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5 Keys Tonight @ Miami


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We gotta win this game, and the next one for that matter, to be truly sitting pretty at the quarter mark and garner the respect that I doubt the Heat and Magic have for us. Let's play analyst and drop 5 keys, shall we?:

* Front Line Dominance: Out-rebound, out-fight (not literally, Zaza), out-effort their piss-poor front line in all of these areas that we should excel against them in. If Ilgauskus gets a lot of those tip-outs my head will explode. Smash the glass. Powell could be key. Josh is gonna posterize one of thier bigs something filthy.

* Marvin against LeBron. We've won a couple in the past against Cleveland where Marvin really frustrated LeBron defensively and put just enough pressure on LeBron to guard and commit a few fouls as well. We need a whole lot more of it tonight.

* Jamal has to light it up. Dwayne Wade, an awful candidate for Defensive Player of the Year (LeBron too for that matter) cannot guard Jamal in space. House, Arroyo, and Chalmers damn sure can't.

* We're on the road, so team statistics should be key: we shoot a higher percentage because we assist more, rebounds are pretty even, they surprisingly block and steal the ball more than we do and turn it over a hair less. We have to take all or most of these categories, I think we can.

* Since Bib has been here, we go as his three goes. Hit 4 of 6, we pull it out. 2 of 8, not so much. Teague must play out of neccessity, cross your fingers that his minutes come with a lead and are at least slightly productive.

Let's go. Make the league take notice of our "New and Improved" Joe-Less Hawks. He's our 6th ranked player on 82games.com lol!!! Damn snazzy suit he had on last night, though.

Edited by benhillboy
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Smith needs to get back on track. After triple double against Toronto he had two bad games, maybe two worst games of the season. He needs to play within himself, take the ball inside on offense and we'll be OK.

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Smith needs to get back on track. After triple double against Toronto he had two bad games, maybe two worst games of the season. He needs to play within himself, take the ball inside on offense and we'll be OK.

Josh seemed to believe, for some odd reason known only to him, that with JJ being out, it was

necessary for him to personally take over the team and do everything by himself.

When he wakes up and realizes we are still a team without JJ and tries to play within the team

concept, he will be fine.

Josh even managed to miss some easy, finger rolls within a foot or two of the goal. Can't have

that tonight.


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Our frontline has to play well tonight. That's it. Miami has no interior defense. Horf, Smoove, and Marvin ought to live in the inside.

They are thin in the Big Dept. Marvin and Al should take the ball to Bosh's chest. I don't really like Smoove in the post I'd like to see him scoring on the break and on back door passes.

Getting Bosh in foul trouble - ahem Marvin - is huge.

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Our frontline has to play well tonight. That's it. Miami has no interior defense. Horf, Smoove, and Marvin ought to live in the inside.

thats exactly how i feel. i truly believe that if al and josh can dominate like they have in past games than we will be ok. all marvin really need to focus on is defending lebron mainly. jc1 needs to score as well as other hawks but i say we can call this win depending mainly on horford and smith both offensively and defensively. oh and again marvin has to defend lbj, he has done pretty well in the past doing so, so i expect the same.

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LBJ and DWade can be LBJ and DWade. We must crush their interior defense (incl. more rebounding from Marvin tonight), force the Biggish 3 to soak up fouls helping on defense, and Bibby and the Craws must outshoot the James Joneses and Eddie Houses.

I'm sure he'll be starting again, but the minute Mo gets to minus-10 on the plus-minus chart needs to be the last minute he sees the floor.

And before the game, please have Smoove stand before the team and recite twenty times the definition of the word, "composure," out of the dictionary.


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Big Z - - The Hawk killer.

Some players just seem to have a certain team's number. Watch out for Big Z.

He's a Hawk killer, deluxe model.

While we're trying to put a stop to all the other stars tonight, Big Z will quietly assinate

our beloved team.

Just want everyone aware of this danger. You try to stop the King and all his Great Ones

and you forget about Big Z. Don't do it. He's a Hawk killer.


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