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Another Draft Rumor


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Draft rumors

One juicy draft rumor involves the Magic, who hold the No. 1 pick. It goes something like this: The Clippers trade their No.2 pick for the Hawks' No. 6 and 17 picks, putting Atlanta in position to take Atlanta phenom Dwight Howard. The Clippers don't need him; they have more power forwards than season-ticket holders.

Atlanta then must deliver the Clippers the player they want and persuade Orlando to not take Howard. To do that, the Hawks add a sweetener to the deal (future pick, salary dump) and the Magic take Emeka Okafor.

I got this from NBAdraft.net

The problem I see now is if the Magic select Howard we are $crewed. I'm sure Knight doesnt want Okafor, but I am pretty confident that Knight will play the right cards and if this trade is going down he will only do it if Howard is a guaranteed pick, meaning he will also talk to Orlando just like the quote says.

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Yes emory, Okafor is a great player as well, but I think Howard has more potential and more talented. You aslo have to remember Knight is making this deal only if is getting us Howard, he will stay with 6 and 7 if Magic wont deal and we cant get Howard.

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Yes I dont like the idea neither, but the way I am thinking about is. If Howard turns out to be all this hype and turns out to be a KG, Duncan type of player than none of us would ever question Knights decision........now of course there is no guarantee on him becoming one of those players, if he doesnt, then this trade will turn out to be the worst trade in Hawks history and Knight would take Babcocks place as the worst GM the Hawks have had come draft time.

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In fact....

I would trade Chicago Okafor/#38 for #3/Tyson Chandler/J Crawford..

Chicago would love to have Okafor. They have no want of Crawford and I think with his injuries, they would trade Tyson Chandler.

I would love to get Chandler. He's an impressive rebounder and an impressive Shot blocker and he's so young.

With #3, I would take Livingston and Use JT to get another pick...

Maybe JT to Phoenix for #7/White.

With #7, I would take Josh Smith...

Then I have a squad...


Young guns....

I would sign a C (Pryz). I would sign a PF (Collier) and the rest of the chips fall as they may.

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Without Okafor, who does Chicago Draft?

Honestly, nobody else in the draft matters to them. Okafor is the only player that they want in the top 5. Okafor is the most NBA ready. Tyson has had injuries (career threatening). Crawford has been a disappointment to Chicago (chemistrywise). Why wouldn't they do it?

Hell, Joe Smith is a former #1... do you think that value has held?

You can't live in the past of the players, you have to live in their present and in their present... Tyson and Chandler are not as valuable as they used to be.

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validate your argument? That is even MORE of a reason that Chicago shouldn't do such a deal.

As for their value, I think Crawford and Chandler still have PLENTY of value and that doesn't even include the #3 pick. Throw in Livingston, Deng, Iguodala or even Gordon at #3 and you have a tremendous young nucleus to build around. Personally, I think Chicago is nuts to trade Crawford or Chandler. Both are just now getting to the point where they might start to pay dividends. I'd keep my #3 pick and take Deng or Iguodala.



Deng (Iguodala)



is a terrific young nucleus.

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it was mentioned that Chicago would give up a former #7 and a former #4 in the deal.

MY point was that it doesn't matter what they used to be. It's what they are now that's important. Just like Joe Smith being a former #1 doesn't matter in trade talks.. Neither should Demarr being a former #6 or Crawford being a former #?....

Tyson has been injured in a major way. Similar to Demarr but not as extreme.

Crawford for whatever reason has not worked with their chemistry. I have heard ridiculous trades of Crawford.

The real question is the value of Okafor. This could be the next Mourning. Do you past that up just to hold on to....

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Hinrich is a player they MUST hold on to. This guy is

going to be a really good player. But Chandler is probably

about like a Marcus Camby. He seems to not have much of

a offensive game but can rebound and block shots...Sadly

he also gets injuried alot. I wouldn't want Eddy Curry.

He looks like a lazy underachiever to me.

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This certainly sounds to me like Atlanta will make the deal with Los Angeles to secure the 2nd pick, and then they tell the Magic that they will take on Drew Gooden's contract for a future, protected pick if they don't draft Dwight Howard.

There will be a lot of hemming and hawing over this, as I'm sure Orlando will try to bluff Atlanta into dealing directly with them. I feel Billy Knight will call the bluff.

I wouldn't be surprised if Billy doesn't try to pawn Drew Gooden off on a team like the Utah Jazz in attempt to get another first round pick.

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If Atlanta takes #2 with 2 picks...

There's no need to secure Orlando's pick with a promise. Orlando is over a Barrell unless they can find somebody motivated enough to spend a lot of good players on Howard. I think Howard's only real suitors are us and charlotte...

Why is Orlando over a barrell...


Theres the Tmac promise. Now, they could take howard... They could use Tmac in a rebuilding trade.... But who wants to give as much as Tmac is truly worth? I mean, if you give too much, you've put yourselve back into Orl. position. You have a guy with NO promise that he stays at the end of the year. So Orlando would be looking at getting less value on the trade unless you trade him to the RIGHT team..

My guess, is that Orlando take Okafor simply because he has a track record and he fills their need. In the meantime, they look for a trade of Gooden. Probably to Charlotte for a future pick?

The other thing is this.....

Billy Knight has said that he wants to rebuild through draft. I don't see him giving away a future first over a promise. I can barely see him giving a second away in the same deal. The thing I know about Knight is that he is very responsible. He doesn't just throw around money or draft picks.

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worst case scenario? We have to take Okafor at #2? Oh darn! I like Okafor better than most on this board and I think he will be a very good NBA player. I could see taking Okafor at #2, signing Stromile Swift and J. Crawford, resigning Jax and calling it a day.






That would be just fine with me and that team could compete a lot sooner than a team with D. Howard. That team would really be able to get out and run and it would have great perimter shooting.

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Yes I dont like the idea neither, but the way I am thinking about is. If Howard turns out to be all this hype and turns out to be a KG, Duncan type of player than none of us would ever question Knights decision........

I agree, but it is alot to risk right now. We are rebuilding and need all the picks we can get right now, and for the future.

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I don't know if I truely like the idea of Jamal Crawford with Terry because Crawford will be the primary Pointguard but I question his I.Q. as a pointguard. I think we might be better just to sign Sura to a 3year deal. Crawford is the better all around player and if we didn't have JT I would want him but we don't need two guys who are clueless in running an offense.

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Then you've lost the PG spot. That's the problem with JT, you have to compensate for him; essentially, linking him to the 2 spot and creating a potential weakness.

We needn't build a team around JT or for him. We need to go after players that are the best possible investment for us...not neccessarily because they compliment Terry.

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I like Crawford because I think he could contribute in a run and gun type system. Not because he complements JT. I like Crawford even if they trade JT. I believe he could contribute to winning and can provide some flash and excitement to put people in the stands.

???? What does Sura have to do with it.

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