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Sothron, Any interest from the Hawks in Jack?


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As GoDawgs just stated, what would be the point to validating with Jay? All Jay could do would be to validate that Sothron knows somebody, not that he gets good inside info.

We already know that the info is lacking. We know that nothing substantial has been broken on this site by Sothron.

My guess is that Jay got his inside stuff not from one source but from being among the people that make decisions. He heard things by being around. He likely didn't have one source. If he did then why doesn't Jay still post inside info?

If Jays sources are still good and still intact, I would think that HE could still break stories. Again, my guess is that Jay himself WAS AN INSIDER...

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The repetitive post that you keep bringing up were done jokingly to mock somebody who has spread rumor after rumor claiming to be an insider. On any message board, you can either earn respect or lose it. Jay Walker earned respect. Ron had respect in the beginning and eventually, he lost it. It was his own doing.

I think Godawgs have made some very good points about the reason for not going to Jay.

Like I said before.

We can stipulate that Ron knows somebody.

We can stipulate that Ron is an insider.

However, the information that he brings back will speak much louder than anything we stipulate or that Jay can validate. So what's the point in getting Jay involved?

If it were the other way around... and there were questions about Jay's information... would Jay say "check with Sothron?" Of course not. Jay had good information and no reason to lie or to bolster himself...

Now let me ask you something as a lawyer...

When you as a prosecutor or defender call an expert witness. And when the court stipulates that he's an expert... And then it's later found that his expert testimony was wrong...

In your next trial, do you call him?

My point is that at some point your reputation should and will proceed you. If you are an expert witness who is wrong most of the time, then you will become a repetitive JOKE... That will be your reputation.

Tell me when I'm wrong?

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trying to convince these people, who have so obviously formed their opinion about Sothron, that they should actually take the time to find out if what he was saying was legit or not before flaming him sans any factual evidence either way. banghead.gif

Before someone asks, no I did not contact Jay or anyone else to find out for myself if what Sothron was saying was legit or not. I don't need to do that because I have not formed an opinion of his information either way. I do lean towards believing him since the guy took such a beating every time he tried to give some inside info here and unless he is just a total masochist I can't see any reason why he would do that. Having said that, I do take the things he says with a grain of salt just like I would with any other rumor I read on the internet.

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So, he posts things that are totally impossible to verify one way or the other? That is our inside info?

Damn, that inside info isn't any good!If you want to be a sage then at least once in awhile you have to break something that happened that you called BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

You have to call it first...and then, it has to actually happen.

If I said that God told me in a dream that the Earth was going to end on April 5th, in the year 2450 does that mean I'm a good source of info? I may be right after all. See, the problem is that none of us will be in a position to verify my breaking story. I find that problematic.

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If you stipulate that Sothron had an inside source and that he was just relaying the message from that source and conclude that the source is bad then why are people mocking Sothron and taking it out on him?

If someone from inside the Hawks organization was giving tips that is certainly something of interest. If they are bad that isn't something the middle man can control. People were overwhelmingly interested in hearing whatever the source was saying so what is it that you would want from him?

When a vast majority of people are interested in hearing the message and it is truly coming from someone inside the Hawks organization, then I don't think that is generally a problem to post that on this board.

Again, I think the appropriate response under those circumstances is to point out why the information from the source doesn't make sense - not to personally attack the poster who passes it along.

A vocal minority of people were clearly offended that Sothron claimed to have an "inside" source. Even if you can't verify through Jay whether the insider is feeding good information, you can certainly verify whether Sothron had a source or sources. That would go a long way to showing whether he is passing on information in good faith or making up something out of whole cloth.

If he was making it up, he deserved the personal attacks. If he was passing it along from someone in the organization, the attacks on Sothron (as opposed to the source) were not warranted at all. Nobody bothered to check into that aspect before repeatedly mocking Sothron.

That is what bugs me. Again, not the questioning of the posts. It was the personal nature of the responses without any effort to figure out if Sothron was acting in good faih and the fact that people couldn't restrain themselves from bogging down the board with their attacks (as if the mocking of Sothron was so interesting that a single thread from Sothron wasn't enough of a forum and required multiple threads on the same repetitive topic).

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So, he posts things that are totally impossible to verify one way or the other? That is our inside info?

Damn, that inside info isn't any good!If you want to be a sage then at least once in awhile you have to break something that happened that you called BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

You have to call it first...and then, it has to actually happen.

If I said that God told me in a dream that the Earth was going to end on April 5th, in the year 2450 does that mean I'm a good source of info? I may be right after all. See, the problem is that none of us will be in a position to verify my breaking story. I find that problematic.

So you are saying that if Golden State called BK, offered Biedrens and BK rejected that offer that you think a post about that after the fact would be an inappropriate subject for the Squawk? I don't get this.

