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Just imaging the Hawks as the new Defensive kings.


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We'd go from giving up 104 ppg to giving up 88 ppg. Atlanta would be called Block city. or my favorite.. "The SWATS"...

Has there ever been a team in basketball HISTORY with 3 players that averaged over 2 blocks per game?

Then we change from defense to offense by bringing Marvin, Zaza, and JChillz in the game.

Let's talk to Philly and get a Lue for Dalembert deal done after this Al trade is finished.

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Just imagine when it comes time to give Marvin Williams and Josh Smith their extensions, and the Hawks can't do it because they are paying this stiff (Dalembert) $10+ million to average 7 points and 8 rebounds a game for them.

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There wil be nothing that stops us from resigning our stars...

Come on KB... If you really think that, then you really think that we will sign NOBODY else until these guys are resigned and even at that, we can only resign one!

That's foolishness.

let me let you in on another secret... if we go out and get Magloire... He's going to ask for 70+ Million. If we get Big Z.. There's no way he's going to take a paycut from what he's already making.

If we decide to do nothing about our C position... we're never going to win nothing. It's just that simple. That's why you see us making it an issue NOW rather than after we resign Marvin and Smoove.

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Just imagine when it comes time to give Marvin Williams and Josh Smith their extensions, and the Hawks can't do it because they are paying this stiff (Dalembert) $10+ million to average 7 points and 8 rebounds a game for them.

I agree KB. I like Dalembert but he's not worth his contract. Regardless, our ownership situation is in such flux right now that I'm sure BK is not allowed to take on Dalembert's monstrous contract this year anyway.

I'd rather sign a cheap defensive C like Kelvin Cato for 1-2 years, see how this team plays this year, and then use the draft pick that we get from the Harrington trade to pick a defensive C in the 2007 draft or try and sign Magloire to a decent FA contract in the summer of 2007.

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Come on KB... If you really think that, then you really think that we will sign NOBODY else until these guys are resigned and even at that, we can only resign one!

That's foolishness.

I find it hillarious that KB talks about the cap, but doesn't quite understand it. Adding Dalembert doesn't take away our ability to give the Joshes and Marvin extensions, we could still offer all of them Max extensions(I don't think they are all worth that). There is nothing in the CBA that prohibits that for us.

This is true but if we do trade for Dalembert and also sign Marvin and Josh to max extensions then we will definitely be in luxury tax land when you also factor in JJ's deal. That would also mean that we couldn't possibly sign Chill to an extenstion either.

I just don't see our ownership group going down that road nor do I think BK will think that it is the right thing to do, and neither do I for that matter.

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I know you desperately want KB to be stupid, but it is you who've failed to comprehend here. KB didn't say we'd be capped out so we couldn't fit Josh or Marvin under the cap. He implied we couldn't afford to sign both with an extra 10 million contract.

ATLspirit wants to spend the cap, but they don't want to get into luxury tax territory. We'll be there and then some if we take on Dalembert's contract and then have to sign Smoove and Marvin to max deals.

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I know you desperately want KB to be stupid, but it is you who've failed to comprehend here.

No you see CBAReject, I actually know about the CBA and about our cap situation, unlike you and KB. Taking on his contract would not put us at the luxury tax until the 09-10 season IF Marvin and the Joshes did get Max extensions and the Cap somehow slowed down and didn't increase at a somewhat normal rate.

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Before you can even be concerned about Luxury tax... You should be more concerned about winning. I think if you set the table now by getting a quality defensive Big to anchor our C position, it puts us in the best position to win. There will be plenty of turnover before we even begin discussing Marvin & Josh's big money salary... That's the nature of Basketball. Before we even get there JJ's contract will be up. Now, do you see us paying JJ more than 70 million dollars? Before we get there, Zaza's contract will be up. Before we get there, I'm sure we would have made other trades. But to sit here with a somewhat incomplete team and say... " Oh no, we're not going to make moves to try to compete for a championship.. we're just going to hold on to our precious cap and hope for the best...".. That makes me say.. Why have a team in the first place? The only reason you play is to win. Not to see who's the best manager of money.. but to win. If you're not in it to win it, you shouldn't be in it at all. Granted, there are times to be conservative with money... However, there are also times when you have to spend money on the players which help to complete your team the best. In Dalembert, I see a player who can help complete our C rotation. We may debate weather or not he is the best man for the job, but at 24 years old and having been in the league a few years, and being a young athletic C, I like the thought of having him.. especially if Woody likes him!

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Yeah. because they are paying this stiff (Dalembert) $10+ million to average 7 points and 8 rebounds a game for them.

Forget the money, Dalembert is sorry. People here talk about how good philly's players are all of the time. And the logic behind trading for players like AI with his big contract dispite a bad record is that his supporing cast is bad.

