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This deal blows


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Okay so lets think about this for a minute. We essentially traded Toni and TJ Ford for Brandon. Since we cant use the money saved by Brandon until next year and Toni comes off the books after this season anyway, we basically just gave away TJ Ford. This is absolutely wonderful. I couldnt be more happy. I am so sick and tired of the direction this team has gone with these horrible trades. We lose draft pick after draft pick and we have nothing to show for it. Instead of trading Robinson for a draft pick or a functional player we trade him for absolutely ZERO help this year. In fact not only did we get ZERO help this year by trading him, we have actually gotten worse because Brandons contract is still on our books and we have saved ZERO cap room and got ZERO draft picks (as the deal is reported so far). Even if by some miracle we do get a draft pick out of this, all 3 of the other teams are likely going to the playoffs so a draft pick wont mean jack. This sucks so much.

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yes but you can't think about it that way. What blowed was the trade in which we acquired Big Dog. That was a big mistake. But it's too late for that. Given those conditions, I think this is a decent trade. One big salary off the books

GRob's personal contributions on offense don't make up for his lack of D and disruption of the team offense

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This deal was made with an eye on the future and from that perspective it makes a lot of sense. Grob had 2 years left on his contract and the chemistry just wasn't right with him. I think Knight did a good job to get what he did as he doesn't have the trade value you feel he does...

Let's face it, the Hawks aren't going anywhere this year so the emphasis to me should be on developing young players and freeing up some cap...

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The truth is that we are in the midst of rebuilding.

If we were smart,we'd trade Theo to the Bucks for Toni/DMason.

We'd send Shareef/CC to Portland for Wallace.

And we'd play this season out with an eye towards Next offseason...

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The bad trade was dealing for Glenn Robinson in the first place.

You can't relate the trades like that, because had the team not dealt for Robinson last year, they very well may have made the playoffs. It was very obvious that they were a much better team without him than with him.

Keeping Robinson very likely meant losing Jason Terry. Brandon's contract comes off in January, so we do get relief this year. We get a lot of relief next year, and it gives us a much better chance to offer Terry the long term extension he deserves.

Our salary structure goes down to $44 million next season after this trade. Now, JT will likely get an extension that starts at around $6 million this season. This puts him at about $6,750,000 for next season, which puts the Hawks at a little over $50 million as opposed to the possible $62 million they would have paid out had they kept Robinson and resigned JT, which I think was unlikely.

This also gives the Hawks a chance to give DerMarr Johnson a 2 year, $3 million deal while giving Darrell Armstrong a 2 year deal at part of the MCE while staying under the $57 million luxury tax threshold for next season.

This is a great trade from the Hawks perspective. Addition by subtraction.

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"If we were smart,we'd trade Theo to the Bucks for Toni/DMason.

We'd send Shareef/CC to Portland for Wallace. "

I like the trade that just went down, but I can't argue with either trade you suggested. They both strike me as being in our favor though. Although it is apparently true that Portland really is fed up with Sheed . If we could get Sheed or Mason I sould be exstatic

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Yeah. It's really in our favor to trade Shareef, who is an outstanding human being who causes no problems, for a piece of slime in Rasheed Wallace.

You make one trade to improve team chemistry, then take a step backwards by making a trade that will wreck team chemistry.

Of course, Diesel would like to see us become the Jailblazers south for whatever reason.

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This is not a 1 year team that we can just reset the game on like on the playstation or something. I HAVE to take into consideration the big picture and last years trade to get Robinson is part of that picture. This team just traded a potential All-Star PG for squat by giving away TJ Ford. That is basically what happened no matter how you want to look at it. Also, the team isnt gaining cap space this year, I dont know why you think having his salary come off the books in January helps us this year because its not like there will be any FAs left to sign then. Sure next year we save some money by not having to pay the luxury tax, but this team needs young talent and this trade doesnt accomplish that. You cannot tell me that some team out there wouldnt have given up at the very least a lotto pick for Big Dog. While he didnt fit here chemistry wise and we did seem to be a better team without him (and with Dion and Ira whom we no longer have), that doesnt mean that Dog isnt a player who can make a difference on another team. If Atlanta isnt getting 2 first round picks out of this deal I am going to be pissed.

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There were probably 5-10 teams that would have loved to gotten Brandon's expiring deal. This is a financial move first and foremost, but to pretend that Robinson had any value around the league is laughable.

We might be getting some kind of draft pick, but two first rounders would be too much for Big Clog.

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There is no team that would have been willing to give up a lotto pick for Glenn Robinson.

The only difference Robinson will make on another team is as a chemistry buster, because he is a selfish player that is not willing to change his colors. Just wait till the explosion he and Iverson will have over who shoots more.

Hey, but if you wanted to lose Jason Terry just to keep Glenn Robinson, foolishly thinking someone would give anything but an even more undesirable contract for him, then that's fine. Because that's exactly what would have happened.

Billy Knight just got himself a GM job with this trade.

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I was suprised to hear that we had done this deal, I honestly didn't think any team would trade for Terrell Brandon. Although he will help out in the long run with the cap-space he doesn't provide anything as far as playing to us. I think it looks horrible from a p.r. standpoint. You basically just drop a good player off your roster and don't get anything for it until on down the line. And in today's sports world of winning right now I didn't think anybody would do it. Now if we do get some future 1st round draft picks I would be happier b/c then it looks as if we are at least trying to build for the future. But as far as next season my question is what will our starting lineup be. After trading Glenn Robinson, Ira Newble signing with the Cavs and Dermarr Johnson being up in the air it will be interesting to see who they throw out their next year. I wonder if they have a commitment from a F.A. or anything like that. Anyways this trade for us, won't have positive effects for a few years in my opinion. But I can definitely understand why some people are up-set.

