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And the Hawks could likely get him for cash considerations and a 2nd round pick. Philly tried to trade him last year, and he failed his physical with, I believe it was the Spurs. He ended up starting over Dalembert in Philly.

I think a guy like Hunter is probably what the Hawks are looking for, because they have shown absolutely no desire to bench a guy that is considered one of the up and coming centers in the league based on his play last season as well as his age.

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I wouldn't mind Steven Hunter at all. In trying to decipher Bernie's comments, the question I have is, "What is a name player?" For alot of us here, we know almost every player in the NBA so there are not too many unknowns, but for the fair weather fans there probably isn't but about 50-100 players in the league they would recognize by name.

I wouldn't consider Steven Hunter a name player, but then again, unless someone can elucidate to me exactly what a name player is, I can't say with 100% certainty that it isn't Hunter.

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What? According to Hoopshype, Hunter will make less than 4 million for the next 4 years.

Yeah but I don't think the plan was to pay Dalembert a lot of money and start Hunter. I think that they found out later that Dalembert couldn't play and were forced to start Hunter to try to win games and get to the playoffs

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What? According to Hoopshype, Hunter will make less than 4 million for the next 4 years.

Yeah but I don't think the plan was to pay Dalembert a lot of money and start Hunter. I think that they found out later that Dalembert couldn't play and were forced to start Hunter to try to win games and get to the playoffs

Just reread the thread and realized that KB was talking about aquiring Steven Hunter not Dalembert. I agree with this move.

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I'm disappointed that you would initially think that I would support a trade for a player that will not only kill our salary structure but will also never be worth the contract he has. wink.gif

Just kidding. You are one of the few good posters here. I knew you probably misread what I posted.

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I'm not going to argue the first 4 because I see it as a difference of opinion. I don't think I will change your opinon and I know mine will not waiver either. Bottom line is, I don't feel Dalembert is worth what he makes and I wouldn't want him here unless Philly is picking up most of the bill. You feel differently. Point taken. I think that's a dead issue. We could debate that crap all day long and at the end of the day everything would be the same.

To answer your question about the delay in the Harrington situation, this is what I think is happening...I have read that the holdup is the cash Indy is sending back to us. I feel that Al wanted a salary starting at 10 per year and would have likely received that if we traded him to GS. His salary is going to start at around 7.5 to match the TE. I think Al agreed to a lesser amount for 3 reasons. The first one is, he really wanted to go back to Indy. The second one is, he really wants to get his deal done, so he accepted a lesser amount. The third one is, he wasn't going to get any better anywhere else this year. I think BK is telling Indy, your catching a break here because Al is going to sign for less with you than his market value. We're only getting one pick for him. We want the 3 million in cash you are saving for him signing at a lesser amount. Indy is saying we aren't coming off that money. I feel both teams are antsy to make this trade work because both teams have more moves they are wanting to make. So it is a matter of who blinks first. That is what I think the holdup is. If you have a different conjecture, I would like to read it.

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To answer your question about the delay in the Harrington situation, this is what I think is happening...I have read that the holdup is the cash Indy is sending back to us. I feel that Al wanted a salary starting at 10 per year and would have likely received that if we traded him to GS. His salary is going to start at around 7.5 to match the TE. I think Al agreed to a lesser amount for 3 reasons. The first one is, he really wanted to go back to Indy. The second one is, he really wants to get his deal done, so he accepted a lesser amount. The third one is, he wasn't going to get any better anywhere else this year. I think BK is telling Indy, your catching a break here because Al is going to sign for less with you than his market value. We're only getting one pick for him. We want the 3 million in cash you are saving for him signing at a lesser amount. Indy is saying we aren't coming off that money. I feel both teams are antsy to make this trade work because both teams have more moves they are wanting to make. So it is a matter of who blinks first. That is what I think the holdup is. If you have a different conjecture, I would like to read it.

That makes as much sense as anything else, but . . . . they are both shooting themselves in the foot by delaying this thing if they want to make other moves. If this is the case, they are squabbling over 3 mil when they are losing out on the few remaining FA this year. I think the waiting to blink duel is pretty short sighted.

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Stromile is more than likely who it is. I wouldn't be surprised if Billy hasn't already talked with West and Stromile Swift. He might have told West he would take Swift off of his hands once the deal with Indy is over. Bernie stated it was someone who has played well over the past 5years. You can argue whether or not Swift is a good player but he is someone that is fairly known because he was a high draft pick and he has only been in the league about 6years. He would be a solid backup which seems like what Knight and company or looking for to play behind ZaZa.

I am afraid that you are right. And I don't think it would take much for us to get him, Memphis has been trying to shed salary for a while and this is the kind of move that will do that.

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I have read that the holdup is the cash Indy is sending back to us. I feel that Al wanted a salary starting at 10 per year and would have likely received that if we traded him to GS. His salary is going to start at around 7.5 to match the TE. I think Al agreed to a lesser amount for 3 reasons. The first one is, he really wanted to go back to Indy. The second one is, he really wants to get his deal done, so he accepted a lesser amount. The third one is, he wasn't going to get any better anywhere else this year. I think BK is telling Indy, your catching a break here because Al is going to sign for less with you than his market value. We're only getting one pick for him. We want the 3 million in cash you are saving for him signing at a lesser amount. Indy is saying we aren't coming off that money.

