippers East.

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Tomorrow is a MAJOR day in this organization. We will find out whether BK is staying or Belkin will be the Head Man in Charge. If Belkin wins BK is gone and I have absolutely no idea where the building of this team goes. BK had a vision and plan and he was slowly building this team in his image.

Tomorrow will determine the future of this organization and OUR Fan support.

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I sure am hoping that the judge looks at this situation like most every other person that has followed this whole fiasco and decides to go against Belkin. Almost everybody with inside information has no doubt that Belkin is trying to completely shaft the Hawks. Hopefully, there will be no hidden "legal stuff" that allows Belkin to come out of this with a victory.

It would be wonderful to put all of this behind us after tomorrow and move forward with a young, exciting team led by JJ that has a good chance to suprise some people.

Regarding BK, I think he has been a very good GM in his time with the Hawks. He has not been perfect by any means, but I truly believe that since being hired, BK has made many more good decisions than bad ones.

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Tomorrow's outcome cannot be overstated. If Belkin wins then everyone else loses, especially the die-hard fans like us. If he wins it will feel like a punch in the gut that will last for a long, long time.

I just don't see how a judge could honestly rule in his favor but I've seen stranger things happen in a courtroom. If Belkin is allowed to take over control of the Hawks on a technicality then our beloved franchise would be in serious trouble over the next 3+ years.

By the way, I really think he is the devil (or at least he is related to him somehow) mad.gif

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wow, tomorrow IS a big day...what a surreal situation, like watching a movie...it's clear the type of guy Belkin is..

one good thing IF it goes our way tomorrow..there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the rest of the owners, Bk, and the rest of the organization are on the same page as I am and most of the fans....we really really want to build a winner in Atlanta.

Belkin wins, we are screwed and I can't honestly predict what will happen next..probably something really really negative for the franchise..and i expect the fanbase to dwindle to next to nothing.

He loses, the future of the Hawks looks bright. And maybe just maybe the rest of the world, since being exposed to the ownership of the Hawks(the majority at least), understands we have owners willing to build a winner in Atlanta.

doesn't Belkin really sounds like a bad guy out of a movie or something? crazy.

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I agree with everything you guys are saying.Belkin will downplay it saying all this is because he agreed with not giving one draft pick but nope we all know better.Belkin doesn't want to spend the money to do what it takes to be a winner.Partners like him should be kicked out because sports and the reason we follow it is love of the game not money.

I hope Belkin is kicked to the curb.I am tired of being patsies and no one paying attention to the Hawk's. I can't see how Belkin can live this down.If he wins there will be pissed off partners and fans alike and the guy will have to wear a bag on his head for fear of retalliation.

I wouldn't want to work for a guy like Belkin so I think BK doesn't want to stick around if Belkin wins,who would? We know the other owners are committed to building a winner.That is one good thing out of this IF Belkin loses power.

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Thanks for the post Jay.

I am usually a Hawk optimist. In fact, now that we have most likely signed Zaza to a contract, I like the guy twice as much as i did before we signed him.

That said, if we (the majority ownership and BK and the fans) lose tomorrow, we are absolutely screwed. Belkin could ruin the rest of the offseason for us, block the JJ trade and ultimately screw us for as long as he stays around.

You would think that he HAS to get bought out now, but we need this ruling in our favor tomorrow in order to save the offseason. BK isnt going to make moves when he might get blocked. If we do buy out Belkin, it could take a long time, and we cant have our franchise in limbo while we wait for this to get done. Does anyone remember how long it took to get this ownership deal done?

This situation just sucks. As I said earlier, its not only unfair to us, JJ, the majority ownership, but in a huge way to BK. His wings have been clipped, and he has basically been rendered useless until Belkin gets overthrown.

What a frickin nightmare.

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1. he is committed to the cause

2. he has a backbone and doesn't cower

3. he has beliefs and convictions

4. the only measuring stick he uses is the long term success of the franchise - he doesn't jump at quick 'feel goods' like babcock did....

judgeing by his tone in the article, if belkin wins, BK will quit. basically, if belkin prevails (or if the trial is further delayed), this franchise is in ruins.

if we (everyone other than belkin) win, JJ will be ours by wednesday.


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me too. But the question is, what happens if that goes down? Is it possible that Belkin wants to establish his power, then use it to get a very profitable buyout from the other owners? That would suck, but would get him out the door. Does he think that he is so evil that the other owners will have no choice but to sell him their share because they are now powerless?

I just can't see these owners co-existing. If we win, Belkin is essentially powerless, and the franchise can keep re-building right even though it's embarassing to have belkin onboard. I'm just wondering what will happen if Belkin wins. What can the owners sue for? How can Stern step in?

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From what I understand, if the decision goes Belkin's way today it's nothing final. The other owners could still attempt to remove Belkin as governor through other means, it would just take longer.

If Belkin is in place with absolute authority, then it would be hard to be a Hawks fan. We actually would be Clippers east.

Let it be said that financially Sterling has done well. He has made a huge profit from the Clippers.

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