Go Hawks,


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Oh. I guess you wanted a crippling contract in return for him then.

We probably could have done a deal straight up for Keith Van Horne, taking on the remaining years of his contract which is longer than Robinsons. We would have just lost Jason Terry in the process, but we would have at least gotten someone who will play for us.

Jesus Christ!! Some of you just don't think before you post, do you?

Do you actually think Big Dog had any value around the league?

The only stupid trade that was made was the deal for Glenn Robinson in the first place. This is a great deal that allows us to free up some cap space and resign Jason Terry to a long term contract.

Glenn Robinson or Jason Terry? You choose.

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There were about 5-10 teams that were willing to take on Brandon's contract because it is off the books in January. Miami has been trying to get Minnesota to take on Eddie Jones contract for Brandon's since the trade deadline.

The Hawks were the lucky team that were able to drop a bad contract on a player who disrupted team chemistry for an ending contract.

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Let me clear up this fantasy right now.

next yr...IF things remain the same and we resign JT at or above the 7.2 million that was previously offered...

We will BE OVER the SALARY CAP...

let me state that again....

We will BE OVER the Salary Cap.

That means that we have NO SHOT at FAs unless we sign them with the vet min or the MCE.

In other words... DOWN the Road is the same endpoint as it was with Big Dog.

All we have done is given away BIG DOG for nothing.

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It doesn't take a person with a degree in biochemistry to figure out that this is a move for down the road.

We may not be able to sign any free agents next year, and we were probably not looking to get into next year's free agent bing. Everything the Hawks have done has pointed towards getting into the 2005 offseason free agent bing.

What this deal does is allow the Hawks to resign Jason Terry to a long term deal without going over the luxury tax threshold in 2004.

Terry will be resigned not long after this deal goes down, which must devastate you. And it is very likely that the Hawks will offer DerMarr Johnson a 2-3 year deal as well.

But, the most important aspect of this deal is that we dump Robinson and keep Terry.

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How can you even open your mouth and spout off stuff about us not thinking when you clearly arent thinking yourself. You are trying to fool yourself and us when you claim that no team would give a lotto pick for Dog. [censored] the Hawks gave away one of their most important players and a lotto pick for Dog and then Dog came back and had an equally good year for himself compared to what he does every year. Then you try and justify this shitty trade by saying we would have lost JT, which is just speculation. This team would have gone into luxury tax land to keep him if necessary. I am perfectly happy getting rid of Big Dog, in fact I am geniunely thrilled that he is gone, but to lose him without gaining draft picks or young players, combined with the fact that we have lost Ira, and probably lost DJ and Dion makes this a horrible offseason. Have you even stopped to think about this teams lineup next year? We will be starting the 21st and 37th picks in the draft. If you think that lineup can be successful you are sadly fooling yourself. Oh but wait we can go out and use our MCE to sign an aging vet right, but who is out there than can start for this team at SG that will sign with a team without a future and without a bench that is already capped out?

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So you believe it's a good thing that we traded away a 21 ppg player in order to keep an undersized SG who has never done anything to create Chemistry since he's been here.

I'm going to talk about that... But first let me kill some ill notions.

You say.... We have an Eye for the 2005 FA class.


Let's look at it this way:

Had we not traded Big Dog... IN 2005, we would have had:

Big Dog, SAR, THEO, HEndu, And CC as FAs... That's a HUGE amount of Capspace..

Where is this great difference that the trade causes???

Point number 2.

You say that this allows us to keep JT.

Yeah, And?

Who is it that is beating down JT's door? The Whole league knows that JT is an undersized Sg.

Since he's been here...

We have brought in Coles to teach him PG.

Then we brought in Email/Toni/Diaw to help Compliment him because he can't run an offense.

We've been force to simplify offensive schemes.

The only thing that JT does is he plays Sandlot basketball. That's it. He can't run an offense. He can't learn a playbook.

And you're saying this trade is worth it because we can sign him??

I would have rather SNT Terry for Wade... and allowed Wade to play SG.

That saves Money.

But I guess we will be forced to live out 2 years ago...

Except this time, there's NO Toni and NO Ira. We have 2 Rookies who will take the blame for our shortcomings. IF not them, then maybe Reef.

It's Comedy.

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Who have we lost DJ to?

Memphis just signed James Posey. Now, they have Posey, Miller, Battier, 1st round pick Jones, Wesley Person, and rookie free agent Theron Smith at the 2-3 spots. As I said before, they aren't going to sign DerMarr Johnson.

Now, we have some wiggle room to keep DJ or Dion if it comes to it. Had we kept Glenn, I have no doubt that we wouldn't have been able to offer DJ a contract, and I really have no doubt that JT would not have been resigned.

What you don't seem to understand is that resigning JT would have put the Hawks at well over $62 million in payroll next year had they kept. Now, they can resign him and be at about $50 million, which allows them to also look into keeping Johnson and maybe making a free agent offer to a Darrell Armstrong.

If Glenn Robinson had any value, he would have been dealt at the trade deadline last year. As it was, the players other teams wanted from the Hawks were Terry, Abdur-Rahim, Ratliff, and Mohammed. Nazr Mohammed has more value to other teams than Glenn Robinson.

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