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And the Survey Says...


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NBA GM's were polled about who they thought would go from picks 3-5 and to show how well they all know BK...

There was an even split between Wright and Horford. No mention of Conley or Yi. It may just be a Hawksquawk dream that Yi is being considered. NBA GM's are in the loop and talking all the time and the fact that half are saying Wright just proves that BK is an idiot because I truly believe he is the frontrunner if we keep the pick.

BK has a disease called "forward with long arm disease". Billy just can't walk away from long and lean forwards.

If we pick Wright we all need to call Bernie Mullin and blast the hell out of those clowns.

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No, I'm inclined to believe they know more about what we are doing than guys on this board. That is one way the Shelden thing leaked last year.

BK has been talking to a lot of GM's about various things and I would guess they know a little more than the average fan. If they say were down to Wright or Horford if we keep the pick then I'm a little worried. They also know we flew out and saw Yi and yet nobody was saying anything about Yi to the Hawks.

There is a chance certainly that BK has thrown them off the trail. There is also a good chance we are down to Wright and Horford. Almost every mock I've seen has us with these two guys, mainly Wright. Where there is smoke there is fire and last year we were all on here saying there is no way the rumors could be true, blah blah. Turns out BK was an idiot then, and the jury is out on his idiocy this year. But you have to admit that drafting in the lottery is not his strength.

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I said it before but if they don't trade the pick they are much more likely to draft Yi or Horford. Horford and Yi are emerging as the two most talked about guys in terms of pure talent in this draft outside of the big two. It would not surprise me in the least if Knight drafted horford to play C/PF or brought in Yi for his unique skills at PF. I just can not see them drafting Wright.

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The Shelden pick got leaked Because Shelden's agent leaked it in order to get his other clients better draft positions. And it worked too. At the end of the day, Tellum had three clients and three promises. Unfortunately, the only promise we ever hear about was the Shelden promise. He also leaked the other promises too.

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I hope your right but slightly over half of the GM's pegged BK going for Wright. Take it for what its worth.

Plus, he is the one guy I would hate and would make my blood boil. BK always takes the one guy that pisses me off the most.

Funny, Jason and I were talking on the phone yesterday and we both agreed that Knight seems to have this uncanny ability to always take the one guy you absolutely do NOT want. Brandon Wright and to a lesser degree Noah would do it for me personally.

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BK's lack of ability to pick for need may be deficient. But you would really have to be a low-watt bulb to actually pick wright at that slot knowing what we need, what we have, and where we are at in our development. I don't think we'll pick Wright as I cannot see an ilch of logic in it.

But if we do (and don't trade him immediately), I will be at the forefront of the BK bashers.

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The Shelden pick got leaked Because Shelden's agent leaked it in order to get his other clients better draft positions. And it worked too. At the end of the day, Tellum had three clients and three promises. Unfortunately, the only promise we ever hear about was the Shelden promise. He also leaked the other promises too.

Who does Tellum have in this draft? "or" what agents have Horford and Wright. Has the Chinese gov't hired an agent for "Y!" ?

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The only way Wright is an option is if the only other guy you can take is Conley. If Knight picks Conley at 3 for us to keep I will never post here again. Thats how confident I am that Knight knows he is a bust. Wright is a prospect but BK cant wait for that anymore. If we keep 3 its Hortford, Noah or Yi.

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I could at least live with Horford as our pick, though he obviously would not be my first or even second preference. He at least has great skills as far as being an interior presence, but then again it seems he might just replicate the skills that Shelden Williams could and is supposed to have- so Horford might be just sort of an upgraded version of Shelden. IMO still not what we need, but given his skill-set and obvious talent- I could live with him.

Brandan Wright on the other hand would make me sick. It really would. That pick would be completely indefensible as far as I'm concerned, and if that were to happen I just might have to give my Hawks 'fanship' a rest until BK is finally out of here. There comes a breaking point in nearly everything, a time when you have no choice but to say 'enough's enough'... and Brandan Wright at #3 might just be the straw that breaks this particular camel's back. I honestly don't know that I could take it.

