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Chad Ford responds.


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Q: Mr. Ford, I am one of the administrators at Hawksquawk.net, the premiere message board for fans of the Hawks. Many people from the site read your column daily, including myself, and we have become very dismayed by your suggestions about trading Jason Terry or that the team is disappointed in him. . .Pete Babcock and Lon Kruger have said repeatedly that JT is the point guard of the future and that the only roster spot to fill is the SG position, which will be a battle between Dermarr Johnson and Dion Glover. Dan Dickau will be the backup point guard to JT this year and likely in the future as well in a Bobby Jackson-type of role. Also, your comments about the team being disappointed in DerMarr Johnson are off the mark. He is the best perimeter defender on the team and has done everything the team has asked of him. He isn't a scorer and will be filling the role that Doug Christie has done for the Kings, being a tough defender and complimentary scorer. -- Jason Murphy, Houston, Tex.FORD: I think I got an e-mail from all 12 Hawks season ticket holders protesting my Hawks fixer-upper. Jason's was the most polite. My comments about Terry's future as a point guard weren't based on media reports or even a close analysis of every game Terry played for the Hawks last season. Admittedly, I saw only a dozen or so Hawks games last season. However, I did spend a few days in Boston at the Shaw's summer league and talked extensively with several members of the Hawks' front office and coaching staff. On the record, they'll all say that Terry has a great future. Off the record, several of them told me that he doesn't have a future as a two guard in Atlanta. While they admitted that he's improved every year at the point, they also felt that he had a long way to go. Too long for some. He's not a pure point guard nor does he play the game the way Kruger wants his point guard to play. Dickau may not be a pure point either, but the team did a lot of research on him before the draft and were very impressed with his play in Boston. They spent most of the summer trying to work out a draft day deal to get their hands on Dickau and told me that, if he keeps it up, he's the point guard of the future for this team -- not Terry. That may not be this season or the next. Again, the Hawks have insisted publicly that they're not shopping Terry. But league sources continue to insist to me that Terry is available if the team can get a young, dynamic two guard in return. As for Johnson, he didn't look like a third-year player in Boston. He looked lost at times and struggled to get into the flow of games. However, my comments were based on off the record conversations I had with the Hawks' staff. From what they told me, Johnson has not progressed as they hoped.

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babs has proven over the years that he may be many things. But one thing he is not is a BS'er. If he intended to trade JT or he wasn't happy with the way JT improved, he would either let it be known in a subtle way or would have no comment. He has repeatedly said that he is very happy with the way JT has developed and that JT is our starting PG. He's not the kind of guy that's going to say "we are happy with him and the way he plays" and secretly tell little sniping underlings in the Hawks org that he's not happy with him and wants to trade him. He's shown too many times that he just doesn't operate that way.

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It seems that he backpeddled a bit from what he was saying before by saying that his info is off the record now. While are arent going to agree with him its still awesome to see that he responded to us. Boy I guess he didnt like the letter from JTFAN or Gray Mule or anyone else that may have written him.