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Dolfan... no disrespect... but your post was filled with conflict.

But the Hypocrisy...

Is here...

How soon we forget about BBall Princess.

I went to the Stacks... and you know you were one of the biggest critics of BBall Princess... and her credibility. You jumped on her in her second thread here...

Now, you've taken this don't ask don't tell stance with Ron??

Princess' information was not nearly as wrong as Ron's...

In fact... You said:


I'm just saying that I dont believe that interview for a second. Maybe I will be proven wrong if that article is ever printed ... we shall see.

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If you stipulate that Sothron had an inside source and that he was just relaying the message from that source and conclude that the source is bad then why are people mocking Sothron and taking it out on him?

I can't speak for everybody else... But for me...

2 things.

1. Ron suggested that sometimes he knowing spreads bad information to satisfy his source.

2. Ron stated to me that one thing (as an insider), when I mentioned the reprecutions of what he had told me, he backed off and said he and his source was just making an assumption...

Hell anybody can make assumptions.

After that, I noted exactly what he "Broke" and I was very disappointed.

AHF... He actually said we may trade for...... everybody who had been rumored to be traded or who had a contract that it made logical sense to move in the past year and passed it off as insider information.

AHF... Most of the stuff he passed along was normally after it appeared on hoopshype or prosportsdaily.

AHF... it's just so much he has presented that is wrong...

that when he comes back around saying "I have insider news."... It's like the little boy who cried wolf... Oh... They mocked him too... So like that little boy, I guess the townies will not take Ron serious until he gets something right. Respect is either earned or loss.

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there is a major difference between the two. Sothron has contributed to this site as a fan with varied and meaningful posts for quite a while now and only a small portion of the threads he starts are about inside information. Bball Princess on the other hand came out of nowhere, made claims to her ties to players and what not, and then suddenly disappeared. If you can't see how the BS meter would go off for her then you are truly blind.

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BBall Princess claimed to be an insider... IN 2 threads, you had summed her up as being a liar and needing proof...

Sothron claimed to be an insider... He's been wrong on several occassions... YET, you lean to believing him.

And now you say: "Sothron has contributed to this site as a fan with varied and meaningful posts for quite a while now and only a small portion of the threads he starts are about inside information. Bball Princess on the other hand came out of nowhere, made claims to her ties to players and what not, and then suddenly disappeared."

Let me ask you dol...

What if a real insider showed up... Today.

What if Millivanilli just started posting and he had inside information on what BK will do next...

According to your pattern, you will just not believe what he or she says because they are new?? something.gif

Earlier I said and I restate... if Somebody is an insider, let their inside info speak for them. I think that's the best policy.

BBall Princess made no bones about it that she was an Al Harrington follower. I think she may have been an independent journalist or maybe she wanted to be however, in her interview, she knew a lot more about Al and the people around him than Ron has ever revealed... When Al was not the most followed Hawk, she knew when he would have interviews on radio stations and stuff like that.

Like I said before.


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So, he posts things that are totally impossible to verify one way or the other? That is our inside info?

Damn, that inside info isn't any good!If you want to be a sage then at least once in awhile you have to break something that happened that you called BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

You have to call it first...and then, it has to actually happen.

If I said that God told me in a dream that the Earth was going to end on April 5th, in the year 2450 does that mean I'm a good source of info? I may be right after all. See, the problem is that none of us will be in a position to verify my breaking story. I find that problematic.

So you are saying that if Golden State called BK, offered Biedrens and BK rejected that offer that you think a post about that after the fact would be an inappropriate subject for the Squawk? I don't get this.

Yes, when someone consistently posts info that never happens and then posts on bogus trade offers I find that inappropriate.

If Sothron had a better track record then maybe we could buy an occasional unsubstantiated rumor. But, his track record sucks.

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I don't usually get in this but on draft night Sothron also stated in the chat that we were drafting Horford for the Sixers for Dalambert with other players involved.

I was there, and that wasn't Sothron. That was someone who logged in under the name "Sothron."

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The nonstop trashing of Sothron is nothing but childishness. Information doesn't always pan out. I've posted stuff that came from good sources that didn't pan out. His sources are reputable, but nobody gets it right every time. I was told not long ago that Josh Smith's contract extension was all but done and then posted it here. Two days later we get an article saying that negotions were falling apart. Damn that source, internet glory was almost mine!

While all the kiddies were busy chasing him around the playground trying to wipe boogers on him, nobody seemed to mention Sekou's blog a few weeks back where he mentioned the team "playing like it wanted to get its coach fired". Woodson was even asked about it outright. Yah it could just be a coincidence, Sekou could have just noticed something...or maybe he overheard or was told something too..

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