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Falcons record this upcoming season


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Do we have any brave souls ready to project the number of wins/losses for the Falcons?

Im thinking 7 to 9 wins. Middle of the pack somewhere. I dont think we'll be horrible, but im not too sure if we'll make the playoffs either. The NFL is so competitive... i love it!

There are so 2 huge variables that makes it hard to predict

- Harrington as our starting QB.

- new coach Petrino.

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Don't sell the Falcons out - - Not yet, any way.

We didn't really expect to win EVERY game this season

with M.V.

With TWO quarterbacks now missing for the season, there is

still time to make moves. Depending what happens now

could make the difference.

Does any one know what, if anything, the guilty plea

will do for the Falcon's payroll? Will Atlanta have to

keep paying M.V. and have him count against the salary

cap for the year?

If so, we're somewhat screwed. If not, we got $$$$$$!


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We'll be 4-10 but then we'll beat a couple of teams resting their stars for the playoffs in the last two weeks. Some of us will [censored] about worsening our draft position. Others will call the victories "something to build on".

6-10 it is. Isn't 6-10 the single most common record in Falcons' history?

Who's glad we traded Schaub? hairpulling.gif God bless Michael Vick.

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Who's glad we traded Schaub?
God bless Michael Vick.

if we knew everything we know now back before the draft

we had so many options

- keep matt schaub.

- draft brady quinn

nobody seems to be giving Harrington a chance. im going to give Harrington a chance.

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Don't give up the season - Not yet.

If this had happened as pre-season was ending and there

was no time to recover, Falcons would be dead in the water.

It didn't. They have time to recover.

Loosing Shockley for the season right now is a bitter blow.

Harrington, while not an all star Q.B. may be better than

most are willing to give him credit for.

Who replaces Shockley? That's the big question right now.

Woe is me! Everything is lost because M.V. is gone!

Not! Some fans react as if M.V. was the only talent that

Atlanta had, and now he's gone.

Falcons still have the same defensive players that they

had before all this. They have added players since the

end of last season. They have new and different coaches

for their defensive schemes.

Ditto the offense - Minus Shockley and M.V.

Falcons aren't going to roll over and play dead (Notice

the dog play on words) but will fight with everything

they have.

Can't win without M.V.? Can't do anything without M.V.?

Try convincing all the Atlanta players how sorry they

are as players. Tell the new coach and all his staff

that they face the impossible. That they are now helpless

because M.V. is no longer a Falcon.

The Atlanta Falcons now have something to prove. Can they

even play at all without M.V.?

I expect, at minimum, to win half the games this season.

Crazy? Maybe so. Right now, all we can do is wait and

guess at the season's results.



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With TWO quarterbacks now missing for the season, there is

still time to make moves. Depending what happens now

could make the difference.

Does any one know what, if anything, the guilty plea

will do for the Falcon's payroll? Will Atlanta have to

keep paying M.V. and have him count against the salary

cap for the year?

If so, we're somewhat screwed. If not, we got $$$$$$!


I asked this last week and no one knew.

Last night on ESPN, Mark Clayton reported on the salary cap implications. He said this year we get a $6 million dollar break, next year a $7.5 m break, and in 09-10 we get a $8.5 to $9m break. About $24 m over the next 3 years.

The only quarterback he brought up of significance who is available is Kelley Holcombe.

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I am still a believer.

I really like our defense and think they can be dominant if healthy. The talent on defense is elite. We just have to pray Coleman and Abraham can stay healthy this year.

I see our defense keeping close in games. We should not get blown out. It will be up to our offense and Harrington not to beat our selves with turnovers and find ways to win close games.

Dunn's pass recieving skills have been waisted the last few seasons. Petrino will not let that happen. Look for Dunn to get out in space and recieve alot more passes while Norwood should carry more of the rushing load in his 2nd season.

I also think Petrino can find away to squeeze 20 points out of a dry sponge in the middle of the desert.

The difference in 7 W / 9 L and 9 W / 7 L season is so miniscule. It is just one fumble here or a 4th and 1 conversion there in difference. Petrino and his staff are known to be perfectionist who harp on the details. That shoud only help.

I say we suprise some people and the league with a 9 W / 7 L season. We get that 4th and 1 or recover that fumble.

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yeah, i know what you mean.

i think theres a very small difference (if any) between a 7-9 team and a 9-7 team. i think LUCK has more to do w/ it than anything. like u said "a fumble here... an interception here... etc"

i always saw DUNN as a playmaker. The guy can make nothing into something. Im hoping we utilize his talents well. Norwood is very similiar as well.

Joe Horn looks great. We finally have a #1 receiver on our team. Im hoping Jenkins can become a reliable #2 receiver.

i still stand w/ my original prediction.

we go 7-9, 8-8, or 9-7.

9-7 get us in the playoffs... rite? wild card perhaps?

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