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ESPN Insider shakes up the Hawks


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Ford's Fixer Uppers: Hawking the Hawks

By Chad Ford

NBA Insider

Send an Email to Chad Ford Monday, August 25

Updated: August 25

9:19 AM ET

Are you a Western Conference team looking to keep up with the Joneses? Has the Lakers' addition of Karl Malone and Gary Payton got you down? Tired of seeing Mark Cuban steal away players just because he's crazy enough to overpay for them?

Players like Theo Ratliff might be more valuable to other teams than the rebuilding Hawks.

Still waiting for your team to make that one move that puts you over the top and into contention?

Never fear. The Hawks are here.

After the Mavs strip-mined the Warriors of much of their talent last week, several other Western Conference teams looking for a big offseason boost (all of whom were trying to cut deals with Golden State) began searching for another down-on-its-luck franchise willing to give up talented veterans for cap space and/or future prospects.

By Friday, the vultures began circling over Philips Arena, hoping new Hawks GM Billy Knight would do the sensible thing and hand over his veterans, jump starting the rebuilding process next summer under new owner David McDavid.

It appears they are right on target.

The team actually tried to hold a fire sale in February, near the trade deadline, but couldn't find takers for players like Glenn Robinson, Theo Ratliff, Shareef Abdur-Rahim and Nazr Mohammed. Ever since the Hawks shipped Robinson to the Sixers for a guy who was ready to retire, Terrell Brandon, the writing has been on the wall in Atlanta.

Teams like the Rockets, Blazers, Grizzlies and Sonics have been working the phones hard all summer to try to keep up with the NBA's elite, but so far all four teams have struck out. In every case, what those teams need are veterans who can thrive in the paint.

The Hawks just happen to have three -- Abdur-Rahim, Ratliff and Mohammed. With only a minuscule chance of actually competing for a playoff spot this year, the Hawks would be better off trading away their high-priced veterans for cap room in 2004 and several young prospects to begin building around.

Can they make a deal before the season starts? Insider has some ideas on how the Hawks can help themselves in the long run and several Western Conference teams in the short run.

Step One

Shareef Abdur-Rahim

Power Forward

Atlanta Hawks




81 19.9 8.4 3.0 .478 .841

Trade Shareef Abdur-Rahim to the Rockets for Glen Rice and Eddie Griffin: Giving up on Abdur-Rahim will be the toughest pill for the Hawks to swallow. While he isn't a superstar, he puts up solid numbers every night and is a solid citizen off the court. The problem is, his contract doesn't jibe with the type of player he really is -- a complementary guy who's at his best when someone else is carrying the big load.

Enter the Rockets. With Steve Francis and Yao Ming already in place, the Rockets are looking for the third wheel that pushes them into the playoffs. New head coach Jeff Van Gundy knows that owner Les Alexander has lost his patience with this team, and right now the Rockets' playoff hopes seem to swing on the development of Eddie Griffin. While Griffin has star potential down the road, the Rockets may not be willing to wait, especially if they can get their hands on a "young veteran" (he's just 26) like Abdur-Rahim. Put him on the floor with Francis, Yao, Cuttino Mobley and Maurice Taylor, and the Rockets are guaranteed postseason action for many years to come.

Those moves would give the Rockets this opening-day roster:

Point guard: Steve Francis, Moochie Norris

Shooting guard: Cuttino Mobley, Eric Piatkowski

Small forward: Maurice Taylor, Adreian Griffin, Bostjan Nachbar

Power forward: Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Malick Badiane

Center: Yao Ming, Kelvin Cato

The trade gives the Hawks a promising, versatile young forward in Griffin and roughly $10 million in cap relief next summer when Rice's contract comes off the books.

Step Two

Stromile Swift


Memphis Grizzlies




67 9.7 5.7 0.7 .481 .722

Ship Ratliff, Mohammed and Chris Crawford to the Grizzlies for Stromile Swift, Wesley Person and Brevin Knight:This one will be an easier sell in Atlanta. While Ratliff and Mohammed both are skilled, neither player seems to fit into the Hawks' long term plans. Ratliff is 30 and has a history of injuries. Mohammed is young enough, but hasn't been able to win the confidence of the coaching staff in Atlanta. Last year he played just 35 games because of a stress fracture. Even in the games he did play, Mohammed averaged a mere 12.7 minutes.

