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Everything posted by swanlee

  1. Thing is about the rebounding is it takes effort, if your center is not getting rebounds then that center lacks effort plain and simple. Al was saving his body the last two years to get a pay day and his declining rebounds prove it. While rebounding is a skill it is a skill based on pure effort and he lacked it. I just find it funny to call out the fans for not showing up when he never showed up either as far as effort goes.
  2. ATL fans have been shafted by lousy owners, bad traffic and fly by night players wanting to use us as a stepping stone for 50 years, stop blaming us for teams that always melt in the spotlight and fold like lawn chairs. ATL teams are just good enough to give us hope and that makes it hurt even more when they always fail when the game is on the line. Al was certainly part of that problem and the fact he folded every time we played the Cavs shows his lack of heart.
  3. Yea screw him, he played like a marshmellow for two years in order to remain healthy for a big pay day and disappeared when it mattered. ATL fans are SICK of teams melting in the spotlight and his attitude and soft play style is exactly why we get fed up with this crap. We will certainly support a team that at least acts like it tries and plays with heart but for Al that hasn't happened in years so he can screw off trying to blame us for his failures.
  4. Why so sour? We offered him 5 years 136million and he left anyway. We now have money to get a little vet help and have our young forwards develop.
  5. Oh well, we got some room now to get some more talent to replace him. at least we have a true center now.
  6. For all the crap Howard gets he has been fine off the court and nothing has ever blown up in a huge scandal, just a lot of behind the back chatter. I think playing in his home town with a coach that knows how to use him will be a really great thing.
  7. Pretty sure someone would be able to build up a counter offer to keep it here.
  8. Sorry but you gotta fire him, no way he can come into a new coaching gig, get a dui and then command respect from his players that barely even know him. It sucks but in the long run it will be better to fire him now.
  9. While it sucks we did not sign any major Free Agents it takes two to tango not not sure I can put all the blame on Ferry
  10. We are building a team from the ground up not tanking, we will see how this year goes then adjust accordingly. I like the facts that past players that have proven to not be the answer are gone. It's not our fault we could not get Howard or CP3, at least we aren't ankered with horrible contracts now and can freely build a good team.
  11. I'd rather get past the second round of the playoffs then be a highlight factory.
  12. I'm glad this is all over and he is gone, such a frustrating player, all the physical talent in the word but never grew up and never learned how to play with a team. I wanted him to where a shock collar that shocked him anytime he came near the 3 point line or dribbled the ball up court instead of passing to a guard. We will be a better team in the long run without him.
  13. I hope this means we DON'T keep Josh. I want him gone and would just rather re build and create our own stars. Bag o peantus is what I'd take for Josh at this point.
  14. At the end of the day f*** everyone let's built this thing from the ground up by our selves and make our own stars. f*** Josh, f*** Howard f*** LA and Houston, screw them.
  15. I gave up on Josh a few years ago, still has attitude problems, still camps out around the 3 point line thinking he is a guard. He does nto have the excuse of being green anymore. Sucks we are not going to get more for him but oh well it is past due for him to move on.
  16. screw this team, until they are sold they might as well not exist. Sad sad sad
  17. Yes Please trade Josh for a legit center, trade Josh, Williams a draft pick and whoever else for Howard. josh is our big problem he hgans around the 3pt line to much and thinks he is a PG. Without a legit center his attitude is even worse.
  18. Al had a bad playoff s this year but he is much more consistent and level headed than smoove is. I was abig J smith fan but I'm completel done with him. He will never learn to stop taking stupid outside shots. We need to trade smoove ofr a legit center and call it a day. Everything good smoove does he screws up 2X more by playing out of position and whining like a baby every 5 seconds.
  19. Josh Smith needs to go, and we need a legit center to replace him. That will solve alot of oour problems. He is an immature head case always playing out of position and thorwin up long jumpers when he sucks at them and shoot be under the rim to try and get rebounds. I'm done with him we need to get a good center for him while we still can.
  20. Well it was fun beating the Magic but we are dead against chicago without hinrich
  21. Joe is playing pretty well this series no complaints against him. Josh on the other hand is playing like a freaking rookie, some decent defense at times but a complete idiot on offense. Josh is the weakest link on this team right now.
  22. I'd get rid of smoove for him in a heart beat, our team with a legit center and not having to deal with smoove's stupid shot selection and crying would be a huge boost for this team. We would easily be title contenders with Howard at center as that is the only thing we lack is a good real center.
  23. Hawks get swept, lose every game by 15+ points, smoove keeps crying like a baby, taking tons of long jumpshots and misses most of them and keeps bringing the ball up court like he thinks he's a guard.
  24. We've been playing horrible for a couple of months now, last nights game isn't the reason we're pretty down on the team.
  25. Can't wait for the Orlando sweep, then maybe we will get a real coach, 6 losses to end the season, we are currently the worst team in the league. What a terrible effort down the stretch and it will rub off in the playoffs, this is not a mature enough team to flip the switch to being good after playing so bad for so long.
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