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How bout them Falcons!


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I absolutely LOVED the defense the other night...it wasn't just the scheme or the big plays they made, for me more than anything it was the way they were swarming to the ball and putting good hard LEGAL hits on guys. Defense just looked tougher out there the other night, actually looked like a group to be feared. And Moore got some good exposure the other night so hes going to get some looks later on in the season that should at least amount to a pro bowl appearance. As far as the offense goes I'm not to worried, Julio left 7 out there with that drop and I don't think we're gonna see that all year. Tony dropped a first down catch that could have kept an early drive going and possibly get some more points on the board and like I said don't plan on seeing much of that from tony either. The offense will be fine, not worried.

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I love that Amoeba defense that Nolan has them running. Kept Peyton from getting comfortable and from reading the defense the whole night. This is the defense that I have always wanted to see us run which the exact opposite to what BVG had us running with the soft zone BS. Love that we have coordinators that know how to make adjustments.And I don't think the Falcons went ultra conservative on offense either. Their punter did well to pin us twice within the 5 and when you are that close to a safety, the only option is to run.

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Good point about being pinned so deep so many times in the second half...and I totally agree with you about our defense now against the way it looked with BVG. I've never liked that bend but don't break mentality, we have the athletes on that side of the ball and now they're getting their opportunities to make plays and I think the guys are excited about it. Hope we go out there and put it on San Diego tomorrow

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We really look serious this year....I've never been this excited bout a team in my life. Decoud and Moore look like the best tandem in the ge right now and dunta and Samuel are putting some hits on people...oh and the offense looks great by the way

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Was at A-Station when it was going down, but had no idea there was a Falconnection going on. I thought there was a fire with all the trucks at the scene, but the hotel wasn't being evacuated, so I figured there was some domestic disturbance up on one of the condo/hotel patios.Let's predict next week's postgame trip to the pokey. I'm going with Ray Edwards in the parlor with the candlestick.~lw3

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Abraham is my favorite Falcon. I don't get this. When the cops/firefighters tell you to do something you do it. It ain't rocket surgery. These guys need to think about the ramifications for their team, the team's rep, and their own possible suspensions if nothing else. I will say that Atlantic Station has the same affect on me. Everytime I go there i get in a seriously crappy mood.

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Abraham is my favorite Falcon. I don't get this. When the cops/firefighters tell you to do something you do it. It ain't rocket surgery. These guys need to think about the ramifications for their team, the team's rep, and their own possible suspensions if nothing else.

I will say that Atlantic Station has the same affect on me. Everytime I go there i get in a seriously crappy mood.

Rocket Science or Heart Surgery...Posted Image
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Hell of a game, Charles johnson had his way wit us today....gotta do something about that. Every game isn't going to be a breeze, we won't blow out every team so I'm not really worried about this game. Biggest thing is we came away with the victory, they made HUGE plays when they needed to and that showed me a lot. Coming away with wins in games like these separates the good teams from the real contenders. Just win baby

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I heard Ryan worked on his arm strength in the off season and now i believe it. I don't think he could have made that throw last year. Roddy is a stud man. I agree Ryan is a winner. He screwed up on Julio's out of bound catch the drive before. That wasn't a well thrown ball to a wide open guy but I don't care now. That game was something else.

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Open Season on wayward Falcons (current AND former) continued this past weekend with: http://www.ajc.com/news/news/former-falcon-ray-buchanan-charged-with-dui/nSQq5/ Happy Birthday, I guess? At least he got out in time to catch the game. I've got money on Morten Andersen shoplifting by this time next week. ~lw3

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