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Why are we afraid of Iverson???


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I think he would benefit our francise in so many ways. I think it would be awesome to see him play with someone of the talent of Joe Johnson in the backcourt. We will fill up the arena. Worse case scenario, we trade him in a year if it doesn't work out. I am tired of Atlanta teams being afraid of someone who doesn't have the squeaky clean image. Iverson is not Rider. Lets get over the past and do something that will benefit our franchise.

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He will hurt the growth of the young players. Our young players defer to the Vets too much over the past few seasons. When our young players were counted on. The team played better as a team and our young players show they could handle the pressure. It is time to quit holding them back and let them start to lead. Also getting AI would basically destroy the core of this team. We will be giving up too much for him.

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The image isn't the problem. It's the talent we already have at PG combined with Philly's asking price. I'm not trading a part of our young core in a package to get Iverson. Especially after signing Speedy long-term this summer, signing Tyronn Lue to a long-term deal last off-season, using draf picks on Salim Stoudamire and Royal Ivey, and of course after the sign-and-trade for Joe Johnson.

I refuse to take anything away for Allen Iverson. But I bet we can put as much or probably more fans in the seats if we have a winner on the court than if we give up too much to get AI.

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What is really comes down to is our young guys. I have not one bit of hesitation when it comes to Iverson's personality, i definitely think he's got a bad rap. I mean it's just practice (sorry, had to throw that in there for fun). I'm not even worried too much about the money.

I do think that if we did add Iverson, we would have a lethal combo in Joe Johnson and Iverson and would not only make the playoffs but possible do a little bit of damage.

BUT...I think what it comes down to is that if we got Iverson, our young guys such as Josh Smith and Marvin Williams would suffer a bit in their development due to deferring to AI as someone posted above. I think that without Iverson we have the potential to be MUCH BETTER in a year or two than we would WITH Iverson now and in year or two. and once Iverson got a bit older, there would be this feeling (if we didn't win it all) like our window would have passed, even though we still have a young team.

with Iverson- serious playoff team fun to watch now and next couple years

without Iverson- right now competing for playoff spot or at least close to it. within a few years, not only doing damage in playoffs but competing heavily for a championship.

now those that don't think as I do that Marvin and JSmith are going to develop as I feel may disagree but this is the reason i hesitate.

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There are several things that are wrong with acquiring Allen Iverson. The first thing is obvious, and it's his contract. The Hawks will put themselves into salary cap hell if they take on his $20+ million per year over the next three years.

The second thing that is wrong with acquiring Allen Iverson is that the way this team is being built will have to be changed immediately. Allen Iverson cannot play on a team where he is only part of the offense. He has to be the sole focal point of the offense, or else you will hear him go off on his diatribes, which most of the time you can't understand what he's saying.

Next, his presence will hurt the development of the young players on this basketball team. Not only will their development be hurt because of the deferrment that will be required to play with Allen Iverson, their development will also be hurt by picking up Allen Iverson's bad practice habits, his overall attitude, and his lack of promptness. The guy is always late to practices, meetings, and sometimes even games, and this is something that I do not want guys like Marvin Williams and especially Josh Smith being around.

Next, Joe Johnson's overall game will immediately diminish upon the arrival of Allen Iverson, because suddenly, the ball will be in his hands much, much less than it should be.

Basically, getting him would be a disaster from the very beginning. The only thing it would do initially is get fans to come out to see him, not the team. Ultimately, that will fail, because Allen Iverson doesn't make the team better. He only makes it more attractive to a bunch of idiot fans.

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What exactly is too much. I have heard rumors of Childress and Harrington. Do you think that is too much for Iverson. We already have Josh Smith, and Marvin Williams is starting to mature. Where does Childress fit in. Is he going to be a back up forever? I think that is not breaking up our future if we give up Harrington and Childress. I am sick of hearing people saying that we would give up too much to get him. Imagine a line up of Iverson/Johnson/Marvin Williams/Josh Smith/Zaza with Shelden Williams, Speedy, and Salim coming off of the bench. I think that would be an exciting team to watch and something to build around. Add one more big man and a couple of role players, and it might be a championship caliber team.

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If you have watched Iverson play, he plays with more heart than anyone in the NBA. I guess the same could have been said about Dennis Rodman. I really don't think that Iverson is a selfish player, and I think if he has the talent around him, he could be great. He has not been detrimental to the play of others in Philadelphia. He will free up others, by all the attention that will be drawn to him. I think it is very dumb to assume that Joe Johnson will be less successful with Iverson in the lineup. I think Johnson and Iverson will really compliment each other. KB21, give me one good reason why Johnson will not be successful with Iverson in the lineup??

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He has not been detrimental to the play of others in Philadelphia.

Don't you at least put some thought into why philly is despirate to get rid of him! If he is as great as you say then why is he on the trading block? Why has Philly been in the Lottery 2 of the last 3 years with him? Why was Webber complaining about playing with him when he came? Why does Igodala get 5-6 shots per game? Why did Larry Brown have trouble coaching him? Why does Iverson think practice is a waste of time?

Iverson Supporters please answer these questions!

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Next, Joe Johnson's overall game will immediately diminish upon the arrival of Allen Iverson, because suddenly, the ball will be in his hands much, much less than it should be.

That's the main thing I'd worry about. Not just Joe, but Marvin also would become nothing more than spot up jump shooters waiting around to play off of Iverson.

