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Everything posted by REHawksFan

  1. We're already seeing it on ESPN and the Athletic as both have had recent articles / opinion pieces that have left the Hawks out of the East's top teams. You all know the narrative is going to be Nets (big 3), Bucks (defending champs), Philly with Embiid, and Heat (revamped with Lowry) as the contenders. Even the Hornets, Celtics, and Bulls have gotten more fanfare given their FA signings than the Hawks. And I get it to a certain extent, the Hawks didn't do anything splashy other than resign their own. But the further we get from the ECF, the less the talking heads are going to remember the Hawks or give them any pub. And you know what? Fine by me. Predict them to be in the 6-10 range if you want. Give this bunch another helping of disrespect.
  2. If everyone stays healthy I'm thinking 55-60 wins. But thats a big IF.
  3. THIS. I probably didn't articulate that properly. I don't think Ben needs to be a point anything. Everything he excels at offensively is within 5 feet of the basket.
  4. That's fair. I just think it's a square peg round hole kinda deal. IF he was willing to play a different position, he could maximize his offensive strengths and mitigate the weaknesses. IMO, that would make him a better all around player. But he's seemingly incapable of doing a primary function of a guard's role......shoot from more than 5 feet beyond the basket.
  5. Agreed. If he would accept that, he could actually live up to his high ceiling.
  6. He's a guard that wants the ball in his hands but cannot shoot. That's below avg to me. If you tell me he's willing to be a PF or play more without the ball, then I'd agree. He's a very good offensive player around the rim, but come on. HIs offense as a PG (which is what he thinks he is) is below avg. if he can't shoot.
  7. IMO, Ben is an ELITE defensive player and a below average offensive player. The problem for him is, he plays in a league and in an era that values his weakness (offense) about 10 times more than it values his strength (defense). And he exacerbates the problem by trying to be a PG with the ball in his hands, which just shines a huge spotlight on all his offensive struggles. He could mitigate his weakness if he were willing to play a position where he doesn't have the ball in his hands so much, imo. Just move to PF and thrive as a finisher and secondary playmaker. He's basically the exact opposite of Trae, but Trae gets the benefit of having his weakness (defense) be more easily concealed in today's NBA whereas Ben's is completely exposed.
  8. I mean. I get that Lou is a known vs Wright, but I wasn't all that impressed with Lou running the offense when Trae was out. He can go super sonic and get buckets like mad, but in terms of actually running the offense? I didn't really see it. He's a scorer that can pass, but we are in trouble if Trae goes down for a stretch and Lou is the only option, imo.
  9. No idea what the Hawks want to add but that's exactly what I want.
  10. I'm not at all opposed to trading. And I think it's inevitable that - from a numbers standpoint - a trade (or maybe multiple) will happen eventually. But some of these trades feel like trading just for the sake of trading without any real purpose or direction. Melo for Gallo makes the Hawks a worse team, imo. Same for the DeRozan - Bogie/Huerter swap. Pass to both.
  11. Aw man. Thought this was gonna be something good. Congrats to Tyler though.
  12. Did Wash decline the Hawks offer or do they just like another offer better? Or are they still mulling it over?.
  13. You could be right, but I value established players way higher than draft picks unless you are talking about top 2 or 3 picks. IMO, the uncertainty of 7, 14, and 15 wouldn't be all that appealing in a rebuild. But thats just me. I'm kinda with you on the Hawks end of that deal. I don't so much mind the Bogie Gallo piece but I wouldn't be super excited about potentially losing Hunter or Huerter or Cam.
  14. Interesting. I read it as the Hawks gave the Wiz the choice. You read it as Supes ain't spilling the beans. I'll just say I like Beal and think that's a hell of an offer from the Hawks. Not sure what other teams could offer that would top it.
  15. Yup. I've had a few "discussions" with people that said the Hawks "got lucky" that Embiid was hurt, otherwise Philly would have swept. I'm like, What series were you watching. I guess they figured if he was healthy he woulda put up 45/25 every game.
  16. Exactly. Trading Cam for an established player I get. May not like it but at least I can follow the logic. Trading Cam for a 10-15 pick I don't get. Doesn't make any sense at all to me.
  17. IF they trade from the Core it won't be to land a 10 prospect that isn't going to help the team in the next year or two. The problem with these fan trades is they don't even make sense most of the time. Where the Hawks are, you either keep your young talent and see how they mature and good they get OR you trade them for established players that can help you now. There's no scenario where you should, imo, trade a young, high-ceiling player for a younger high-celling player that take more time to reach their ceiling.
  18. So that's 9 guys that are under contract for next season in the "High End Backups" or better category. Six guys at "Solid Starters" or better. That's depth.
  19. REHawksFan


    Gotta admit the skillset of Boogie intrigues me a lot as a backup center. But yeah, not feeling the headcase part. Seems like this team has a great chemistry to them, don't want to mess with that too much.
  20. Not sure why you are getting angry. No one said anything about you or made anything personal. Just don't think the proposed trade is good value for Gallo. I didn't realize we weren't supposed to comment on the trade you put out there. My bad.
  21. REHawksFan


    Hard pass for me. Don't think he's got anything left AND he's a diva. Stay away from my team.
  22. I'm not trying to crap on you or anything. But you said, "an Atlanta/Minny trade would look something like this..." and I'm just saying that looks like crap for Atlanta. I get the cap savings, but the Hawks don't have to take scraps just to save money this early in the game. I'll just sit back and hope the first iteration of this trade is not the one that sticks. I understand they will eventually trade Gallo. That's the business with the position the Hawks are in. But, imo, he's more valuable than a Rubio/Okogie or Culver return.
  23. Gallo was - at times - the 2nd or 3rd best option during the playoffs. I just can't see trading him this off season for marginal returns. As part of a bigger deal for a legit starter? OK. But not for someone of Rubios or Culver's level. That would be taking 2 steps back.
  24. Including Hunter is a non-starter to me. I think he's going to be a legit 2way star once he reaches his prime. I'm not selling him early. I wouldn't mind KAT, but I'm just not interested in trading away Hunter.
  25. One game to win it all and I'm taking Durant no question. Dude is really really good and the moment never seems to big for him, imo. I picked Giannis, but honestly, KD might just be the right answer.
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