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I hope Jeff Suppan gets Parkinsons


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Read the article on MSN. It talks about the stem-cell ads that Michael J. Fox is in and the counter ads with Suppan and Mike Sweeney.

Suppan talks about "what you don't read" in the bill.

please. I'm sure he's pro-bush and pro-life.

Think he read the Patriot Act? Or more recently the Military Commissions Act, which does away with Habeus Corpus and in doing so basically ends the Bill of Rights for some.

Just shut the F$ck up if you don't know what you're talking about.

Go Tigers!

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Mann....you are so smart. I'm glad there are people like you to inspire us to see the wrongdoings in the world. You really have a way with words!! Thank you so much. Please keep us informed as I for one am too meek and powerless to achieve such brilliant intellectual stature as you. God bless you!!

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Dude, you are such an @sshole.

I'm pointing out an idiotic player that knows nothing about how government should work and is trying to deny thousands if not millions of people the quality of life they deserve.

The arguments against stem-cell research are faith based and I do not respond to fairy tale logic.

Why don't you go join up?

I want people's lives to improve. Not control them. It's people like you that are killing the American spirit you ignorant retaliatory shell of a human.

Give an opinion on the topic if you want to hate on my ideas.

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That's what I thought. You're empty.

As you've said nothing I assume you aren't educated enough on a cultural level to respond with an opinion.

Dislike me. I don't care. I just want better for people. Even you.

But there are limits. Some people deserve to have misery.

If Jeff Suppan wants those who are suffering to continue to do so because his magical book says so then he deserves to suffer.


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No, No!!! I was empty...before I found you!! Now I am starting to be full of love and yearning and understanding!!! You make me see the light my friend. Who here has not been deeply touched by your words. I ask you to forgive me for my shortcomings. I just want to walk with you and hopefully, I too will be full like you. But I am empty as you say. Please keep filling me up. I am not full. FILL US ALL, I BEG OF YOU!!!!!

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That's what I thought. You're empty.

As you've said nothing I assume you aren't educated enough on a cultural level to respond with an opinion.

Dislike me. I don't care. I just want better for people. Even you.

But there are limits. Some people deserve to have misery.

If Jeff Suppan wants those who are suffering to continue to do so because his magical book says so then he deserves to suffer.


Politics is all bullshyt anyway. Not any of them care about the truth.

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...Politics is all bullshyt anyway. Not any of them care about the truth...

Exactly right Hot...how can you tell they're lying?...their mouths are moving. smirk.gif

That said...the Repubs should have known they can't "swift boat" Marty McFly. He's an American icon and very good on a skateboard.

sure...he's from Canada...but he's a made American citizen. Those boys picked the wrong fight (IMHO).

for a political junkie like me - these next two weeks ought to be awesome. Hopefully it won't cost too many of my fellow veterans' lives.

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The biggest disgrace is how Rush Limbaugh has responded to the ad. He said that Fox was acting, and when he said this he started shaking and mimicing Fox. He also said Fox was "off his meds" and that is why he was shaking. Of course, he doesn't know that Fox was shaking because of the medication. That is a side effect of the meds, and if the patient doesn't take them they become almost comatose. By the way, Limbaugh is the last person who should be talking about people taking their meds. What he and the people in this new ad don't understand is the Fox ad isn't powerful because he's famous, it's powerful because of the way he looks in it. It is really sad to watch, and it would be no matter who the patient was. Of course, Rush and his cronies on the right didn't complain when Fox did an ad for Republican Arlen Spector because of his support for stem cell research.

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Rush picked the wrong fight. Rush and "Arlen - single bullet - Specter....LOL.

At least nine bullets were fired in Dealy Plaza that day in 1963. Most (if not all were accounted for). Dealey Plaza was a killing zone - triangulated - with the best shot coming from the closest spot (grassy knoll fence).

Why would a lone assassin wait to shoot downhill and curving (left at the time) and through a tree - when the 6th floor of the school book depository was the easiest shot for a lone gunman - just shoot him coming at you. DUHHHHHH. triangulation of fire. It is a near miracle that Jackie wsan't hurt or killed. Phuck Conally and LBJ - they were in on it.

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First I think it's wrong for anyone to critize someones pain, but not their policies...that being said, I also know that you destroy your argument when you call someones faith a "fairy tale". You've lost any chance of them even considering your logic.

Most Christians aren't against stem cell research, but are against the way some want them to be harvested. To create a human life (an embroy can only become a human), just to kill it for study or to save someone else is inhuman. Now if the human life dies on it's own that's a different story. For non-religious people, if you're willing to create a human life just to kill it for the betterment of others, then why stop there. Create full adult human clones, to later harvest their body parts for the original (see the movie "The Island"). Why not! A human life is a human life, regardless of affliction. Would you murder babies to cure AIDS (my aunt and uncle died of aids in the late 80's and their life wasn't worth the murder of another life).

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The issue with regard to stem cell research and fertility/abortion clinics is pretty simple.

The cells that are going to be destroyed after an abortion or that are going to be destroyed because they have gone unused in a fertility clinic should be used for stem cell research instead.

What a waste to simply destroy those cells instead of trying to use them for the greater good of mankind.

When the choice is to either destroy an existing cell or use it for research (there are no other choices) you are a far, far way from organ harvesting and other members of the parade of horribles here.

I agree that calling someone's religious beliefs a "fairy tale" is going to alienate them before they even consider what you have to say.

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First off let me give my condolences for your aunt and uncle.

Secondly, I don't care if you don't understand my position.

Is it a life when you decide that the opposite sex is hot?

Conception started in your mind right?

I have no respect for religion in general. It is the most primitive, divisive form of human gathering that has ever occured.

What gives you the right to think that I'm going to burn in hell because I don't believe in your book.

See, I can go all day. All you've got is faith. I have facts.

You are entitled to your own opinion. Not your own FACTS!

All Christian arguments come from the same place. An uneducated one.

Your book is based on lies and you are a sheep if you believe in it.

Just one more thing. Do you think God is happy with the death count from all the religious wars?

Do you realize there are a billion people in India who think you're wrong and feel sorry for your soul?

And a billion more in the middle east and asia that think you're going to hell and want you to get there quick?

So, in summation: Will someone tell me how being intollerant of people who think I will burn in hell is wrong?

Religion is silly.

What kind of man buys into stories so full of holes?

And then discriminates against those who don't?

A christian zealot.

This conversation is pointless.

Unless you give me video evidence of the ressurection on You Tube you should just assume I might be right.

Or the Muslims

Or the Hindus

Or the Buddhists

Or the Native Americans (which I descend from)

Seriously, This religious idealism that pervades this world is destroying the true loving people of it.

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What gives you the right to think that I'm going to burn in hell because I don't believe in your book.

Ever considered Judaism?

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Please do not take this as an assault, but I am genuinely curious about what your feelings are about death and what (if anything in your opinion) happens after that?

The other question I have is:

Have you had a bad experience when speaking to Christians in the past who judged you and told you that you were going to hell if you did not believe just like them?

Again, please do not think that this is an attack. I would just like to better understand where you are coming from.

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My answer to you is that I don't know and it would be naive of me to presume.

The other answer is also yes.

All religions put their followers in a positon of condescension towards all non believers.

That is unacceptable behavior to me for adults.

No one knows!

Just think of how silly it all sounds.

It is a book written by many, many fallable MEN over many, many years.

I'm a nice guy, I'm just not crazy.

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