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Allen Iverson gets a lot of assists. Also, who were these great scorers that he ran out of Philly? Stackhouse was more selfish than Iverson. Larry Hughes was not a good player yet. Iverson took a mediocre team to the NBA Finals with the help of Dikembe. If you put him with the Hawks, I honestly believe that he would have more talent around him than he has ever had. At least in the backcourt. I also think that we would be a dangerous team defensively. Say what you want about his practice habits, but he works harder during the games than any player I have ever seen. He plays with so much heart. Thats why he is so much fun to watch. His contract is for just 3 years, and I think in those 3 years, he will be a good player. I think that he will learn to defer to other players in his age and when he has more talent around him. He takes a lot of shots, that is true, but he makes a lot of shots as well. He also penetrates and his able to get to the basket, which will open up things for everyone on the team. If we could get him for Chillz and Al, I think that would be the dumbest thing our ownership has ever done by not getting him. Also, who is going to offer more than that to Philly? We have the money to pay Iverson, and he will automatically bring some excitement/attention back to Hawks basketball. Who knows, we might even get some veterans willing to come play here for the minimum. I think you are selling the talent of Marvin Williams, Josh Smith, and Joe Johnson short if you say that Allen Iverson will keep them from maturing as players.

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Is there not anyone in this Forum that sees any positive in having Iverson on our team if we could get him for Al and Chillz?

He's old, and wearing out. He's an outdated player to boot. That's why his success winning wise is going down year by year. It worked in 2001 when the east was a complete piece of junk for a conference. But it doesn't work now.

It doesn't mean a d@mn how many assists he makes. Assists don't mean a thing as far as team ball goes. Ball movement does... And that's what Iverson effects. He slows down ball movement, which stalls, and leads to other players standing around and doing nothing at all.

Iverson isn't worth it. Fill up Phillips arena? If he can't fill up the arena in Philly anymore, he can't do it here every night most likely.

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He has not been detrimental to the play of others in Philadelphia.

Don't you at least put some thought into why philly is despirate to get rid of him!

Toronto was once desperate to get rid of Vince, Olando desperate to get rid of T-Mac, the Hornets deseperate to get rid of Baron Davis, Portland (and us) desperate to get rid of Rasheed Wallace, we were desperate to get rid of Diaw (as he was thinking about going back to France), and LA desperate to get rid of Shaq. Just because things don't go right in one place doesn't mean that they are bound to the same fate in another situation.

I say that to say this...I understand that AI is a gunner and may not fit well with our team (in fact I don't really think he does). But to infer that it was all or even mostly his fault that his team is bad isn't well thought out. I mean he's taken his team (mostly by himself) to the Finals...something that a bunch of elite players haven't done yet (Hello Steve Nash).

Everyone says that AI takes away from others scoring abilities, but I say he takes away from the abilities of players that need to dominate the ball (Larry Hughes and the old Stackhouse). Pair AI up with a big man and see what would happen. In fact, I think a large part of the reason that Webber ended up averaging 20 this past season is AI. Marc Jackson had 2 of his better scoring years with AI. Kenny Thomas had 2 of his better years there. In 01, a 34 year old Derrick Coleman averaged 15 a game with Iverson, after averaging 8 the year before. Mutombo avereged 11 ppg the 2 years he was there. He hasn't averaged over 5.8 since. Theo Ratliff had his 4 highest averages with AI. Ty Hill had some of his better scoring seasons with AI. Matt Geiger had his career high with Philly.

Alls I'm saying is that AI is a great player that has been on a lot of VERY average teams. And he actually does make some players play better. Now he ain't Magic Johnson or Bird (so he doesn't make everyone better). But looking at the career of Jordan, we see that a player can actually change his mental outlook and become the ultimate team player...making all those around him play their best. If Iverson could do that, how could you say no to at least making an effort to get him?

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Is there not anyone in this Forum that sees any positive in having Iverson on our team if we could get him for Al and Chillz?

He's old, and wearing out. He's an outdated player to boot.

Once again, I like the team we got right now...but if averaging 33points on 45 % shooting, 7 and a half assists to 3 and a half turnovers, 81% from the line and 2 steals a game is the game of an old, worn out, outdated player...then sign me (and the entire Hawks team) up for a game of bingo, buy me some Bermuda shorts and black church socks, and turn on the Matlock because I want to be old, worn out, and outdated like that.

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If he is as great as you say then why is he on the trading block?

Because Philly wants to go in a different direction.

Because their BK might be dumber than our BK.

Because Iverson and Webber shot a bird to the fans on fan appreciation day.


Why has Philly been in the Lottery 2 of the last 3 years with him?

It aint' because of AI. He plays the game harder than anyone out there. Look at his team - it's not a playoff team. If Webber were the Webber of 7-8 years ago, it'd be a different story.


Why was Webber complaining about playing with him when he came?

Never heard that.


Why does Igodala get 5-6 shots per game?

Because that's his role.


Why did Larry Brown have trouble coaching him?

Because Larry Brown has trouble coaching everyone.


Why does Iverson think practice is a waste of time?

Because Iverson busts his butt every game and with his frame his body gets destroyed in the process. How many games has he missed due to injury in his career? If you were his coach, would you rather force him through practice, or have him for an entire season on the floor of real games?

I would love to have AI here. To win a championship, you have to have at least two all-star caliber players. You'd have that with AI and Joe. Being conservative all the time and saying "oh, we have to develop" or "something better will come along" all the time cripples teams. Throw caution to the wind baby. If AI was there for Chillz and Al, I'd already have him at Phillips sporting his Dale Murphy throwback jersey.

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Guest Walter


Is there not anyone in this Forum that sees any positive in having Iverson on our team if we could get him for Al and Chillz?

For that price I'd most definately do it. It would be exciting to watch us in the playoffs and a guess on my part as too how far such a team could go. If we were 2 years more along in development or Iverson were 2 years younger, I'd pay alot more for him.

He's not perfect, but he plays harder than anyone and he's shown he can carry a team to the title game something we haven't had perhaps ever.

The court ruling kills this idea dead, however.


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