Weeks later the same people turn around and want to sign his supporting cast for big money confused.gif

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You're from Pennsylvania right?

Maybe you have a natural bias against 76ers.. If I delve into the stacks, I could probably prove that so.. but that's beside the point.

Let's look at why Dalembert.

You say he's sorry.

I say 26 mpg, 8 rpg, and 2.4 bpg. He's 24 years old. He's 6'11 245 lbs. He's a running Center. He fits our needs because he's defensive. He fits our needs because he's young and can grow with the team. He fits our needs because he's a runner. He fits our needs because he's worked with Woody before. He fits our needs because he seems like the perfect compliment to Zaza at the C position.

Maybe he's not a top offensive player. Does that matter that much? I don't think so. We have other offensive players. Offense doesn't seem to be our problem. What he does do that makes him not sorry to me is that he plays defense. He can stop that open line of players coming down the lane scoring at will.

If the 76ers feel that he's sorry.. GOOD! Maybe they'll give him up for Lue and a 2nd round pick!!

I say we should be investigating this sorry player!

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We have plenty of assets if we want to make FA moves. The funny part in all this is if we made those 2 trades, we wouldn't be over the cap...(regular cap) until 2009, 2010... and that depends on how much we sign Chillz and Smoove for.

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You say he's sorry.

I am not the only one who thinks that he is! Look like his head coach agrees with me because he doesn't even start ahead of a journeyman center that philly tried to trade at mid season. The word is that he is carrying a box of rocks upstairs with zero backetball IQ. Why in h_ll would you want to spend $50 mil plus on a player like that?

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Because the box of rocks can block 2.4 shots in 26 minutes and is a defensive intimidator...

Oh yeah... why did Cheeks sit Dalembert... Have you ever heard of the "Doghouse"?


After getting into an argument with Samuel Dalembert late in the season, Cheeks told Dalembert to leave practice, according to team sources. Dalembert defiantly refused. So Cheeks ended up walking out of practice himself. (The team officially denied that this occurred, of course.)

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I am not the only one who thinks that he is! Look like his head coach agrees with me because he doesn't even start ahead of a journeyman center that philly tried to trade at mid season.

Remember that he started the season injured and only played 3 games in november. At the end of February he got hurt again and when he came back he was definitely in the doghouse. But his numbers in Dec-Feb weren't bad at all.

In Dec he averaged 8.2 pts, 9.6 rebounds and 3.2 blocks shooting 56%. In Jan he averaged 11/11 with 3.4 blocks shooting 60%. In Feb he averaged 7.5/8.9 with 3.25 blocks shooting 52%.

He certainly doesn't suck. His poor hands and poor IQ certainly are concerns though, as is his contract. I have seen him look like an All-Star and at other times look invisible. I am basically on the fence with him.

But when I look around the league I don't see a lot of options for the Hawks to aquire a quality center. And they won't become contenders until they get one.

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In my opinion, I think that coaching ability has alot to do with a team being a defensive king. We were defensive kings once upon a time with coach Wilkens' defensive mindset and theory of the game, Mutumbo's blocks, and Blaylock steals. I cant see that happening now unless the IQ and philosophy of the current coaching staff changes significantly

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Oh yeah... why did Cheeks sit Dalembert... Have you ever heard of the "Doghouse"?

yeah, I've heard of the Doghouse which is a house where Dogs live as in ugly dates & sorry players. Look, Philadelphia was not exactly a defensive juggernut allowing over a 100 points per game with teams shooting over 46% against them good for 25th and 22nd in the league. And you know that I am getting tired of asking this question but here we go again. If Dalembert is so good, why did Philly have trouble stopping the Hawks last year? And why would he be a better pro in Atlanta than in Philly?

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If Dalembert is so good, why did Philly have trouble stopping the Hawks last year?

Philly Atlanta Game 1

Dalembert 33 minutes. 11 rebounds, 2 blocks. 76ers won..

Philly Atlanta Game 2

Dalembert 25 minutes, 7 rebs, 1 block. We won.

Yes, we won..

But Iverson had 53 points. 53 POINTS... where was our defense??

Philly Atlanta Game 3.

Dalembert 13 minutes, 5 rebs, 0 blocks. 76ers won.

Phi vs PHO

This is just something I ran across. IN a losing effort, Dalembert in 33 minutes PULLS DOWN 22 rebounds and 3 blocks.

Now, to answer your question.. why couldn't the 76ers stop anybody? Because of the bad defensive scheme that the 76ers use. They like to put Dalembert in the high post because Chris Webber is to slow to move his feet and does better low post. Well, how do you take you best shot blocker away from the basket and expect to do well defensively??

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