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HawkItus last won the day on August 23 2019

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About HawkItus

  • Birthday 01/16/1975

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  1. Also saw Jokic delay the game and impede the ref from throwing the ball in. Trae would of been T'ed up for that. But hey.
  2. Yeah Frank is a ref lover. They can do no wrong.
  3. Really don't understand that logic. But, hey.
  4. Tuff loss. Some clown called NBA radio and said Trae got ejected on purpose because he was jealous of Bogi.
  5. You guys made Hawks twitter. Hi, by the way
  6. All I got is he is finally buying into the IT comparison. DJ=Dumars Ben=Rodman/Sally
  7. I'm old now, so I'm taking the wait and see approach. Travis had a few years to do it his way. I at least owe NickLand this season and the off-season before condemning them
  8. sincerest condolences to you an the family
  9. HawkItus


    https://youtu.be/ztxCaPuPZJs Trae and Doris
  10. Luka and Trae are very similar. Eliminate the size difference and they are the same guy. CF participants, 2nd coach. Luka couldn't make it work with Porzingas, Trae and Collins probably need a divorce. Streaky shooters. Suspect defense. Ball dominant.
  11. Trae got his team to the ECF and yielded due to a refs foot, let's be fair.
  12. It ain't counting his pockets if he brought it to the public. You serve it up for the masses, you looking for opinions.
  13. I get it. Ryan was great, but you are getting great seats to not even call a game, just make announcements. And Ryan is very well compensated in his "9-5". They all ways say don't ask for more, when somebody will do it for less. That's any fans dream job. i.e. Big Tigger. He enjoyed that preseason trip I'm sure.
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