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Everything posted by Dexmethylphenidate

  1. Quote: I'll let you take care of the numbers because thats not my thing.How many blocks will he average since you are Mr Stats next season.Playing the center position it needs to be at least 1 unlike last season! Zaza didn't even average a block last season playing center... Zaza is good backup but is not starter material.
  2. Quote: HELLL NO!!! I don't want that flopper Zaza + Varejeo = welcome to flop city.
  3. This is probably the #1 reason why Smith shouldn't be playing the 3 spot for heavy minutes (if he is then Marvin will not get any minutes to develop into a star).
  4. I don't get why everybody's down on the d-line. The first team didn't allow a TD in the first quarter IIRC and held tough through the first half, which is where the analysis should stop because most 1st stringer were probably on the sideline already.
  5. Quote: Quote: Yeah...I think it all will come down to how good a start Harrington has. If the D is playing well and our running game is OK and our receivers aren't dropping balls I think he will be OK. Otoh, if he throws some picks and our receivers are still dropping balls it could be a mess and Shockley could see some action. Also, our offensive line will have to protect him - he's a pocket passer (meaning target). The odds of him playing all 16 games are probably less than 50-50. And you can't forget that the O-line was geared toward the run, NOT pass protection. That's a concern. I hope Harrington has a better arm, or at least better accuracy, than I've seen from him the past few seasons. His decision making under pressure is kind of an issue too. Shockley is unproven but sometimes the unknown SEEMS better than the less than encouraging known. You haven't been following the Falcons have you? The o-line philosophies have changed since the arrival of the new head coach. They are now geared toward pass protection. We may see a couple of new faces in the starting o-line.
  6. That sucks. Not even Josh Smith got an invite.
  7. Quote: I think everyone needs to keep in mind what the punishment is. Come on. He was banned for two weeks from an internet message board. I mean, Eddie, you mention giving him a warning. Isn't THIS a warning!? If he were permanently banned or given a year or something, I would be part of the outcry. But, this is no big deal. Still, Walter is interpreted wrong on this board. He is a great yin to the kool-aid drinking, tripping in daisies fans that talk about how Josh Childress will be in the 6th man hall of fame. Walt is a bit too negative but others go way too far in the other extreme. Welcome back, Walt. Word.
  8. If they started out very slowly, they need to fire Woody immediately before things get even worse. This team need to make the playoffs this season.
  9. You can't compare coaches of the NBA to MLB managers since all the manager job is to manage the game while the coach does that and drawing up plays.
  10. Quote: Walter called Chillz an a--h--- on a thread and was given a window to apologize or get suspended for two weeks. That is the bulletpoint version. Why should he do anything if he's only suspended for 2 friggin weeks?
  11. I think Boston might have stole one or two games from us.
  12. Well if we're ready for the next step we have to beat the best of them. Besides, It's good to get the tough part of the schedule out of the way when we're all healthy in the beginning. And in turns, we'll get to see how good the Hawks are when injured free.
  13. They probably looking for a PG from that class to replace Nash.
  14. Well, he's a versatile player so he probably play some PG/SF in any season.
  15. Lue is not going to start. He always come off the bench although he gets his fair share of minutes at the end of games with Woodson's funky style of subs patterns. Base on Woodson coaching the starting 5 will be.. Speedy JJ Marvin Jsmith Zaza
  16. Not even one top 10 picks made it. So much for the best draft class in years
  17. This city is all about media hype. There was a lot of hype when Vick came out and it interested the city.
  18. Well, he mainly distributing the ball in the summer league so maybe that will translate into the season. I have seen a couple of Sl game and he looked to pass rather than shooting which is a plus to all the wings we possess.
  19. So they went from 94ppg to 111ppg in one year. Nice. Also their minutes distribution seems to be way off. Maybe you think they'll play alo of overtime games?
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