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Poll: Cris Crawford - The final decision


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I dont think Crawford is GARBAGE. All because i dont think hes garbage doesnt necessarily mean im defending him. I think hes capable of being a good backup SF in this league. He takes it hard to the RIM and plays good defense.

His MAX potential is probably as a decent starter in the league.

I do agree that hes GARBAGE when he plays 10 games a year with injuries left and right... but if u seen his guy play healhty, hes the LEAST sissyballer player on our team.

Other than the fact that hes INJURED, why u hatin on Crawford so much? Nobody on this board is expecting him to give 20 ppg, 8 rpg, etc...

all we want from him is a good backup SF to give G Robinson some resting minutes on the bench. When ANT STAR is out of the game (on the bench), its good to have a HARDWORKING/HUSTLING type guy to back u up for limited minutes. They can do all the LITTLE THINGS (ex: get to the line, which Crawford is good at.. btw hes a good FT shooter), and keep the game rollin.

I rather have him drive it hard to the rim when ROBINSON is getting a breather than a guy who SHOOTS from the outside while Robinson is out... We have too many shooters, we need some slashers as well

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I think Chris Crawford can be a good backup, as a matter of fact before he went down last year in that game against the clippers it looked like he was on his way to his best season in 3 or 4 years(Whenever the long term contract was inked).Even Jordan gave Chris props for his defense in the game against the Wizards on Nov 2, 2001. I don't know if he wil ever be durable enough to play close to 80 games, he has had alot of injuries including tearing his ACL.

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You guys are killing me with the IRa talk. In 30 minutes a game, IRA gave up 8 points and 5 rebounds on an injury depleted team.

In only 18 minutes a game, Chris gave us 7.6 points and 3.6 rebounds. Chris Crawford dang near gave us more, playing SF in less 40% less time. He's a better passer and we're already set at the Shooting Guard.

We have DD, JT, Email, Dion and DJ to play the 1-2. We don't need another SG which is what IRA is. AS a small Forward, a healthy Crawford is a better defender...yes better and far superior offensive player. Chris can take it to the rack and shoot. Chris is not only the backup, but IF I told you we would get a 15 - 18 minutes backup this year who would give up 8 points and 4 boards at the small forward spot, most of you would be o.k. with that.

Secondly, Ira would not beat out Johnson or Glover for the 2. Glover is too strong and Johnson too tall. Both cause matchup problems for opposing shooting guards on the offensive end. Our whole goal as an offensive squad this year is to make defenses pick their poison. Double JT or GRob and leave a capable player in Johnson or Glover alone to cut to the basket. Double SAR and leave either GRob or Theo alone. Putting Ira on the floor on the offensive end stagnates our offense. Some on this board tried to blame the lower scoring in the second half on Terry...not true. Having Ira on the floor gave opposing defenses room to double and rotate.

Ira may be able to front 6-5 guards as well as anyone but his game is incomplete and his presence isn't needed....We need another big body to throw in for fouls and clog up the middle and that's it. We have 4 players on the roster right now who can play the 3. GRob, DJ, Dion, CC.

We have 2 glorified PF's playing the Center in Ratliff and Mohammed. A banger to take the steam out of the big boys in small spurts would be golden. That's Ewing, Christopherson...Hell Conkak would do...Just another big body off the bench for fouls....I'd take Bowdler back if he'd come...we don't have enough size on the roster to compete with the west but we have enough of everything else to win the east.

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Whether you like his game or not is irrelevant. CC is a guy who would dive into the crowd every time out to get a loose ball. He's not afraid to eat wood if it means another possesion for his team. He's proven that far too many times for there to be any discussion. On top of that CC IS a fairly talented guy with above average athleticism and solid basketball skills. His problem is that he pushes himself beyond his bodies limits. But that doesn't make him a sissyballer by any means. He's a tough guy who will do whatever it takes and has more natural talent than most hustle players (pollard, etc) ever have.

If it weren't for his injuries, he'd be one of those guys you hear the TV announcers refering to as "the kind of player every team would like to have". Because he brings the kind of toughness and energy. He just needs his body to hold up.

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I am very reasonable, you guys are making a case in my opinion for CC. I have to admit I still don't see it. I think CC has limited atheletic ability however is limited more by his mental constraints than physical. I am going to keep an open mind and watch his play this season to see if my opinion begins to coincide with the majority of those polled. I still say he is overpaid.

I want to know who said CC was a potential superstar. I WANT YOU TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF. It better not be Hawksfreak, he calls anyone playing for the Hawks a Superstar.

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that voted him a sissy balling pud or whatever the unofficial term is. Its just as nuts to call him a superstar as it is to call him a sissy balling efiminate pansy or whatever unofficial term he was given in the past.

"...You should rise to that challenge, you know? Instead of just sitting back and bitching about everything!" - Trent Reznor

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of course he's overpaid! Stay on topic. You've obviously haven't watched the guy play much. In a lineup with Dion and DJ, he's a better finisher than either one of them. When he has the chance it tries to take the ball up strong every time, something both those players could stand to learn. As I said, it's obvious you've never really watched him play. That is why your questions/comments about him seem to absurd to most of the people here. The things you say he can't do are some of his most obvious strengths. It makes it clear that your comments aren't based off actually watching him play.

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I have watched CC play that is why I am perplexed he seemed soft to me in the 40 or 50 games I saw him in over the last 3 years. Again I repeat, the fact that so many of you feel differently, I am going to watch his play this year to see if perhaps I am overlooking something. But my focus isn't his paycheck, although he is obviously overpaid, it is his weak play.

"The truth takes time not words" -Cynthia McKinney

I will watch, If I am wrong I will be the first to admit it but if I am right I will defend my position to the end.

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again, I have to dispute that you've ever actually watched him play. Or at least paid attention to him when you did watch. Saying he plays "soft" is ignorant, sorry. Don't take it as a personal insult, it's not. That's simply an ingorant statement/observation to make. If you find him soft, I really have to wonder who you think is a tough player?

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In light of his many ridiculous comments about every white player (i.e. CC is an "effimenent pansy", Dickau, after he sets a hard pick and fights Jefferson in a summerleague game, a "sissy baller", etc.) and coach (Phil Jackson worse than 2, 1st year not coincidentally black coaches, all black coaches save Chaney top 15, the top 7 coaches being black, Lenny Wilkens top 10 but Karl and Brown ranked 30 and 28 respectively).

I'll agree his calling Portland a no talent team was ignorant (He did so to justify Mo Cheeks being ranked higher than Phil Jackson......WTF????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????). I'll agree that calling 6'7" Craig Ehlo "PG sized" was ignorant. However that to was to back track and cover without addressing specifically another of his racist comments.

Even his ignorance is simply his attempt to obfuscate his being a racist.


The fans have spoken. CC is tough and hard nosed. I would add he's probably our most aggressive player, assuming that isn't included in "tough and hardnosed". I wish we had insurance on his contract though.


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Walter if the only thing you can come up with is the same old nonsense accusing me of racism whenever I dont like a white player then dont respond to my post. I am tired of you dragging every one of my post into the mud. I am no longer willing to acknowledge your ignorance. I have told you what I thought of your views, I will never again respond to you.

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