Ratliff and Mohammed's size are huge commodities in Memphis, however. Jerry West has been working the phones all summer trying to find a real center to patrol the middle. He got close on several occasions, only to watch deals for Michael Olowokandi and Erick Dampier crumble at the last minute. Neither Ratliff or Mohammed have the upside of the Kandi-man or Damp (that's a depressing thought) but together, they greatly improve the Grizzlies problems in the middle.

Ratliff led the the league in blocks per game last season (3.2 bpg) and is an above average rebounder. Mohammed is a good offensive rebounder and gives the Grizzlies something they long for, muscle in the paint. The big question from the Grizzlies end? Would they really give up Swift? West has been insisting all summer that the team likes Swift and isn't shopping him. Will the allure of two big men be enough to pry him out of their hands?

Those moves would give the Grizzlies this opening-day roster:

Point guard: Jason Williams, Earl Watson, Troy Bell

Shooting guard: James Posey, Michael Dickerson, Dahntay Jones

Small forward: Mike Miller, Shane Battier, Chris Crawford, Ryan Humphrey

Power forward: Pau Gasol, Lorenzen Wright, Theron Smith

Center: Theo Ratliff, Nazr Mohammed, Cezary Trybanski

For the Hawks, the swap gives them an athletic big man who can play both power forward and center. Swift was very solid after the All-Star break last season, averaging 13.7 ppg and 8.2 rpg in the month of March. Person and Knight are included as salary cap dumps. Both of them come off the books next summer, clearing another $12.7 million in cap room.

Step Three

Jason Terry


Atlanta Hawks




81 17.2 3.4 7.4 .428 .887

Re-sign Jason Terry: Now that the Hawks know they'll have plenty of room next summer, they should feel much more comfortable re-signing Terry to a long-term deal. Terry really started to come around at the point last season, ranking seventh in the league in assists at 7.2 apg game. While he'll always be a bit of a tweener, the addition of good ball handlers, like first round pick Boris Diaw, will give the Hawks some flexibility to play Terry at the two and use Diaw to run the team as a point forward.

What is Terry worth? Considering he can't secure an offer sheet from anyone else, the Hawks are in a good bargaining position. Why not offer him the same deal that Philly offered Kenny Thomas -- seven years, $50 million? That would give Terry a starting salary of $5.5 million and keep the Hawks in a good cap situation next summer.

Step Four

Sign free agents Stephen Jackson and Donnell Harvey: The key here is getting Jackson to agree to a three-year deal with a team option for year three. To do it, the team would probably have to offer him something close to their full mid-level exception -- like a three-year, $13.5 million dollar deal. It's a good deal for both parties. Jackson can't get that type of money anywhere else. The Hawks need help at shooting guard, and it would allow them to audition Jackson for two seasons. If they like him, they can always pick up the option. If they don't, he comes off the books after the 2004 season, along with Alan Henderson, freeing up even more cap room.

Harvey can't find a home anywhere. He was once ranked as the top high school prospect in the Class of 1999. What happened? Harvey averaged 7.9 ppg and 5.3 rpg for the Nuggets last season in just 20.9 mpg. He's still one of the better rebounders in the league per minute, but his lack of size and any semblance of an offensive game hurts him. The Hawks can afford to give him a one-year deal and see what he does.

Those moves would give the Hawks this opening-day roster:

Point guard: Jason Terry, Dan Dickau, Brevin Knight

Shooting guard: Stephen Jackson, Wesley Person, Travis Hansen

Small forward: Glen Rice, Boris Diaw

Power forward: Eddie Griffin, Donnell Harvey

Center: Stromile Swift, Alan Henderson

This is a very versatile lineup. Terry, Jackson, Diaw, Griffin and Swift can all play multiple positions, giving coach Terry Stotts lots of flexibility. You could even argue the Hawks would be better off with this lineup than the one they currently plan on fielding. It certainly would be more exciting.

Step Five

Wait for your cap room next summer: By making all of those moves, the Hawks would put themselves in a great position for next summer.

First, the team will be in contention for the overall No. 1 pick in the draft. With so many young big men headlining the top prospects in 2004 (like Emeka Okafor, Dwight Howard, Peja Samardziski and Pavel Podkolzine) the Hawks should be able to walk away with a nice player to help them in the middle.

Second, assuming the Hawks draft and pay a top-four pick, and assuming they made the moves we just talked about, the team's payroll will come in at around $28 million for 2004-05. Assuming the cap stays at $43.8 million, Atlanta would have roughly $16 million to play with next summer. That should be enough to re-sign Swift (who will be a restricted free agent) and another top-tier free agent.

