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Mike Vick's "water bottle"?


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I really don't care what anyone does in their personal life, so long as it does not harm anyone. This harms the Falcons. How childish. This guy is a total joke. What a leader. He's Mike Vick, you would think he would have dealers everywhere!

Here's the story:


This says a few things. First, do you want your QB getting high?

Secondly, what kind of decision making does it show? Aside from actually getting high, which is not a good decision for an NFL QB, he thought he could sneak weed through a water bottle? Was he high? Oh, wait.

I'm sure his defense will be that he didn't know it was there. He sure didn't want to give it to the officers though.

The sad thing is, I think Petrino will make Vick look much better. He will never be the kind of honest, intelligent, dedicated player we could all be proud of though. Who knows where this will all lead?

One thing is for sure, this story does not need to go away. I think Vick has to grow up and be a man. Petrino needs to put his foot down.

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I could care less that he's smoking, but trying to sneak it on a plane, in this day and age, shows that he's not the smartest guy in the room.

The organization will stand behind him and he'll end up getting off free and clear because it's their word against his that his water bottle was the only one in the container. A container that is there to ONLY hold disposed water bottles. All he has to say is "that wasn't mine" and they can't charge him with anything.

On the off chance, the wild off chance that he does get something out of this and the league suspends him for the first four games of the season. It may well be the last we see of Vick. Because Petrino isn't going to go through training camp and practices with Vick as his starter when he won't be there for the first four games. We'll have to wait nad see what happens, if anything. Again I suspect he'll get off.

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well, I don't think his contract is the problem many think it is. There are plenty of teams in need of a QB and in need of star power that they would take him.

As far as the organization, I think they'll dress him down. But beyond that, there won't be anything other than public support thrown his way. There's no way he gets in trouble for this, there are simply too many loopholes for him to get out of it. So the team will side with the lack of evidence and support him.

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Unless there is something Federal because it was boarding a plane. From what I read there was just "residue" in the hidden compartment - so he won't likely be charged.

The Bigger questions are - why in the world was MV flying AirTran? I mean heck MV...charter a plane and get as high as you want. Or at least bring along one of your posse to act as the mule.

The whole thing sounds fishy - - - more than likely MV is just a great athlete/good QB...who likes to smoke weed and makes dumb mistakes.

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I know. If you have 100 million bucks, it seems like you would avoid getting caught with pot. I mean it's pot. It's not like you can't buy it and smoke it in your own home in this country.

The only way to get in trouble for pot is to try to sell it, smuggle it in the country, or get on a freaking commercial plane with it. What an idiot.

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I'm a big Vick fan, but this is just stupid. He could have paid someone to DRIVE to Miami and get his pot. Why take something onto a plane?

However the smoking doesn't really bother me as probably 50% of the league smokes, even in basketball.

Either way, this is just something stupid that never needed to happen.

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but how does smoking weed make you a bad leader?

Are you serious? He's the highest paid player in football. He's an NFL OB, not a defensive end. He has plays to remember, etc.

Obviously you don't understand. When Rich McKay goes on tv that day, it is a problem.

He has embarrassed the organization again with his stupidity.

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way to go, you've earned the "lets make excuses for the pampered athlete" post of the week. Your entire post is making excuses for his actions and absolving him of accountability for those actions.

I could care less if Mike smokes. I could care less if the preacher up the street is a drunk. The problem comes when these people let their vices interfere with their responsibilities. When the preacher gets a DUI or comes to church drunk, that's a problem! When the high paid athlete who is portrayed as a role model tries to sneak weed through the airport, that's a damned problem. It shows that they are weak willed people who lack the self control to put their responsibilies before their vices. They should be held accountable for their actions, period. Mike Vick represents a team, a company and a city, and if he can't grasp the nature of that responsibility, if he can't accept it, then he shouldn't have taken the job. Because by taking the job, he accepted the responsibility of representing himself and his company in a certain way, just as the preacher did. People shouldn't be excused when they let their personal problems get so out of control that they can't meet those expectations. In Mike's case, it's simply a lack of respect for his job and his fans and by pretending it doesn't matter you only increase the notion he can do whatever he wants to do.

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