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Are We Really Going To Keep Woodson???


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I find it odd that all the AJG column writers are now saying Woodson deserves to stay after bashing him for most of the year. The only only one who hasn't voiced his opinion yet is Sekou. I just dont understand how you can say Woody is a good coach? I watched his moves closely all season and I honestly believe most of the guys on this board could do a better job coaching this team. He makes the same mistakes over and over...he doesnt develop his young players or use his bench properly. He forgets about players sitting on his bench. He lets players make the same mistakes over and over. He takes players out when they are "hot". He shows no confidence in certain players. He has zero motivational skills. His post game interviews leave you scratching your head. Who can forget the classic interview with Cheryl Miller where he said "Acie is a better matchup for us and he knows our offensive sets". And then what...he takes him out after minutes.

I am sorry, but there is no way in hell I would renew Woody's contract. It's time to put an end to the Woody/BK era and start new. I would be EXTREMELY disappointed if they dont replace Woodson. 3 Home wins vs the Celtics doesn't change anything. They won those game because of the home crowd...not because Woody shaved his head.

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I agree. It makes no sense at all. At the core, I believe the issue is the split between the owners. Other than that, I can't see any reasonable explanation that would justify keeping Woody around. He hasn't earned it. The fans cheering the team on during games 3,4,and 6 had more to do with our victories than Woody.

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Listen to the Gearon press conferance on Hawks.com. He flat out said he cannot see a situation where Woddy is not here next year. That just boggles my mind. Its like already telling the new gm YOU ARE A FIGURE HEAD.

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Woody never runs to the media or you guys and disclose his issues fully with this team. He is a mans coach and demands guys to play as men. But he will not throw Marvin, JSmith, Shelden (well maybe he did once), Acie and Zaza because of their failings and unwillingness to get Better.

When the guys Listen, commit and Mature we will win more.

You gotta listen to Joe and Bibs. Others have been saying much the same all year. Kevin Willis, 'Nique, Doc, these are guys that love the franchise and they stand up for Woody. They don't have too.

But you guys think you know it all.

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I actually don't have a problem iwith Woody staying if we give him a relatively short term contract (one that we won't mind buying out if he struggles next year) and then we go out and provide him with a balanced roster that includes a real Center and a real PG. It would be nice to give him some veteran reserves as well. If he gets those things and the team still struggles, replace him but there is some value in keeping the continuity going that this team has been building over the last 4 years.

I feel like either Billy or Woody HAD to go. That has happened. I certainly won't cry if Woody ends up gone too but it will be interesting to see if he can build on the momentum we built toward the end of the year and in the playoffs.

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I actually don't have a problem iwith Woody staying if we give him a relatively short term contract (one that we won't mind buying out if he struggles next year) and then we go out and provide him with a balanced roster that includes a real Center and a real PG. It would be nice to give him some veteran reserves as well. If he gets those things and the team still struggles, replace him but there is some value in keeping the continuity going that this team has been building over the last 4 years.

I feel like either Billy or Woody HAD to go. That has happened. I certainly won't cry if Woody ends up gone too but it will be interesting to see if he can build on the momentum we built toward the end of the year and in the playoffs.

I agree. I'm not a big fan of Woodson, but I wouldn't be totally upset if they gave him a team friendly extension, and helped him with some tweaks to the roster. I have mixed feelings on Woody, because on one hand he hasn't been given the easiest roster to work with, but on the other hand I hate some of his in game tendencies. It is a fine line though, because they can't wait too late to make a move if the team struggles next year.

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Am I allowed to put the lack of development in Josh Smith and Marvin Williams over the past 4/3 years on Mike Woodson? I mean, our most consistent and top level performers were already polished by the time we got them-Al Horford, Josh Childress, Joe Johnson.

Have we seen anyone come in here and get dramatically better under Woodson? Josh Smith's strength is still to jump out of the gym and dunk on everyone. He's still not a great ball handler and his jumpshot is disgusting. He worked on his post game last offseason, and it looks a little better, but did Woodson do anything to feature him in the post more?

