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The Beer Thread


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I thought it would be fun to have a thread where people discussed some favorite beers that are a bit off the beaten path. I always enjoy trying new beers and figured there have to be some other Squawkers who would enjoy sharing some of their finds as well.

The inspiration for me was splurging on a dark Belgian ale last week which was easily one of the best beers I have ever had.

Trappistes Rochefort 8

This beer is frequently described with reference to different fruits but it is not anything like a "fruit" beer. Instead, it is a delicious and layered flavor profile that just blew me away. Since I am not the best descriptor, I'll give you the review from the Alstrom Bros:

Presentation: 33 cl slender brown bottle, consume before date on the front label. “Authentic Trappist Product” on the label.

Appearance: Fluffy light tan lace foams up during pouring but the lace struggles to hold together. Murky brown colour with a hazy that blocks out any chance of light.

Smell: Mild rum alcohol in the nose, fruity with ripe banana, pear and fig. Vague phenols with mellowed out alcoholic esters give a hard whiff of alcohol again.

Taste: Silky smooth, creamy alcohol and malt mouth feel that glides through the mouth and down the throat. Grain, phenols and alcohol form to a head at first taste with a spicy character that does not take things over but is more of a showing of what is in store. Maltiness is close to huge going from brown sugar to brownies, dark bread to mild coffee. Alcohol runs the gamete with a sweet and spicy flavour to a fruitiness of ripe tropical fruit … fig and apricots come to mind. Phenolic but not to the point of being medicinal, clove spiciness rounds and balances the sweetness far into the finish.

Notes: Hard line in the aroma and flavour with a mellowed aged flavour from a bottle that has been around for a while, this age has not taken way from the beer at all other than its head retention perhaps. Ripe and fruity, malty and alcoholic. The complexity alone is staggering for the taste buds.


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Delicious and recommended if you feel like a splurge. I figured it was the same price as a drink at a restaurant or bar and it definitely was worth the investment!

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More into pale ales, wheats, and porters. Being an Atlanta naive, it's in my contract with the city that I have to give a plug for Sweetwater Brewery. Love their Sweetwater Blue, 420, and Road Trip. Great beers especially from draft and their seasonal dark beer is the one of the few dark brews that I like. Another brewery that's great is Lazy Magnolia. It's a Mississippi micro-brewery and their Southern Pecan brew is tasty. Another is Avery Brewing Company out of Boulder, CO. As a collection of beers, theirs stands pretty tall. Practically everything I have had of theirs I have enjoyed. Ellie's Brown Ale is one of my favorite beers period. As for a more mainstream brand, Shiner is really good. Their porter is my favorite porter.

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I love beer but frankly i'm not that great at the descriptions. Mostly I drink American craft beers like sweetwater etc.

I will say that one of my all time favs is Rogue Dead Guy. Its not really off the beaten path per se but it is really good especially on draft.

Lately l've been getting really burned out on beer and that's when i reach for Dead Guy.

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I am definitely a Sweetwater fan in that I enjoy pretty much all of their brews but none of them are among my all-time favorites. You won't see me turn any down for sure.

Last time I was in Atlanta I grabbed a six pack of Duck Rabbit stout because I had (alcohol induced) hazy and fond memories of trying it on tap in Lexington, KY a year or so ago. I probably think of it as a bolder version of your standard milk stout. Very solid.

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I would guess the Duck-Rabbit line of beers is pretty readily available around you, hawksfanatic.

That Highland Porter looks very tasty as do the brown ales from Lazy Magnolia and Ellie's.

If I get my hands on any of them, I will post some thoughts.

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Spaten Oktoberfest

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This was delicious. I picked up a pair of them a two weeks ago and had to go back for more this week.

It is a malty lager that reminds me of the kind of beer I had on tap in a beer hall in Germany years ago. It is smooth and easy drinking but has some depth of flavor. I could definitely enjoy several of these while watching the Hawks dismantle the Heat (i.e., sessionable).

Edited by AHF
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Spaten Oktoberfest

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This was delicious. I picked up a pair of them a two weeks ago and had to go back for more this week.

It is a malty lager that reminds me of the kind of beer I had on tap in a beer hall in Germany years ago. It is smooth and easy drinking but has some depth of flavor. I could definitely enjoy several of these while watching the Hawks dismantle the Heat (i.e., sessionable).

Good one. I haven't had this in a couple years but now i'm jonesin to go get some.

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Has anyone had either of these which are supposed to be lower alcohol ales. I tried both and couldn't really stand either. The Terrapin was slightly better but they are still siting around. Just tastes like i weak beer that they threw a bunch of hops in at the end. But i'm pretty picky. Was wondering if others liked them.

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I've come to the conclusion that you guys drink waaay more beer than I do.

Probably but most beer snobs actually spend as much time buying beer as drinking it. My friends who just drink Bud or whatever consume about 3 times as much as I do in general. I like beer but i'm pretty amateur at consumption. 2 or 3 and i'm done usually.

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