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"I think I got an e-mail from all 12 Hawks season ticket holders protesting my Hawks fixer-upper."12? Oh, that sounded like an insult. Chad's not interested in making any friends around here, I guess."My comments about Terry's future as a point guard weren't based on media reports or even a close analysis of every game Terry played for the Hawks last season. Admittedly, I saw only a dozen or so Hawks games last season."Yep...we already knew that. What he failed to mention is that he only caught our highlights a dozen or so times. I guess he's too busy an important to sit through SportsCenter for 50 minutes to catch us on the tail end of the show. He should have stopped there..."However, I did spend a few days in Boston at the Shaw's summer league and talked extensively with several members of the Hawks' front office and coaching staff. On the record, they'll all say that Terry has a great future. Off the record, several of them told me that he doesn't have a future as a two guard in Atlanta."I love this on the record/off the record stuff. But, he missed the entire point. Yes, Terry has a great future. No, he doesn't have a future at two guard. THAT'S BECAUSE HIS FUTURE IS AT POINT GUARD, YOU MORON!"While they admitted that he's improved every year at the point, they also felt that he had a long way to go. Too long for some. He's not a pure point guard nor does he play the game the way Kruger wants his point guard to play. Dickau may not be a pure point either, but the team did a lot of research on him before the draft and were very impressed with his play in Boston. They spent most of the summer trying to work out a draft day deal to get their hands on Dickau and told me that, if he keeps it up, he's the point guard of the future for this team -- not Terry. That may not be this season or the next."They admitted that? You admit to your spouse that you've been cheating, you admit to the court that you committed a crime...you don't admit that your PG is getting better. That's something that is obvious. Um...didn't Babs already tell us that getting Dickau happened during the draft? I recall him saying that they were watching Dickau, and as he fell, they started making calls to other teams. Sacramento was the first team to agree to the deal. And yeah, if Dickau turns out to be a better overall player than JT, he's our PG of the future. I don't see it happening. We're not morons, Chad."That may not be this season or the next. Again, the Hawks have insisted publicly that they're not shopping Terry. But league sources continue to insist to me that Terry is available if the team can get a young, dynamic two guard in return."Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, if the Lakers want to trade Kobe for JT/Hendu, I'm all for it."As for Johnson, he didn't look like a third-year player in Boston. He looked lost at times and struggled to get into the flow of games. However, my comments were based on off the record conversations I had with the Hawks' staff. From what they told me, Johnson has not progressed as they hoped."Apparently, an ESPN reporter can't get the inside dirt that a JayWalker can. He didn't get that exclusive interview with E-Muss. He didn't hear about how the offense ran through Dion, how DJ was the key to our 6-0 run with his D.So, in closing, I must say...who the hell is he talking to?

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Unless babcock is trying to cover up that Dermarr probably is abust the best he can by liying about JT and him playing PG.Thestrange thing is that listening to Kruger after the Big Dog tradehe pulled a "no comment"concerning Dan Dickau vs. Terry at thePG.Why didn't he even mention Dickau.These comments seem strange.He had it sound like Dickau was thenext Stockton in his fixer upper and now he says Dan might not bea true PG either?hmmmmm......Something doesn't sound quite right....So he basically admitted that he doesn't watch games but in hisfixer upper he makes it act like he does.

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If he didn't like my email, oh well so be it. But I have to agree with Chillz, one thing Babs is not, he is not 2 faced. They will not say JT is our future PG and then turn around and tell someone like Chad Ford that they are shopping him and that they aren't with him at the point. First off Babs knows that Chad does articles and chats for ESPN, he knows that anything he tells Chad, Chad will blurr it out, Why? because he is a so called "Insider". You actually think Babs will tell Chad all these things about JT? NOT.......he will be the last person to say anything like that, but then again Babs has never been that way. Babs normally, actually will make it publicly if something is gonna go down, he has done that everytime. One thing for sure is that JT wont be traded and is not being shopped. The only insider that normally knows the truth is Peter Vecsey, he has called shots and rumors and it has happen. I remember 3 years ago when that rumor of Steve Smith being traded started. It was Pete Vecsey that noted that one, and I said no way the Hawks wont trade Steve Smith, and bam couple of days later Smitty is gone. When the Hawks lost against the Knicks in the 2nd round of the playoffs that same year. Babs stated that the Hawks are too old and need a change, what happens.....Mookie and Smitty gone........for JT, JJ, Rider. Babs is doing a damn good job now in Atlanta guys, we have to admit that, I mean he has made some bad calls in the past. But look now, he has gotten us two 20 point scorers in the last 2 summers......AWESOME. Babs is not lying and he is not 2-faced like Chad Ford makes it seem. Plus do you actually think he will blurr all this information about JT to Ford? I dont think so, as a matter of fact, NEVER.