You see, this is the most ridiculous part of all the rumors.

Do you really know how much 3 million is to an owner?? It's nothing.

The Pacers are owned by the Simon Brothers. According to Forbes, Melvin Simon is worth 2.6 Billion dollars, his brother Herbert is worth 1.1 Billion dollars. They are worth 3 times more than Aurthur Blank if that helps your understanding of how rich they are...

Do you think these guys are crying over an investment that will bring in more than 3 million dollars in wins/advertisement?? They just put 9 million dollars into a Science Building at the University of Indy and they have no expectations.. just Charitable giving. So do you really think they are crying about 3 million on an investment???

Please. The Pacers are probably not the hold up on this deal. They get the player they want and they don't have to give up anything but Money and a first rounder... That's a done deal. I think it's our disinfranchised Franchise that's holding things up.

Maybe because BK is trying to negotiation beyond the court order.

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I'm aware of how rich they are. However, you don't get to be a millionaire or billionaire by pissing away millions of dollars when you don't have to. I think the overall wealth of an owner is irrelevant anyway. Paul Allen is the most wealthy by far and he just doesn't throw cash around. Just like with any business, I'm sure that the owners lay out an operating budget that Bird and Walsh have to abide by. The Pacers don't have a reputation of being cheap, but they don't exactly have the reputation of just throwing money at folks in a George Steinbrenner type way.

You state that BK might be negotiating beyond the court order. In what way? Are you suggesting that we're trying to aquire Jamaal Tinsley? (he's the only 5 year contract) Or are you suggesting that BK's looking to exceed the salary cap? Which the only way that happens is if we take back JO. I don't think either of those scenarios are very likely.

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Honestly, Spiral..

I have been checking and I think these guys might be the richest owners in the NBA next to Allen..

Principle is one thing.. However, I don't think these guys would look at getting Harrington as being a move that they can pass on OVER 3 million dollars.

You brought up Paul Allen... You brought up the wrong owner. I suggest you look at PTL back when they had Sheed, Smitty, and Pippen.. They're payroll made the Knicks look like spare change.

Back to the point. I think to them, this would be an investment... If you invest in this forward, what would be the return. He's sure a helluva lot cheaper than the market demands. Even you said so yourself.

So what's up with 3 million dollars.

To the richest guys on the block, that's nothing.

I don't even think there's a principle to be argued over.

Listen. Take each Newpaper clipping with a grain of Salt. IN fact, check them against what sounds reasonable.

Indy is not going to flounder on the Al deal over 3 million dollars cash money. BTW, this is not money that is applied to the cap in any way. It doesn't effect the team. IF these owners can 9 million for a charitable cause , don't you think they would give up 3 million dollars to get their business closer to success?

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Regardless of what the truth of the deal stalling right now is, to say that a owner who is rich shouldn't care about $3 million cash is crazy. Paul Allen put the Blazers on the market because he was tired of losing money. By your logic he shouldn't care about losing money because he's a billionaire. Paul Allen also got the city of Seattle and the state of Washington to pay for the overwhelming majority of the new Seahawks stadium. By your logic, because he is so rich he would have just paid for the stadium himself because servicing the stadium debt would be a mere drop in the bucket for him.

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My logic states, you shouldn't let one player who can enhance your team as much as Al can get away because you want to make your stance on three million dollars.

This is not fantasy basketball.

Basketball teams have a definite window as far as competing for a championship. Indiana's window is closing.

Either they can make a deal for Al in which they give up nothing in players and a 1st round pick and 3 million dollars..


They do nothing and get nothing.

What do you tell your season ticket holders..

"I'm sorry but we couldn't bring in a 19ppg 8 rpg player (who was a fan favorite in Indy) because we felt that giving up 3 million dollars for him (1 time) was just too much".

" I know that we're probably the 2nd richest owners in the league, but it's just the principle of the matter."

In other words, you tell your fan base that we refuse to spend three million dollars to make our team a better contender.

Like I said previous... This is not just throwing money to the wind, this is part of an investment. If I were BK, I would start really talking with Al about re-signing because it's obvious that with no threat of anybody else taking Al, Indy is bluffing, heeing and hawing.

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I don't think 3 million dollars is all that much to them, but I do believe that the principle of the matter may be; especially if BK changed his tune half way thru. What if BK upped the anty? Say they agreed to 2 million, then BK comes back and says thats not enough, he needs 3 because thats what his owners demand. If I were Indy, I wouldn't be so willing to pony up more money (even if I would have originally) because BK mis-read my hand. I'd hold steadfast to the original deal. I might meet half-way eventually, but I don't think I would ever give in. I read in an article that folks from Indy were frustrated with BK; this might be the reason. I'm doing nothing more than speculating here, but I think this situation is plausible.

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It is funny that some people want Hunter now because I made numerous threads and posts about the exact same thing and got killed or it.


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Its not going to be Swift first off! He is 6"9 and a PF .We don't need him at all. Hopefully it will be a 6"11 or 7"0 footer we can get that can actually backup Zaza at C. Swift can't play C people!

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