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Finally the Falcons may have just info they need to get out Vick contract and get rid of him.

Good point. You would think there would be a clause in any multi million dollar contract that states a criminal / felony conviction terminates the contract.

Of course this is jumping the gun but if is convicted I would think the financial contract could be broken.

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Now what do all the Vick nuthuggers have to say about their precious little can't do anything wrong punk? Still want to call anyone who even dared to "suggest" that Schaub might be a better option in some aspects stupid and ignorant. While Schaub will be suiting up for his team, Vick very well may be suiting up in a uniform with a longer number. And to think he was still acting arrogant as can be just a few weeks ago during interviews. Sad.

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This is the biggest blow to the Vick fans. We know very well they are going to come out with all kinds of excuses to defend him. All I can say Vick better be suspended for the year. There is no way Pacman can be suspended for the year and not be convicted of anything and Vick get a free pass. Roger has to stay consistent here. Goodbye Vick and hello #1 pick.

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a couple of points.

Vick was more than a financial backer. he was in the middle of this stuff. he supposedly personally payed the owners of winning dogs.

also be mindful that the government is using 4 cooperating witnesses. they are all dog fighters. my guess is either they are already in jail or they are trying to cut a deal with the FEDS.

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Now what do all the Vick nuthuggers have to say about their precious little can't do anything wrong punk? Still want to call anyone who even dared to "suggest" that Schaub might be a better option in some aspects stupid and ignorant. While Schaub will be suiting up for his team, Vick very well may be suiting up in a uniform with a longer number. And to think he was still acting arrogant as can be just a few weeks ago during interviews. Sad.

Wouldn't consider myself a Vick Nuthugger, but a Falcon Fan who believed Mike Vick gave the Falcons a better chance of winning than Matt Schaub. As I have stated previously, these guys are football players to me, nothing more. I was a Falcon fan before Mike Vick, and I'll be a Falcon fan for the next guy. I'm still happy they traded Schaub, because they acquired extra picks, which are more valuable to this team than he would have been in a non-wco. If Vick is convicted, then he will just join a long line of professional athletes who were too stupid to realize what they had. Hopefully the Falcons can rebound, and those that hate or love Vick can take their silly a**es back to their holes, so the true Falcon Fans can support their team again.

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I don't think he will be suspended and if he is, I'm willing to bet he sues the NFL. It's his first time ever being formally accused of any wrong doing and despite what we think it's still nothing more than accusations at this point. That was not the case with either Jones or Henry.

The NFL is setting itself up to be sued if they start suspending people simply because they've been accused of something. It's one thing when the parties involved have a history of similar activity to support a suspension, but when it's a first offender, they had best be careful.

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Those are some pretty bold statements Chillz. While I doubt he will do time or be kicked out of the league, it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see him convicted and fined and thereby suspended by the league. It would look pretty bad for them to indict Vick only to have him not be convicted. They must be pretty certain that they will be able to get him in order to risk the embarrassment that would come from him getting off. Obviously this isn't OJ level stuff, but if he gets off with all of these people saying that he has without a doubt been involved in it to a high level the public (especially the non-sports fans) are going to be in an uproar over another athlete getting off.

This morning on one of the local radio shows they had a guy who went to high school with Vick and he says that not only was Vick involved in it back in high school but that a large percentage of people in that town have been involved in dog fighting for a long time. The guy also mentioned that in high school Vick was pretty humble because he was in the shadow of Ronald Curry for most of their HS careers and it wasn't until Vick got to VaTech that he really became famous. I don't know if that's true or not but it's fairly interesting. I forgot how good of an athlete Curry was before he got hurt.

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More federal indictments end in a plea vs. a trial/conviction. Especially when they involve big names like Mike Vick. That 95% number is pleas, not convictions. Of that 5% that go to trial, 9 out of 10 are convicted. He will plea out of it and will never see the inside of a courtroom. The feds have a case against him, that much is a fact. They don't waste their time otherwise. They aren't Mike Nifong, out chasing cameras for publicity. still though, he'll reach a plea, maybe roll over on a few other big names and that will be the end of it.

With all the various crimes that celebrities get away with in this country, Vick will not be convicted over dogs. These laws haven't been around all that long. If it weren't for animal rights groups, they probably wouldn't exist at all. The feds are far more interested in it from a tax/money perspective than they are anything to do with dog cruelty.

I've said from day 1 that he's involved in it. Mike Vick isn't some thug from the big city. He's a hillbilly and dog/**** fighting is common practice in those areas. He grew up around it and it shouldn't be surprising to find that he's involved in it.

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Just out of curiosity and feel free not to answer this (and sorry if you have already stated your opinion but I haven't gone back and read through the threads) but where do you stand on dog fighting?

You are right he will probably plead to something and maybe he will give up a big name, maybe there aren't even any big names or names bigger than his though. Who knows. I still think he will pay a large fine and he will be suspended by the league or at the very least fined.

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