In 2005, the team should also be able to clear another $12 million in cap room (at least) when Henderson and Jackson both come off the books. They'll have to use some of that money to re-sign Griffin (who will be a restricted free agent in 2005), but there still should be enough cash to give the Hawks room to bring in one solid player in free agency.

Put all of that together and the Hawks, Rockets and Grizzlies all have something to look forward to next year. The Rockets should be a playoff lock, the Grizzlies should be good enough to battle the Blazers, Sonics and Clippers for the eighth playoff seed, and the Hawks will have a nice young core to begin building around when they hit the free agent market in 2004.

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The problem is that there are NO FAs in next years pool. Seriously, the only 2 worthy of talk are Kobe and KG.

Kobe is a very slim possibility.

KG is next to impossible.

However, some of the thoughts have merit. I have looked at one in particular. The trade to Memphis.

If we were to tweak it abit.

Theo/Hendu to Memphis.

BK/Person/Swift to Atlanta...

I'd do it. I think West would do it too.

I don't see Swift as a C, but [censored], he's worth the try. I would play him until Nazr is healthy.

BK brings our Backcourt some needed experience.

Person is a guy I want.


We are now Younger and more athletic with a great shooter at Sf.

I still don't think Diaw is ready, but [censored], if we are reloading and NOT rebuilding, he has to learn on the job.

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We may be only one player and some chemistry away from being a playoff team in the east.

I do not want to start over again. Ratliff, SAR and JT is a very nice core.

I don't want to have to wait another 3 - 5 years for some more players to develop. Lets work with what we have. They are still young and learning, SAR is only 26. This team has potential. We finished the season with a lot of wins and the big difference is we are subbing Diaw for Ira.

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If the sale goes through (a bigger if by the day) then the new owner will have to impress the local fan base in a dramatic fashion. Will the moves Ford proposes impress the local dwindling fan base? Despite having the chance to play big minutes for their respective teams neither Swift or Griffin have made an impact or appear even on the verge of stardom. I would hope Knight would trade for a player who has demonstrated more impact and talent than Swift or Griffin especially to give up so much of the core of the team. McDavid is no Blank and no Vick is on the horizon but McDavid will still need to make an impact on the local fans immediately. I think lowering the ticket prices while tweaking the team to possibly make a run at the playoffs may have a better impact on the local fans than gutting the team for questionable talent and hoping to sign big FA's at some point in the future. The big FA plan does not always work (Jazz, Bulls, etc.).

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I would wet myself if we went through w/ these deals. Can we hire chris ford as our general manager? If we indeed ended up w/ the top pick or even top 3 we would have a shot at okafor. This kid is awesome. Theo w/ rebounds. did't he avg almost 5 blocks a game last yr? He isn't a liability on the offensive end either. Add him to eddie griffen and people w/ have a [censored] of a time getting off shots against us. I like it.

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Eddie Griffin is a spare part. He isn't even all that

talented...Neither is Stromile Swift. What have either

of these two guys done? Run their accomplishments by

me again?Eddie Griffin was obviousally a bust as a lotto

pick....So was Stromile Swift. Both have had enough time

to prove themselves...But yet...They haven't been able to

do it.

Who the heck is Oakafor? Some forgien big man. Seeing

how soft these guys are....that isn't too good.

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With the team that we currently have, we may have a shot at Okafur.

Imagine that:


The problem is that I don't think we need to pay this much to be bad with no hope in the future. If Theo had a choice on the matter, he would not stay here. IN fact, as soon as he becomes a FA, I believe he's gone. So why wait. He has some trade value, I say we try to get somebody young in here.

About Reef, I have to agree with Moon. None of the trades, brings us a Star. Since Reef Began playing on this level, he has put up very good Starlike Numbers. No need to trade that away... Especially if he will resign for a reasonable amount.

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I think that is a very good thing because it shows he is doing his research and it also shows that he knows there are people here like Jaywalker who have firsthand knowledge of what's going on. Ford's proposals actually make sense (whether you would pull the trigger on them or not) and EVERY ONE of his proposals have been discussed in some variation either here or over at Real GM. Lets' look at his proposals closely:

1. Reef for Griffin/Rice. This deal has been discussed at both sites. It was rumored to have been on the table at the trade deadline last year. If we could get an unprotected #1 out of this deal, I'd do it. As is, I would only do it AFTER other deals had been completed which would ensure that we would have a lot of caproom next year and even then, I would be hesitant.

