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Petrino quits Falcons to take Arkansas job

Published on: 12/11/07

Falcons Coach Bobby Petrino abruptly resigned Tuesdsay as head coach to take the head coaching job at Arkansas, the Falcons confirmed to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Petrino called about 5:45 p.m. and resigned.

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This is a great thing for the Falcons. Petrino is a total lying hack. Complete scrub. Now that he's in the SEC, he'll be exposed even further. We were doomed with him so it's really like an early Christmas present to the Falcons! I want to remind everyone that he met with Auburn people behind Tubberville's back and Louisville's. I think he's had 15 jobs in 27 years or something. He's a liar and lost this team almost from the beginning. Grown men don't like being lied to.

Let's think of replacements.

Bill Cowher is one. Steve Mariucci is another. Tim Lewis. Actually, Our own Mike Zimmer might not be a bad choice. He's a very good coach who has won Super Bowls.

This is all so new. I honestley thought we would be stuck with Petrino for some time. I haven't thought about it.

I got it! Dan Reeves! He would be perfect if we could not get a Cowher type. It was a mistake to fire him. He was the best thing to happen to the Falcons and Dan is a forgiving man. I think he would relish a shot at redemption.

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Oh c'mon AHF...at least he's not taking a signing bonus with him. Can you imagine what he thought when he saw the BS his players had planned during MNF...a national stage where he wanted them to be professionals and focus on the task at hand?. Life's too short to put up with that cr@p if you don't have to. Besides, if he stayed here he would probably end up coaching Northern Iowa in a few years. He'll end up making that money back plus more chances are. Life's not all about money anyway...unless you can't afford cable eheheh.gif

I don't blame the guy one bit. Longterm it'll probably be best for the Falcons too...may as well pull a BK and break it all down and rebuild from scratch.

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...I got it! Dan Reeves! He would be perfect if we could not get a Cowher type. It was a mistake to fire him. He was the best thing to happen to the Falcons and Dan is a forgiving man...

Gotta agree with you there TMC, I always liked Dan. Let's see - MV7 has three notches on his six-shooter now. I guess Mora Senior was right.

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I lump him in with Nick Saban. Take from that what you will. Both guys heavily burned their bridges in the NFL, IMO. When a team commits that kind of $$ to you and you bail when things get tough it doesn't say much about your character.

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The only b*tches I can see are the people who think this guy was given a fair shake at coaching in the NFL. He has endured so much BS that I'm surprised he tolerated this joke of an organization this long. Petrino was screwed and anyone who thinks differently is seriously lacking in any form of rational and objective judgment.

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I lump him in with Nick Saban. Take from that what you will. Both guys heavily burned their bridges in the NFL, IMO. When a team commits that kind of $$ to you and you bail when things get tough it doesn't say much about your character.

You're better than that, AHF. The two are totally unrelated. Nick Saban had a 3 year deal in Miami and gave 2 full years. He had a winning record his first year and they had a rough year going 6-10 last year. Falling out of contention late. He had to deal with a number of injuries and no qb but his teams always came to play. Very unlike Bobby Petrino.

It's a little reckless to compare him to a guy who interviewed for someone else's job. Saban was not directly talking with Alabama until after the season. Shula had been fired. The pressure of having to answer the same question 50 times got to him and he made a "gotcha" statement that was later used against him. If anyone thinks he wasn't giving 100% mentally to winning the last two games with the Dolphins is being silly. They played hard and barely lost with Cleo Lemon at qb. After all of that, Bama was persistent and offered a lot of money and security. The security he would not have had had he started this season 0-3 or something at Miami. Cameron is a terrible HC, just like Petrino. That Miami team is better than a winless team. He didn't run out on them. They would have been in decent shape if not for Cameron. Ted Ginn jr? C'mon. Saban is a college guy. He doesn't really care about any burned bridges, I think. He's got one of the ultimate jobs in his profession. If he wins, why would he want to go anywhere else? Trust me, he won't be leaving Bama for any greener pastures. There really aren't any for football coaches.

