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Some people are Conductors, some are Convertors


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To whom it may concern:

If it aint directed towards you ignore this

To my utter dissapointment you have doubtlessly led me to the notion that men (at least those on this board) are really pigs.

In no way will I ever agree with anyone for just for the sake of fitting in. There is so much that I could say and would like to say, but I choose to relish in the fact that you are not worthy of any information. Yes, I do toy with your emotions, because you all deserve to be toyed with. There is a little word out there called "Privey" and none of you all are intitled to that and it kills you. I will always stand by my opinions and my knowledge of the game (though still learning) whether a bunch of has beens agree's with me or not. You all hold me to such a high standard that you dissapoint YOURSELVES. You make YOURSELVES look "ignorent, stupid," and whatever other names you have called me. YOU think it's cute, and clever the things you all say on this bored, to me or to each other? Well it's not.

I never came on this bored saying that I was a Novelist but dammit, believe me all the crap yall say just gives me the self-reserve to work even harder. You all are pathetic, boring, no back-bone, lonely men that get your excitement off of playing "NBA House"! "I'm the Coach." "No I'm the coach." "Well I wanna be the GM" WTF. None of yall don't know anything. It's all OPINIONS. Hell the People who work for the darn company (players, and all) don't know everthing. So please stop acting like you all are BASKETBALL GODS! Cause you are not!

You all hide behind your shoulda, coulda's, and woulda's about where you would have like to end up in life, and crap on someone that has the edge that you didn't have, or wish you had the guts to go after. Don't hate on me cause I got the heart to go after my dreams and decided not to settle. Thats it! You all are settlers, and you are a hot mess over it.

My overall perception of the people on this board has now been confirmed. You all are a bunch of FAT old men sitting on your BUTTS bored with life. You have a wife that's has no figure, you don't even sleep in the same bed as her and you sit back and yank your yanky's to my posts.

Now that I have gotten that off my chest, whatever the consequences are, Oh well. If you band me then fine, if you delete the tread then fine. Whatever. But if you can talk about my panties, if I have a big Butt or not, or about how I look, then I can say what I want.

Screw those who deserve to be screwed frown.gif

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To whom it may concern:

If it aint directed towards you ignore this

To my utter dissapointment you have
led me to the notion that men (at least those on this board) are really pigs.

In no way will I ever agree with anyone for just for the sake of fitting in. There is so much that I could say and would like to say, but I choose to relish in the fact that you are not worthy of any information. Yes, I do toy with your emotions, because you all deserve to be toyed with. There is a little word out there called "Privey" and none of you all are intitled to that and it kills you. I will always stand by my opinions and my knowledge of the game (though still learning) whether a bunch of has beens agree's with me or not. You all hold me to such a high standard that you dissapoint YOURSELVES. You make YOURSELVES look
, stupid," and whatever other names you have called me. YOU think it's cute, and clever the things you all say on this
, to me or to each other? Well it's not.

I never came on this
saying that I was a Novelist but dammit, believe me all the crap yall say just gives me the
to work even harder. You all are pathetic, boring, no back-bone, lonely men that get your excitement off of playing "NBA House"! "I'm the Coach." "No I'm the coach." "Well I wanna be the GM" WTF. None of yall don't know anything. It's all OPINIONS. Hell the People who work for the darn company (players, and all) don't know everthing. So please stop acting like you all are BASKETBALL GODS! Cause you are not!

You all hide behind your shoulda, coulda's, and woulda's about where you would have like to end up in life, and crap on someone that has the edge that you didn't have, or wish you had the guts to go after. Don't hate on me cause I got the heart to go after my dreams and decided not to settle. Thats it! You all are settlers, and you are a hot mess over it.

My overall perception of the people on this board has now been confirmed. You all are a bunch of FAT old men sitting on your BUTTS bored with life. You have a wife that's has no figure, you don't even sleep in the same bed as her and you sit back and yank your yanky's to my posts.

Now that I have gotten that off my chest, whatever the consequences are, Oh well. If you
me then fine, if you delete the tread then fine. Whatever. But if you can talk about my panties, if I have a big Butt or not, or about how I look, then I can say what I want.

Screw those who deserve to be screwed

If you are going to call someone ignorant, you should at least make an attempt to spell the word correctly.

And for your information, I think my wife is beautiful.

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Yes, I do toy with your emotions, because you all deserve to be toyed with.

Not sure how one distinguishes who deserves it and who doesn't (???). Are some posts marked as such and I just missed it? Or is it an "all men are pigs" thing? *scratching head (...with all due respect to the Annointed One)*

EDIT: Hold it... maybe this post wasn't even directed at meeeeeeeeeee?????? Hmmmmm... I guess I feel okay then. tongue.gif

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why are you making posts like these? just ignore stuff man...you can't go through life letting these things get to you...if that were the case, diesel would have a post once a day dedicated to how much people get on his case and he's had enough....

people wil disagree, people will call you out, people will question you...especially when you claim to have inside info...it's part of life..doing a post like this only makes it worse.

