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Everything posted by hawkman

  1. Okay that was actually funny. Good one.
  2. I agree but it is a little tiring at times. It seems like the only moves the Hawks seem to be able to pull off are those that save them $$$. There are 2 things I've learned when it comes to the Hawks: 1. There's absolutely no reason to get excited over the Draft. It always ends in frustration. 2. There's absolutely no reason to get excited over "blockbuster" trade rumors if the Hawks are involved in any way.
  3. Schröder for Okafor??? This can't be true. If they want Schro that bad, go for it!
  4. He's not reliable. Hawks need to look for alternatives.
  5. I almost forgot about Korver scorching the nets during the All Star game last season. Both him and Teague played well.
  6. Just having a 'vision' or 'plan' is not enough. BK had both for whatever that was worth. Before you establish continuity, you have to verify that the path you're on is the correct one. After last season's ECF beat down, I'm not sure if the Hawks are on the correct path.
  7. Ferry gets way too much credit around here. There's no way he knew last season's team would be what they were.
  8. We don't need Ferry to fix this. His rep as the savior of this franchise is overblown. People act like he was genius enough to know that signing Demarre and Sap would result in a 60 win season and the ECF. I didn't buy it back then and I don't buy it now. He actually benefitted by getting fired when he did because he wasn't around long enough for this team's lack of talent to get pinned on him. Now Budcox gets to take the heat for decisions that Ferry made and would have made if he was still here. Sorry, but somebody had to say it.
  9. But that was under BK though. He was obsessed with 6'9" players and thought he already had his 'point guard' in Joe Johnson. Looking back at the fact that BK was entrusted with rebuilding an NBA franchise seems friggin' insane. But even he couldn't screw the #1 or #2 pick up in this draft since both of those picks are 6'9" to 6'10". So there's that.
  10. But there's no way we could screw up that Nets pick especially if it ends up being #1 overall, or #2 for that matter.
  11. Exactly. All of these deals benefit the other teams. The Blake Griffin deal is interesting, but letting our only true SF/ best defender go would be catastrophic. Plus, Griffin is not a center. He plays the exact same position as the best player on this team.
  12. Actually, he did exactly that after Al tore his pec. But in his defense, I think he was trying to tank the season. The Hawks ended up making the playoffs anyway and played well against the Pacers if I remember correctly.
  13. I would agree with this, but I think too much damage has been done by blowing the past few Drafts. It may take some drastic measures to get off the treadmill. Not valuing the Draft really cost this team.
  14. That explains a lot if true. Hopefully he'll get a little more slack for playing while hurt than Teague did. Regardless, we can't blame these guys for not being the superstar(s) this team needs.
  15. Fixed. That is if the Bucks are dumb enough to make that trade.
  16. A deal like that would cripple the Hawks. They would once again be locked into mediocrity long term. To be honest, I'm starting to wonder if the Hawks were ever really off the treadmill. Maybe the guys just overachieved last season?
  17. I really don't want to see Teague go. I'm not confident Schro is the answer at pg for this type of offense. But my opinion means less than nothing since Bud sees these guys everyday. But it was cool seeing Teague develop into what he is from the kid who couldn't get off the bench under Woodson. For all who question the mental make up of Teague, they need to go back to the Hawks vs Bulls Playoff series after Hinrich got hurt. He went right at the MVP of the league and put the league and Hawks fans on notice. How quickly we forget. Even injured he's still playing some of the best basketball of any PG we've had in over a decade.
  18. Jeff isn't making excuses, I saw him roll his ankle(s) at least twice that I can remember this season. They were pretty bad rolls too. Yet, he hasn't taken any games off to rest/heal. I think it's hurting his game since he depends on speed and quickness. No matter what some might think of Teague, you have to know that he's a much better player than what he's shown recently. When healthy, he's by far the best PG on this team, and it isn't even close.
  19. To be fair, I think Teague's recent play is a result of him turning his ankle... twice. He won't complain about it or sit out a game or two like he probably should, but it is affecting his performance on both ends of the court.
  20. Amen to that. I thought the Hawks were close last season until they played the depleted Cavs and got dominated. I realized then that this team needs more firepower if they hope to really compete for a Championship. It's kind of sobering to feel outmatched against elite teams again. I was really spoiled by the streak.
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