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The answers are usually at least as simple as the questions. - hawksquawkers caught this Ford dude with a poorly prepared piece of guesstimations - when confronted, he offers the 'off the record' excuse, which is the journalistic equivalent of 'the dog ate my homework.'Puhleeze.Facts are JT struggled when he first got into the league - too worried about seeing the floor to be able to score -and too worried about scoring to see the floor - so he moves to the 2 and learns how to score in the NBA - the guy CAN shoot - period - and then he goes back to the point, and no longer worried about how to score, he learns how to see the floor, as his rising assit numbers show - you can complain that his height presents problems on defense - but his speed is worth so much in so many ways -

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I will keep this short. Ford has been on Hawksqauwk ever since that e-mail. I can tell from the improvements in his last piece on the Hawks. Ford obviously didn't have much interest in the hawks last season, but I am sure he will next year. The poor coverage will be ending. One problem Mr. Ford. Personally I find it appauling that you revealed off record information. I you are telling the truth I seriously question your journalistic integrity. The reason it is off record is because it is off record.Next If it is true that the hawks want to ship JT off so DD can take the reigns I will become a Clippers fan. DD is no pure point. Especially considering we could have gotten Dre Miller for JT straight up. Maybe with Dion as filler. But Simple point is the Hawks future is still JT and Reef, Big Dog makes us a serious threat but isn't in my mind part of the core that will be the team for the next 7 years.

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He is also not going to go one the record in talking about trading anyone..That would just be stupid. It is not hard to see why the Hawks would doubt JT's future as a 1 or 2. As a 1, he is not a good passer or ballhandler. He also makes poor decisions with the ball..As a 2, he is undersized. He struggles defensively at both positions. What he is, a great scorer and a great guy. He is lightening quick. He is tough to defend. He is not a superstar..He is not a top 5 point guard, or a top 5 off guard.

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I don't know guys,some of the information Chad Ford is giving might be true. Maybe Babcock and Lon can't be trusted to a certain extent. I will give an example. Remember Hawksfreak telling us he had spoke with Arthur Triche about Ira Newble while attending camp. According to Hawksfreak Arthur Triche stated that the chances of Ira Newble signing back with the Hawks are probably none,but yet Lon makes statements at the press conference that Ira will be one of the guys along with DIon & Dermarr to compete for the 2guard postion.Is Lon just postive they will work something out with Ira or is he just trying to keep the fans optimistic about the Hawk's season?

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Anyone who watches the Hawks knows that there are VERY FEW people in that front office. Fewer even travel to Boston. Want the list?Eric MusselmanSteve HensonPete BabcockChris GrantLon KrugerI find it hard to believe he spoke to "several" people on the staff and front office.And his information on DerMarr was all about offense, not about defense. It's funny, but everyone says DerMarr was lost, yet he finished 7th in scoring in that league while playing shut down defense.Then only game he gave up points was against Marcus Haislip, and Musselman explained to me that DerMarr was told NOT to run out for the three in order to cut down the lane, which was considered more of a threat to winning the game.I'll take Eric's honest, candid assesment of DerMarr's play over an unnamed "off the record, but now on the record" source or sources.The ONE thing I can say is likely true is that Terry does not play the point the way Lon sees the PG position.However...If JT excels at the point this year (which he will play this year, a fact that Ford can't dish as "off the record"), as he did last year, and the Hawks make the playoffs, then would Lon mess with success? Of course not.The problem is we start out West again this year, and if the team struggles, Lon may get antsy with all the expectations, and be tempted to stick the rookie in there, or even Emanual Davis to play the point.

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Why does everyone think Chad Ford is making up these statements? What does he have to gain by lying? Maybe some of the statements were taken out of context,but I believe that these comments are true. The Hawks staff isn't going to tell the average person all of there feelings about the team or a player,just like they wouldn't want people knowing before hand all of the potential moves they are gonna make. BTW Jay what happened with Kasten and Billy Knight on your list of front office personnel?

