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Breaking News! Lucas Nogueira requests a cancellation of his contract in Spain.


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Ok, I don't know if that where the correct words because I don't know the exactly translation Posted Image

But that's not important (I suppose Posted Image)

That has really impressed me... what the *bleep* he wants to do now??? Will he sign with Atlanta now??

He said that it's because he wants a special treatment of his knees


Edited by Ebert
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Here's a little bit more (Lightly-butchered translation from Portugese, via Google) of Bebe heading to L.A.

Perhaps he can hop by and checkout a Bakersfield Jam game?


Asefa Estudiantes pivot of Madrid has been suffering with pain in his right knee and heads to Los Angeles on Wednesday, the 11th, where he will undergo a battery of tests

Twitter Follow the MPC River Communications - @ mpcriocom

Madrid (Spain) - The pain became unbearable. Several weeks ago, Lucas 'Baby' Nogueira has been acting by Asefa Estudiantes Madrid complaining of a troublesome right knee. After undergoing tests in Spain, nothing but a tendonitis was found began to pivot and reconcile training with physical therapy and treatment sessions. But the pain got worse, Lucas saw his fall your income on the court and on Wednesday, the 11th, he will head to Los Angeles (California, USA), where he will undergo further medical evaluation to find out what comes the disturbing since the beginning of the season. The decision was taken after a conversation between actors Baby, Aylton Tesch, Sandro Varejao and Arlem Lima, and the board of the Spanish team.

- "The knee is bothering me a lot, swelling and aching after games. I did some tests which did not show anything more serious, but this is not normal. Me and my agents talked with Estudiantes and we think it is best to undergo more detailed examinations and discover what is happening" - said Luke, who was selected by the Atlanta Hawks in the 2013 Draft, in the middle of the year.

Aylton Tesch, Relativity Sports, (says) remember that the priority is the health of the athlete.

- (Tesch): We have to think first in Lucas. He has been playing in pain and need to find an answer for it. The sooner he is recovering, healthier, better for him and Estudiantes.

(Minor trivia: Sandro is Anderson's big bro, played at West Virginia in college)


Edited by lethalweapon3
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Posted Image

I'm told Bebe



He clearly checks the 'squawk on the reg.

Hi Chris!

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"For details, go to Hawksquawk.net..."


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I'm just playin' with C-Viv. To be fair to him, those press releases showed up, en Espanol or whatever, on Twitter within about an hour of his initial tweet, our savvy Squawkers like Ebert just beating him to the punch for the sake of our own comprehension. We know he's paid to be more of a reporter than an insider, so it's not shocking he's hearing about news from across the pond around the same time as the general populace.

He probably took a well-deserved lunch/crapbreak after his Thunder pregame post when it dropped (the news, that is). He's probably scrambling to throw together a myAJC.com article now.


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If the team wasn't going to burn a year of his rookie deal this year to begin with, why would we do it now when he will be rehabbing instead of playing?

He knew the risks! He should pay for all this surgery himself too since it is HIS body!! God these players are so greedy.
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