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Rockets appear to be keeping Asik and Lin


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The Houston Rockets do not currently have plans to trade either Omer Asik or Jeremy Lin now that they have reached an agreement to sign Dwight Howard.

The Rockets have been reportedly discussing a trade involving either or both Asik and Lin.

The New Orleans Pelicans had been connected to Asik, but a source tells Marc Stein that there is no interest.

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I really don't want Lin for that guy's contract. Honestly, paying Asik $15M next year would be painful, but at least we could try and console ourselves by saying "Well, he only got $5M last year, so ..."

They both average 10 million each the next 2 years. Just take an extra 5 million each this year and as JayBird mentioned, put it in escrow for 2015 so that the $$ amount doesn't hurt the ASG. honestly it shouldn't be a huge deal since the cap number is a consistent 8.3 for both of them. The ASG will just need to pay them a little more. I think it would be worth it to increase our Asian fan base and to take a chance on Lin.
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Lin hasn't been exposed. He never got a chance in Houston because of Harden dominating the ball. He was 35th among PGs in usage, which is horrible for a guy who needs the ball in his hands. When Tony Parker says he sees a lot of himself in Lin, don't you think we should listen?

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Isn't Asik already complaining about not wanting to play with Howard? It's hard to see how Houston would want to start out like that.

Supposedly yeah but it could be a false report, who really knows. I don't see Asik as a great fit with Dwight though so I'm sure they will trade him.
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They will be traded in the next 48 hrs to the Hawks. That's my guy feeling on it.

My thought is it wont be since Josh doesn't want to go to Houston anymore. It sure seemed like the trade talks slowed way down on the Asik front after it was suggested that Josh wasn't keen on playing with Dwight. I hope you are right and I am wrong, but I don't see Asik ending up here.
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It can't be a coincedince that Smith and Teague haven't been mentioned in any deal ecxept Houston. I think the Smith / JT for Asik Lin thing has legs. Hate to lose JT but I'd be very happy with ASK / Lin and anything Ferry could squeeze out.The only other way Houston could improve the team is to trade Asik but they have cap issues as to trades. Lin is basically untradeable unless yhey sweeten and still have cap issues.Com'on Asik to ATL. A frontline of Asik / Horf / Misap is awesome.

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