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Everything posted by Dexmethylphenidate

  1. More likely to replace Crawford when he bolt at the end of the season.
  2. Horford has emerge as the Hawks best player. Best PER by a wide margin.
  3. I'd give Joe Johnson/Teague/Marvin and 2 first round picks
  4. Dunk was not impressive but I'm guessing the Clips don't want him to miss the dunk if he would've tried it on the highest point. That would suck. I agree with the miss dunks though... the glamour falls off if they missed it and tried the same dunk. What I don't really like is how they can get 50s even if they miss the first (or second, or third) time. It would be better if the judges deduct 1 point for every miss dunk attempt.
  5. Zaza is terrible. The only reason I think they play him is because of the contract. He's making 4 mill/year so they're making him work for it.
  6. I would've liked to see them keep using the big lineup more (rest of the season) which lead to more bench production and effectiveness. Marvin can still play starter minutes and probably produced more with the 2nd unit.
  7. Collins is +9 for last night's game. Hawks didn't lose the game because of him. In fact, they lose the big lead when he came out of the game. My question is why is Zaza playing center in the 4th quarter... mixing up is good but there's a stretch where Zaza was the focal point in the offense.
  8. To be fair, I haven't seen a guy turn down a 17 chick that want some.
  9. Better chance if LD was the coach last year instead of Woody. The Hawks are not going to win against Orlando with those asinine coaching philosophies no matter who's playing.
  10. I think Bibby's fine. His three point production and veteran presence help the starting unit. The one that should have their role reduce is Mo Evans. Teague won't be able to get any minutes if Jamal Crawford backs up as the PG and Evans as the SG. I'd say play the second unit as Teague, Jamal, Wilkins/Mo, Marvin, Zaza/Powell. Jamal C is not a PG and most of the time the second unit is ISO heavy or doing nothing while the other team runs the score. Put Teague in there and let him know to run the offense instead of just hand the ball over.
  11. who else is sleep deprived?

  12. There was no indisputable evidence so I think they got the right call.
  13. Zaza does indeed sucks big time. Anytime he get the ball in the post... it's probably going to go up and it's probably going to get blocked off his body and out of bounds. I feel like he's only playing probably because he's getting paid big bucks. Hopefully a trade is in the books to ship him off along with a real asset like Crawford.
  14. I like the idea of an outside stadium. I don't think there has been a great defensive team that has a dome as there stadium. Other than that, I would say shore up the passing defense. In this day and age, offense have geared toward passing game so it's a must to have a great pass rushing front. Have a great defense (passing) and Matt Ryan means better playoff chances than Matt Ryan with great offensive weapons and so so defense.
  15. Get a floor general Play Collins at the 5 spot Get rid of Zaza Marvin come off bench since he is the type that doesn't like to be aggressive and would be 4-5th option. Harris or Calderon or Nash Type JJ Smith Horford Collins Marvin Jamal C Evans Powell Teague
  16. Why's Garnett a shoe in? He has comparable or worse stats than Josh.
  17. The Rockets won by 6 points. How's that a blowout? The Rockets beat Boston Celtics by 6 points this month too.
  18. What's the Hawks stats for inside scoring? Aren't they #3 in points in the paint? http://www.hoopsstats.com/basketball/fantasy/nba/home So the problem of inside scoring is a myth.
  19. I really think that if the Hawks have LD as the coach couple of years ago or even last year, the Hawks could've made a run at it. He's not a very good coach (yet?) but he's at least above average with the gameplanning, minutes management (not running our players into the ground) and game management with good timeouts. The previous coach was so bad in that regards and in addition with his idiotic offensive and defensive philosophies that it drove the team a level down imo. I still feel the team's not playing to it's full potential yet but at least LD is not making it worse.
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