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I have nothing personal against this Conley kid. I just think he really isnt all that. He is not even close to the best point guard in this draft. I am a man of my word and I will never post again here if we take him at 3 and I do enjoy talking about the Hawks here. Im not the only one who thinks Conley will be a bust but one of the few on this board. I am a die hard fan and would root for him if we take him after a couple weeks of massive depression cause in my heart I will know we blew the 3rd pick in the draft. If we keep 3 Im not 100% sure who I want out of Hortford, Noah and Yi. Im a little scared of Yi but really never saw him play a second vs real comp. so who knows. Noah shoulder is a concern esp. with the no holds barred way he plays the game. We just saw Sheldens rookie year almost completely hampered by a shoulder injury and he plays that same dive on the floor for a penny style as Noah. I guess I am leaning toward Hortford if we keep the pick. I know for sure I want Law at 11. We need that leadership and Mr clutch attitude here.

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Ok guys we take Take Horford or YI this is yet another lottery pick comming off the bench. That would make it 3 lottery picks in the last 4 years we have coming off the bench this is ridculous. Are we some eltie franchise where we can have lottery picks sit on the bench for us thats unheard of considering we are the laughing stocks of the NBA. If we take either Horford or YI Josh Smith or Marvin Williams needs to be traded. Horford is not a center he has never played it. YI is tall but thats about it when it comes to centers he is SF in a PF/C centers body w/o the muscle yet. So explain to me how these picks make sense. We can all agree here that Joe Johnson is our starting 2 guard, Marvin by default (2nd overall pick) is our SF and Josh Smith is our PF of the future. If these guys are going to blossom and turn into the players we hope and want them to become they need PT and confidence. That means upwards of close to 35 mins a game each. That means the drafting of bench role scrub like Shelden Williams means he would be coming off the bench the rest of his career in Atlanta because he can not play center.

Now your telling me you wanna take yet another forward it would be the 9th one BK has taken in the 1st round to ride the bench???????? CMon now where the heck are these guys going to play and blossmum into stars if we already have two starters who we all want to be our stars. This doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me unless Marvin or Smith are traded to open up a starting Spot. THe pick of Shelden was just stupid picking another forward to ride the bench would be beyong stupid. We need to fill our huge holes which are PG and Center. Lets go out and get Gasol and Conley then we can call it a day or if YI can play center (Horford can not he is another shelden) Lets Get Yi to play center and Conley at the Point that would be 2 starters who fill a need. PLEASE no more forwards to ride the bench with SpedHead who is trash. I also believe COnleys value is going up i read earlier today the Bulls are working him out and Duhon is on the block now. So I dont know if he will drop to us at 11 we may have to trade up to get him. If we can land YI or Gasol to play center and take a Point with the 11th we are in good shape. I dont know if some of yuo remeber but our Point guards flat out suck they are old and short slow. Also Zaza is one of the worst defenders I ever seen in my life. Adding Yi or Gasols shotblocking/length/height too this team having Zaza come off the bench where he belongs would make us so much better. We cant afford to have no true PG or Center how many years are we going to keep passing up on Point Guards and Center IMO enuff is enuff lets stop with the BPA. Lets fill our huge needs... a key to nba championship is a PG and Center (Look at Spurs) how awesome they are with Parker and Tim Duncan. This year we have to make the playoffs or we are screwed. There is no welfare check next year we have no lottery picks. Its not like BK does anything good with them but still. Its playoffs next year or bust. This draft will determine the future of the Hawks we can not screw this one up.

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I hope your right but slightly over half of the GM's pegged BK going for Wright. Take it for what its worth.

Plus, he is the one guy I would hate and would make my blood boil. BK always takes the one guy that pisses me off the most.

Funny, Jason and I were talking on the phone yesterday and we both agreed that Knight seems to have this uncanny ability to always take the one guy you absolutely do NOT want. Brandon Wright and to a lesser degree Noah would do it for me personally.

a) I'd absolutely hate Brandan Wright

b) said it before, I'd hate Noah as the 3rd pick, would love him if he lasted as the 11th pick

Yi or Horford, sounds good to me.

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