Sorry if I'm coming off harsh, but I think your characterization is off base. Petrino is a scumbag. What has Nick Saban done? He told Huizenga his feelings and they both made a mutual decision. Really, I would have just punched Dan Lebetard in the face. Just losing your cool and basically saying to shut the f up about Alabama was much more civil. The reporters, if you can call them that, are at an all time low and manipulate events to facilitate garbage journalism. Like how ESPN just now tried to push a racism angle on Arthur Blank's chicken and fries comment. But that's for another thread!

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This is a pretty crappy move by Petrino but he doesn't have a history of doing this like Saban. Saban abandoned Miami after flat out saying that he would not be the Alabama coach. He is a snake in the grass and has done this every stop in his career. He did give up on the team the last 2 games of the season and it wasn't because of Saban that Miami played well his last 2 games, including a win over the Patriots. The problem with Miami is that they haven't drafted worth a damn since Jimmy left and Saban saw that it would take years to get the team headed back in the right direction. The Dolphins drafted very well this year, their best draft in a decade but there are far too many old players and far too many injuries combined with a rookie head coach.

There are rumors now that Cam may be going to Michigan which would give the team and Cam a mutual out and would allow Cowher to be the next head coach in Miami which he has been linked to since before he left Pittsburgh.

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Lumping Saban in with Petrino was probably too harsh.

Saban has done the repeated and bizarre comparisons of football to war (comparing his role as a coach to a general in a war with an extended metaphor that offended military personnel in 2005 and then following that up by comparing the loss to Louisiana-Monroe with Pearl Harbor and 9/11) but I'll take that over the backbiting job hunting that Petrino did during his tenure at Louisville.

The similarity I see with Saban and Petrino is that both lied about their intentions flat out to the media and jumped ship when things looked like they were going south.

When asked if he was considering the job at Alabama, Saban flat out told the public "I am not going to be the Alabama coach...I have told you three different times. I don't know how else to say it. I am not going to be the Alabama coach. I don't know why you keep asking me this. I am not going to be the Alabama coach." He then naturally accepted the job as head coach of Alabama. It wasn't a mutual decision - Saban bailed on the Dolphins. After he left Shula was the only member of the Dolphins who publically vented, saying "He has run away from the challenge." "That's obvious. He quit. He left." "It's unbelievable. There were four or five direct statements that were blatant lies. That tells you a little bit about the guy."

Yesterday, Petrino was asked if he was returning next year or considering Arkansas and told Arthur Blank and the press that he was not going anywhere. This was a similar kind of lie as Saban told when he left.

Although the Dolphins are too classy to say it, it is obvious that Saban realized he screwed up when he chose to take Daunte Culpepper instead of Drew Brees and that the Dolphins were unlikely to be competitive in the short-term. He didn't want to be the one that took it on the chin for the team's upcoming failures and bailed. At least he finished out the year, though. Saban did clear the low barrier of actually finishing out the season and not literally phoning in his resignation like Petrino did.

As a fan of a team, the Saban and Petrino betrayals are similar. As a fellow coach, Petrino is way below Saban.

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Blank, McKay and company better make a good decision for their next coach. So far, they've been 0-2 in terms of finding a quality coach. Mora was a headcase, and besides his one good year here, he quickly wore out his welcome with mediocre seasons and questionable behavior. Petrino was way in over his head, and even though I don't fault him for Mike Vick screwing up his own life, he just couldn't command the respect from his own team. Seriously, the last thing I want is a coaching carousel here, so Blank and McKay better not screw this up again.

I got a coaching possibility: Urban Meyer tongue.gif Just kidding... but seriously, how about Norm Chow? If we can bring in a quality QB in here via the draft, I would love to see what Chow can do with him. Harrington might even be decent under this guy's tutelage.

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With the recent big jumps in pay these days, college jobs are better than pro jobs in a lot of people's opinion. Petrino did the smart (albeit selfish) thing. He likely would have coached the junky Falcons a few more years - then got canned. He would ended up coaching 'Middle of Nowhere State" five years from now.

Falcons have no QB, a poor O line, defense can be average at best, etc. This mess won't be turned around quickly IMHO.

If I were Cowher I wouldn't even switch planes at Hartsfield. I'd stay as far away from the Falcons job as I could.

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