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Another Lockout looming?

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it would suck, becuase I would have no b-ball for a season and the Hawks would be robbed of what could be a very exciting season for us fans. But I think the league needs it. The players association is corrupt and basically run by the agents.

The PA had agreed in principle on most of the terms the NBA watned, with the exception of the age limit. So they were close to a deal. Then the PA has a meeting with a group of the big time agents and the entire thing falls apart.

I'm in favor of shortening contracts

I'm in favor of bumping up the salary cap

I'm in favor of lowering the max contract amount

I'm in favor of the age limit

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owners are not forced to give out inflated, long-term contracts, they choose to on their own. i hope the entire siutation is avoided. from what i have read the owners are not willing to compromise at all. they want to punish the players by locking them out because of their own bad decisions. i think both sides will come to an agreement, they don't want another NHL.

"The players association is corrupt and basically run by the agents." - any facts to support this claim?

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as I said, the league and PA had agreed in prinicple on the majority of the terms as of April 16th. On april 18th the PA met with a group of high profile agents. After that the PA told the league that they would have to backtrack on the majority of the terms that had been working on and had previously agreed to.

Oddly enough that smells of the same corruption we see in politics all the time. Congress agrees in principle on some deal or another, until the lobbiests show up and then, for some magic reason, they can no longer agree to that deal. That's corruption my friend. You may choose to sugarcoat it however you see fit. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's a duck.

And i'm sorry, but your "nobody forces the owners to give big contracts" is about as naive as it gets. The system that is currently in place forces them to do it more often than not. If they have any desire to create a winning team that is.

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i think there will be a lockout, but i dont think it will last into the season. too much $$$ at stake, and the nba doesnt want to lose fan interest. neither side wants to lose money. attendance is up for the most part(except in ATL!!), many young players gaining popularity. owners/union will come to an agreement over the summer. union probably will conceed to age limit of 19/20 with owners giving some on the raises and instead of 4 year max contract probably will be 5.

"You may choose to sugarcoat it however you see fit."

-want trying to sugercoat anything, just asking a question.

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why do you hope for a lockout?? I mean you listed reasons, but unless you own a team (or play in the NBA), you dont have a personal stake to either side. Personally, I dont want to be stuck with just NCAA ball. And as far as the actual terms of their collective bargaining agreement, i could care less, i just want them to play.

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and like I said I don't wnat to lose the season. I'm a ball fan at heart. I also don't want to see the Hawks robbed of what could be a very exciting season.

But again, I'm a ball fan. I want to see the NBA restored back to the glory days when it was the game to see. I think that it's going to take restructuring the contract rules in order to protect the teams a bit more , to ensure that happens.

I think the NFL is a perfect example of how those limits can increase the quality of the game. The players are basically paid for their performance and if the performance drops, the players get dropped. That keeps the players hungry and keeps the quality of the product at the very highest level.

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i dont find anything wrong with the NBA game. most teams play better D than before, players are more athletic, more creative. only problem i have is the terrible shooting and lack of mid-range games.

ideally, it would be nice to see players paid for performance, would make players hungrier, but no union in their right mind would agree to the NFL system. totally favors the owners. not only arent the contracts fully guaranteed, but i just found out that they dont get paid for preseason games!

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I disagree with you on this one Chillz. I think the players are underpaid, contracts should not be shortened, and I don't have a problem with the age limit.

Lebron James has a $100 million dollar deal with Nike to ease the pain, but the max contract doesn't pay him what he's worth. If you are Lebron James, and you knew that a few years ago players were signing for $24 million/year, wouldn't you feel underpaid? Basketball players are underpaid.

The owners have a sweet deal, and they are trying to take more from the players. I think the agents have a right to be pissed. I expect this all to get worked out and for next season to start on time, though.

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no professional sports player is underpaid, period. they make millions to play a game. teachers, doctors, college athletes getting exploited by the NCAA are underpaid, nba players are not.

agents are not really needed in the nba as far as basketball contract wise with the rookie scale, max contract limit, mid-level and min salary exception. they are probably mad that nba is sort of 'phasing them out'.

that might the 1st time ive ever read/heard that a professional athlete is underpaid.

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But again, I'm a ball fan. I want to see the NBA restored back to the glory days when it was the game to see. I think that it's going to take restructuring the contract rules in order to protect the teams a bit more , to ensure that happens.