2. Theo/Nazr/CC for Swift, Person, Knight. Deals invovling all six of these players in some form or fashion have been proposed at both sites. This version gives the Hawks a promising young player in Swift and creates maximum capspace by clearing almost $13 million off next year's books. I like it and I'd pull the trigger on this deal. Remember, we wouldn't HAVE to use the caproom in 04 and we could carry it over until 05 if we didn't like any of the prospects in 04.

3. Resigning JT to a 7 yr /$50 million deal. That is the EXACT deal I proposed (and many have agreed was fair), including the $5.5 million 1st year salary. I first proposed this deal when the season ended and I have posted the same proposal over and over again including yesterday over at Real GM.

4. Stephen Jackson and Donnell Harvey. I THINK Harvey has already signed esewhere but Jackson has been rumored here since the Dog trade. In addition, Ford's proposal of signing Jackson to a 3 year deal with a team option for year 3 has been proposed here. In fact, the rationale for doing it that way, all the way down to the overpaying him for year's 1 and 2 in order to get a team option for year 3 was propsed here on more than one occasion by me.

5. Cap room/draft picks in 04 and beyond. Everything he says there makes sense. He left out money to resign Swift but we'll be in a great position to make decsions on him as well as Griffin.

All in all, I think Ford's proposal is very good. I think he did an excellent job of combining a number of proposals that have been made here and combining them into something that makes sense. The Reef deal is the one that is the most unsettling but is Reef $10 million a year better than Griffin? Remember, Reef will make $14.6 million next year.

Right now, I think we are going to be awful next year. If we made all the moves that Ford proposes, we'd still be awful but I think it would be a fun team to watch. Especially if we resigned DJ. I'd love to watch a lineup of:






That almost certainly would not be our starting lineup but talk about athleticism! I'm sure we would see a few highlight reel dunks out of that group and Stephen Jackson is a high flier as well.

The bottom line is that if Houston would throw in a #1, done deal on all fronts for me. At least this franchise would have some direction. We wouldn't win anything this year but we COULD be competitive as soon as next year and we should be REALLY competitive in 05/06.

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In the early days,

Back before he was an ESPN personality smile.gif

Ford would actually come to Hawksquawk on the regular and would take part in the daily Banter. Who's to say that he's ever stopped lurking. I think he has a lot of time on his hands to lurk in a lot of places plus he knows some key people.

Does he know any key people with the Hawks?

I think that since Babcock is gone, the Hawks have been probably the hardest franchise to get information from. Mainly because they don't know what's next.

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Not to mention how many of us called Ford out in emails last year saying how wrong he was about how bad the Hawks would be.......I think that we (as a website) owe him an apology for that. It wouldnt surprise me one bit to hear that he comes on here daily or at least on a semi-regular basis......[censored] as much as he proposes trades he may be Diesel? Ahh wait he doesnt have the God complex that Diesel does.......lol

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I hope he will pass the word to the Hawks that we need

to hear from them. They need to tell us something --

anything -- How things are going -- Health of the

players who were injured last season -- any assistant

coaching prospects -- Etc. -- Anything!!! Just talk

to the fans.

I noticed that my favorite non-Hawk player is missing in

all these trade proposals. I still want to see Battier

in a Hawk uniform next season.

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I don't think he is owed anything. Most fans want to

believe their franchise isn't going to suck. It's natural

to most.

Exciting team? And how is that? We don't have a PG to

help athletic players like Kidd has with Martin/Jefferson.

Jason Terry is nothing but a short Jim Jackson. He will

always put up good numbers on bad teams. He'll never

been nothing more than a role player on a good team.

Now, I think he can be signed and traded and we can get

something for him. We can't lose him for nothing...But he

will never do anything in the future to help this team win

because he'll never find a spot in the league til he realizes

that he will never be anything but a good stat player on

bad teams.

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How can you not know who okafor is? If he plays like he did l;ast yr he will be #1 pick, except of course if that giant from russia gets hot. Okafor is everything reef isn't, great defense, great rebounding, not a bad passer out of the post. He isn't the scorer reef si but hey lets face it, reef sin't going to LEAD anyone to the finals. I believe someone mentioned this but he will make what 14 mill next yr??? thats insane for what he brings to the table. Why should we keep him around and pay him that much cash? I am an optimist and every yr i catch flack from my friends because I say this is the yr for the hawks. Well, this yr i am being realistic, we are not going to make the playoffs w/ the team we have and the only way to get better is to trade the overpaid pieces and try again.

Plus, our attendance is aweful and sar doesn't do anything to better that. he is a boring player, just boring. We [censored] about jt but dam jt has more heart than the rest of the team put together. Hey, maybe okafor and griffen and swift are not the answer but it won't cost us as much to find out as it does to KEEP WATCHIGN THEO AND REEF AND REALIZING THAT THEY AREN'T EITHER.