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why are you making posts like these? just ignore stuff man...you can't go through life letting these things get to you...if that were the case, diesel would have a post once a day dedicated to how much people get on his case and he's had enough....

people wil disagree, people will call you out, people will question you...
especially when you claim to have inside info
...it's part of life..doing a post like this only makes it worse.


I may be assuming too much, but the impression I'm left with is that Princess does indeed have access to some inside info from time to time, but probably through some channel other than being a member of the media. Just the overall impression she leaves with her writing and with the attitude she puts forward.

Regardless, I like her... hmmm... in the words of the great media executive Lou Grant of WJM-TV... "spunk." grin.gif

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You all are a bunch of FAT old men sitting on your BUTTS bored with life.

Wouldn't this be considered a sexist comment?

Chill out BBP, you are blowing up because someone doesn't agree with you on something or they pissed you off. It isn't that big of a deal and if you keep this up you definitely will have the reputation of someone who is narrow-minded and hotheaded.

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No one else on this site had a poll asking what they looked like IRL so yeah, if you were bothered by her original post you probably didn't have a problem trying to bring her IRL life into things.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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No one else on this site had a poll asking what they looked like IRL so yeah, if you were bothered by her original post you probably didn't have a problem trying to bring her IRL life into things.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Seriously that other thread was out of line. Does anyone else care who else is good looking on this site? No. Get over the fact she is a woman and treat her like any other poster. I don't think she is asking for anything more.

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I read this board as I leisure activity. I actually would never dream of doing something as trivial as covering sports for a living so you got me there.

So I ask you, is this rant really not your own self conciousness about being a "reporter" covering ten men running up and down the court? Not a doctor, policeman or firefighter...professions that actually matter. Sports are merely a subset of the entertainment industry, the fluff of society. It could disappear tomorrow and we'd survive just fine. So how do you deal with such insignificance, i.e. being a wannabe "journalist" with vague "scoops" regarding a relatively moribund franchise? Is that really something to hang your hat on?

P.S. Midol does wonders.

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No one else on this site had a poll asking what they looked like IRL so yeah, if you were bothered by her original post you probably didn't have a problem trying to bring her IRL life into things.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Seriously that other thread was out of line. Does anyone else care who else is good looking on this site? No. Get over the fact she is a woman and treat her like any other poster. I don't think she is asking for anything more.

you are totally right on the money. whomever started that silly poll took the wrong angle. if you will notice my comments on that thread did not address the original subject.

but i do agree.

now back to openly flaming a poster. if they deserve it they deserve it. heck Diesel get's flamed on here almost daily for his shenanigans.

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I think the question begs, how is your love life? You keep coming to this board for attention. Your first post was not about basketball it was about you. I have had "inside" information before a trade was announced, but I did not come on this board and tease people with that knowledge. Unlike you, whom may or may not know anything, you tease without releasing anything of import. For all we know you are stalking Harrington!

Most people that come to this board (I think) really love the sport itself, as I do. What I don't come here for is self-centered BS like yours, everything your post is meant to get you more attention.

Let's cut through the chase Honey, if you have some important information you are willing to share, please do. If not, don't ruin this board for those that come here for information, with you narcissism!

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You think it is perfectly ok to come into a thread and flame someone, entitling your post "Bull Crap!!", but then when we respond in kind you whine sexism because you can't handle it.

You don't know basketball or writing worth a crap, that is obvious. And you say we are all fat, lazy and unsuccessful yet there are plenty of people here who are more successful than you could ever hope to be.

If I have a legal or medical question, for example, I know exactly which poster who can give expert advice in those areas.

There are people he from all ages and all walks of life. Some play basketball and some don't. But almost without fail they obviously know more about the game than you, and for the most part can write much more coherently.

The bottom line is don't start what you can't finish. If you don't like being flamed then maybe it would be a good idea not to jump into a thread flaming.

For most of us that would be just common sense but for you it obviously isn't.

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YOu know, I stopped reading after the pig statement. I don't think any guy who frequents this site doubts the pig in him. I sure don't. It's kind of part of our nature. What does it matter to you miss thang? I have said it before and I'll say it again. For someone who could actually come to this site and contribute meaningful inside info, you sure have a bad habit of getting completely distracted by people you claim to be disrespecting you. Why do you care? Where is your professionalism? You don't even come off as that bright with the way you present alot of your ideas...yet you DEMAND respect. I think you are on a high-horse and quite honestly, a fraud. You may have some access to insider info but your delivery is sophomoric and infantile. I suggest, if you really want to be taken seriously, to stick with giving us the supposedly inside scoop on whatever the topic du jour is. And when someone makes a comment you don't like, try taking the high road and ignore them. You'll be surprised how many more people will lend you credence that way. But I'm just a pig, what do I know?

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