That isn't going to happen. I wanted the samething,

but with 30 something teams and salaries it simply

is NOT going to happen. Also, I think the NBA has

made great strides this year. I'm still sad about

the whole international thing this past summer, but

I think this has been one of the more enjoyable

NBA seasons in quite a few yeras.

As far as the NFl goes, I think it was a down year

and the NFl playoffs really wasn't that great this

year. Not only that, but the Superbowl was a total

throwaway. I seemed so corparate and it just lacked

intensity and didn't even feel like a Super Bowl. I

don't see the high quality of the NFL at the current


This would be a bad time for a lockout. The NBA is

just starting to regain alittle more of a fanbase

and a lockout would be a huge setback.

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I think Stubborness will take us to a lockout (at least for the summer).

Here's why...

1. Stern has too much power.

2. Billy Hunter is too stubborn to admit that he did talk to some agents and they are helping to pull his strings.

3. The Fat Cat players don't really care about a short lockout.... BUT THEY SHOULD!

First Stern's power...

Stern is wielding far too much power as a result of these negotiations. He's offering the age limit as a sacrificial lamb, but nobody cares about the age limit. He wants to get the contracts shortened. If he can make it so that the largest contract is 5 yrs, he'd be crowned King of the NBA by the Owners.

Until the Agents came along and explained the ramifcations, Billy Hunter and the PA were willing to let it go.

2nd. Billy Hunter.

I think Hunter is trying to play the tough guy now. But he had fallen for all of Stern's tricks.

3rd. Fat Cats.

Too many big contracts don't care about being out for the summer. But When Kobe can no longer afford the monthly extorition check and when Paul Pierce run out of Hat Money, and when Spreewell's kids really get hungry.. .There will be a change of thinking.

I think mainly, the Owners want the NBA to go in the direction whereby a player's salary is already Set. Basically putting caps on everything. Length of contract, Amount, and perks. If this happens, you best believe that agents will be of no use. A player will be able to negotiate his own contract. Duffy and others can see this and they are blowing up Billy Hunter's phone. Hunter being a proud afro american is not willing to admit that he needed others to point out the faults in the CBA.

I say you have a real fillerbuster. You lock both sides into a room with Water and restrooms and you make them sit at the table until they come to an agreement. NO agents. NO excess people.

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I was about to say the exaxt same thing. What gets me though, is how stupid all of these guys think the fan is. They feed us all these standard answers and white lies, while we ignore the facts and pick sides.

The fact of the matter is, it should be all about what WE want because WE put all that money in their pockets. We could make them pay for being so damn audacious, hardheaded, and greedy - but nobody fears the fan.

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The players who really do not want to see a lockout are the free agents. If their salaries ended at the end of the season, this will delay their next check.

No matter how much money you make, if it stops flowing for too long issues will ensue.

As for the owners, this will put a dampener on Season ticket, advertising and suite sales for next year. Something is bound to give before too long.

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no professional sports player is underpaid, period. they make millions to play a game. teachers, doctors, college athletes getting exploited by the NCAA are underpaid, nba players are not.

agents are not really needed in the nba as far as basketball contract wise with the rookie scale, max contract limit, mid-level and min salary exception. they are probably mad that nba is sort of 'phasing them out'.

that might the 1st time ive ever read/heard that a professional athlete is underpaid.

Have you ever heard of the free market? These players are no longer going to the highest bidder. There are about 20 players or more that every single team in the league would pay the maximum contract to get. If Michael Jordan generates 60 million in revenues for a team, how much is he worth?

These athletes that are just playing a game generate enough revenues to justify their salary. Mandating a ceiling that you can pay Lebron James makes him underpaid. If it was an open market I expect he might fetch 25-30 million/year. A teacher cannot generate 50 million in revenues a year, that is why teachers get paid less than professional athletes.

Am I alone on this one?

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You're right...

The players are being Pimped...

But they also have a lifestyle that they could otherwise not get...

The owners are doing absolutely nothing but making an investment that is going to pay off every time.. Now, they want to change the rules so that it will pay off MORE...

How do you determine what's right?

really, the fans is what actually make it happen. The money that the league is fighting over is money from the gate and Money from the TV Contracts. They get Billions because we watch... So somewhere in the mix, the fans should be the arbitrator. And if they go to a lockout, the fans will be the arbitrated... Because when Nobody is watching... With a slumping NBA as it is... It will be hard to generate the kind of viewership you had when Jordan was around and you made those TV contracts...

It's going to take a lockout to prove to both sides that what their fighting for is money that was given to them by someone else, not money they deserve or is owed.

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