I swear, if I won the lottery, I'd buy out ASG and then start bidding on any of the actual top-level head coaches who ARE available right now.

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Woody never runs to the media or you guys and disclose his issues fully with this team. He is a mans coach and demands guys to play as men. But he will not throw Marvin, JSmith, Shelden (well maybe he did once), Acie and Zaza because of their failings and unwillingness to get Better.

When the guys Listen, commit and Mature we will win more.

You gotta listen to Joe and Bibs. Others have been saying much the same all year. Kevin Willis, 'Nique, Doc, these are guys that love the franchise and they stand up for Woody. They don't have too.

But you guys think you know it all.

I don't care whose fault it is. There are two options:

1) Woodson's coaching is good, this group of players just doesn't listen.

2) The players are good, Woodson is a horrible coach.

I have seen a lot more evidence of #2 than I have of #1. Maybe that's because Woodson doesn't throw people under the bus publicly, which I could understand. But if #1 is the case, we have to rebuild the team with some different players, and I don't see how different players is going to make our offense not stagnate, or give us better substitution patterns. I'd rather change coaches and give someone else a shot at developing our players than continue to leave it to a guy who has been mediocre at best.

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3) Woody is a young and inconsistent coach and the players (for the most part) are young and inconsistent.

They will either continue to get better or they won't be around much longer (players or coaches) but all of them have demonstrated that they are getting better and even though it has been a very slow process and no matter how much anyone wants to deny it we are getting better. We were one of the best home teams in the league last year but we couldn't win on the road which is a common sign for young teams. If we keep up our home play and get better on the road we will be among the top 4 teams in the east.

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The Hawks don't even have a STYLE. He has been here for years and they have no legit STYLE. They're at their best when they're running.... But it appears he doesn't push the team in that direction. They're not a good halfcourt team... No a good defensive team.

Why should Woody stay on when he can't even influence a style of play?

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Listening to the Gearon interview on 790, it sounds like they will definitely be keeping Woodson. Everything he said pointed that way and nothing was said to make me think he's considering alternatives. This is very disappointing to me. The thought of this team underachieving again because of a inept coach makes me crazy. Smoove will continue bricking jumpers..... we will see more insane substitution patterns.....more guys standing around watching Joe......more easy layups for the other teams......more of no gameplans......more non-adjustments at halftimes....more not being prepared for games...etc.etc.etc.


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I find it odd that all the AJG column writers are now saying Woodson deserves to stay after bashing him for most of the year. The only only one who hasn't voiced his opinion yet is Sekou...

I can't imagine that we would keep Woody. The simple fact that our guys got motivated and won 3 home games against the Celtics (while only winning 37 regular season games) tells me that the players were motivating themselves once on Nat. TV and should have won 40+ games in the regular season and protected the homecourt better.

It's not only motivation though - it's also scheme - and Woody doesn't have one. He doesn't adapt or react. Can him. Get a real Pro coach.

We will never be able to fix BK's misses in the draft but we CAN get a coach who can maximize what we have. Thank goodness CP3 is in the WC.

All that said - with the dumb arsed ASG - I would say it's 50-50 on keeping Woody. Lord I hope they don't give him a five year contract.

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If ASG keeps Woody they know nothing about basketball plain and simple. Anyone that follows basketball can see how badly the Hawk's were coached.

1.Way to many one on one possessions on offense. Most people realize that passing the bal,waiting for the open man is the way to play team basketball.

2.Not boxing out....another fundamental overlooked by Woody.

3.Players not playing within themselves..there is a role for each player when Smoove is out there trying for 3 pointers what does that do for the team?

4.Defense -where is it?

I'll know how serious ASG is if they bring Woody back they would have screwed the fans. It isn't like Woody has had this team for one year he's been coaching 4 yrs and there is no fundamental basketball. ACCOUNTABILITY WOODY HAS NONE IF HE IS RESIGNED.

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