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What does Ford have to gain by lying?Nothing.What does Ford have to gain by telling the truth?Nothing.The fact is, that it's Ford's job to create buzz. He's a reporter. It's guys like Denberg who have to sell papers, Ford has to sell the Insider.Besides that, as long as Ford is telling us things "off the record", he can't be held accountable. He won't give us names, because we were never supposed to here these things in the first place.Ford has to say something in these Insider pieces. Not many people will get excited about the contract talks of Matt Harpring and Donyell Marshall. They want to hear big time stories. Ford will cater to his audience, or he won't have an audience.

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I talked to the Hawks officials at the summer games."Several of them" indicates that more than two or three--that must mean most of them that were there told himthese things that he shared with us. Dickau is the point guard Hawks want and wanted evenbefore the draft, trying to get in position to get him fromthe start.Kruger doesn't like the way Jason Terry plays either thepoint or #2 guard. He has improved but it will take himtoo long to ever learn to play it right and they alreadyhave Dickau.Hawks would very happy to trade Jason Terry to any teamthat is willing to part with a young #2 guard to complement Dickau, according to "League Sources."Johnson has made very little, if any, progress in theoff season and appeared "Lost" in the summer leaguegames. Boy, it sure is nice that we have someone to finallyreveal the truth to all of us "Lost" Hawk's fans. Guesswe can look for Jason Terry and DerMarr Johnson bothto be gone by the time the season opens, that is ifwe can find someone willing to take these two loosersoff our hands for one fairly decent #2 guard!Isn't it strange that everyone in the Hawk's orginization,front office, coaches and players have all been lying tous all this time but tell this "Insider" all this wonderfulinformation that he has so generously shared!Bull Feathers !!!Go Hawks!! ----- Gray Mule

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DJ_Money is right...nothing, really...but he can sell memberships to Insider, as he always reminds you, it's worth the dough...even if it is just stuff you can find for free at sportspages.com and other places that link sports stories.What does have to protect by naming unknown sources?His cred, which is what sells those same memberships.If Hawks fans, or any other fans, discover his "sources" aren't very reliable or that he may just be hoisting up half court shots with his insider info, how many people are going to pay for that "info"?I believe he talked to someone (BTW, I may be wrong, but I don't believe that Stan Kasten engages in Summer League, especially with the baseball season in high gear, but I could be wrong. And Billy Knight, maybe, but does he have the history with this team to be the origin of those opinions that Ford quotes?), but who that someone may have been will always remain "off the record", which I guess means that it will go "on the record" without a name.I find it hard to believe that Pete and Lon will lie to Jeff Denberg, or any of the other local media who covers the team regularly, but tell Chad Ford, who works as an "insider" for the biggest sports outlet in the land, the dirt on DerMarr and JT. Wouldn't they expect that info to get out someway?Again, the only thing Ford has to gain is by keeping his credibility, which obviously came into question when everyone here held him accountable for his drivel about the Hawks. He was then forced to name several Hawks "Deep Throats" as his sources while admitting some general ignorance at the Hawks season last year.Sounds like he's covering his shorts to save face, as he should.That's his livelihood there...PS---Nice job guys on the reaction....The 12 season ticket holders shot tells me that you guys got his attention. And maybe that will make people realize that we are not all a bunch of fans that sit idly by....

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All he's doing is taking the information these "insiders" pass him and then putting it up on his site. Whether it's truthful or not, that's what he does. I think he's just got some lousy Hawks insiders. Everyone who is high enough in the Hawks org to be privy to this insider information knows who Chad Ford is. He's not a seasoned sports writer. He's the drudgereport of the NBA. They are not going to tell him confidential information "off the record" because they know with him it's still going to be ON the record. One thing Pete has always done is run a tight ship. He's not going to be giving information to people in the Hawks org who can't be trusted. All those guys jobs DEPEND on having a good season. Spreading rumors is a sure fire way to start problems and contribute to a bad season. It just doesn't jive with what we know about Babs and the Hawks org in general.

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