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Both deals look good to me. Everyone seems to have given up on the upcoming season, so what's wrong with adding a couple young players with large potential? Sure they haven't done much with thier current clubs, but couldn't the same be said for Jermaine O'neal and Chris Webber early on? Change of scenary may be perfect.

The worst thing that could happen is we play decent ball, have a nice young team for the future, have a nice high draft pick next year and have some dough to add a couple veteren free agents.

This team needs a radical change, SAR is a good player but the future doesn't look good at the moment and it doesn't look to be getting any better in the near future.

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I still think you cannot take the new ownership's need to connect with the local fans out of the equation of any potential moves. How can McDavid make a splash in the market? (assuming the sale actually goes through). It is unlikely Knight can manuver for a superstar through trade this close to the beginning of the season. Without a bonafide superstar (like Vick) what else can he do? If the sale goes through before the season starts then maybe he can reduce ticket prices (like Blank did) and try to create more exciting activities around the Phil. If he were able to reduce ticket prices would he rather field our current lineup with the core of SAR, Theo and JT or make the trades Ford proposed and have a core of JT, Griffin and Swift? While the SAR core does not really excite the local base it could compete for a playoff spot (8th seed) and generate some excitement. Field the other core and risk losing alot of games and turning the Phil into the opposing team's second home court (even more than it is now). I just don't think new ownership (or old for that matter) can afford to gut this core without getting a bonafide superstar in return to excite the local fan base.

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We [censored] about jt but dam jt has more heart than the rest of the team put together."

Jt and this "heart" stuff is a bunch of BS. How much difference has his "heart" made to this team? This

team has been in it's worse shape ever since he has

been here. Look around the league...NOBODY WANTS

JT. Hello! The guy isn't getting offers. Don't hand me

that Hawks matching stuff again... This franchise right

now is so freakin unstable that it's not even funny...Who

cares what Billy Knight says? He obviousally has no power

over anyone.

I can't even say that guys stupid name...but on paper he

looks like a Theo Ratliff... Another 6'9 shot blocking center?? hmmmmm

He averaged a half of an assist so he must not be that

good of a passer..... Where is this guy going to lead the

hawks too? It looks to me like the drafts get weaker and

weaker every year. All that came out of the draft this year

was a guy that come be the next Harold Miner for all we


Trade Theo Raliff...

I don't see what all the hoopla is on keeping a player

that no other team wants.... ESP if he costs more than

a million.... JT's lack of offers tells you that he isn't

that good of a player when it comes to winning.

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Look we can't trade Reef because we will get nothing back in return. really don't want to go through the whole rebuilding phase and be in the cellar for the next 5 years. Truth be told a lineup of JT, Reef, and Theo can get us to the playoffs if we plug in some core pieces. Hate on Reef all you want but yes he is worth his contract since he is a young PF with talent. No he doesn't run the court like a deer and block shots all day like Kenyon but he has a much better offensive game.

Reef is a player that when coupled with another all star can get us pretty far in the playoffs. He is versatile enough to play in a half court set which is what most games in the Eastern Conference turn into come playoff time. Lets see what we can do with this roster and then rebuild when the capspace comes in in 2005. I'd like to see what Diaw and Hansen can do.

Lets stick to the plan. Resign DJ, Steve Smith, and play. If we suck then let's talk trade. Truth be told I'd rather build around Reef than most players in this league since he's both efficient and consistent.

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When Shareef was Griffin's age, Reef was putting up 18-20 ppg and grabbing 7+ rpg as a small forward.

Griffin is averaging 8 ppg and 6 rpg. Griffin is also a 40% shooter from the field and only 33% from behind the arc. He's not a good free throw shooter either, and he has attitude problems.

He was supposed to revolutionize the small forward position, and he's been nothing but a bit player to date. I don't want to hear the "he's young and needs time" excuse. Reef was the same age as Griffin when he went pro, and he's doubled his output in each subsequent year.

I think Stromile Swift started hitting an upward curve last year after the All-Star break. He averaged 13.7 ppg and 8.2 rpb as a starter while shooting 48%. Still, I've seen nothing from him since he left LSU that makes me think of a potential star in the making.

The team can make the playoffs if they add a couple of role players, and they could contend in the East 2-3 years down the road if things fall their way.

If they make these moves, it will be at least 5 years before this team gets close to the playoffs.

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