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Woody's JOB on the Line?


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Woodson's status up in air

'I've still got to come to work,' Hawks coach says


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 12/09/05

The Hawks are evaluating "everything" to try to turn around their season, one of the team's owners said Thursday.

But Michael Gearon Jr. wouldn't say whether that evaluation could lead to a coaching change.

Asked if the Hawks are considering firing coach Mike Woodson because of the team's 2-16 record, Gearon said: "We don't have a plan to do anything right now. But when we're in this situation losing, you constantly evaluate everything — what the heck do you do to get better?"

Under Woodson, the Hawks are 15-85, which is tied for the fourth-worst stretch of 100 games in NBA history (since 1954), according to Stats, Inc.

Gearon described Woodson as "a great guy who works his butt off and wants to win" but resisted further questions about the coach's job status except to reiterate that the team's record mandates "looking at everything right now."

"This is extremely difficult," Gearon said. "This is a tough time. We got involved with this as owners to try to do what we can to bring good basketball here."

Woodson admits he's heard talk that he might be fired.

"When you lose, there has to be changes," he said after his team lost its seventh in a row Wednesday in Utah. "I don't care how you cut it. At the end of the day, ownership has to make the call.

"You've got to win. I'm paid to do a job. Winning is what it's all about."

Woodson said he has not had a recent conversation with Hawks management about his job status. General manager Billy Knight could not be reached for comment on Thursday, but declined to comment on Woodson's status last week.

Woodson said he has heard speculation that he might be fired and said: "I can't control that. It's part of things. I've been around this league a long time. You know, 24 years [as a player, assistant and head coach]. You can't control that. If I get caught up in that, then I can't do my job. I'll never do that."

After going an NBA-worst 13-69 last season, the Hawks are on pace to go 9-73 this season, despite offseason spending that included a five-year, $70 million contract for Joe Johnson and a four-year, $16 million deal for Zaza Pachulia.

"It's nobody's fault but ours that we keep losing," co-captain Al Harrington said.

Gearon, reached by phone during a business trip in Brazil, said he does not consider the Hawks' record a repudiation of the moves made by Knight.

"The problem we've got right now is I look at each player individually and I get excited about this team," Gearon said. "It's a matter of figuring everything out, playing together as a team, maximizing what each player can contribute.

"It's a very young team, having to learn the hard way, and we'll get through it. ... We could be in worse places. I'd be more worried if we had an old team and this was our record. But we knew when we blew this up it would take some time," he said, referring to the decision two years ago to dismantle the roster.

Gearon said the owners have "empowered [Knight] to make the decisions that are in the best interests of the team." But under the owners' partnership agreement, some major decisions — including hiring or firing a coach — require a majority vote of the ownership group.

Steve Belkin, whose opposition to the Johnson trade led to a decision in August to sell his stake in the Hawks and Thrashers to his partners, still holds one of three votes in ownership decisions because the sale of his stake hasn't closed. A series of appraisals to set the price Belkin gets for his stake is incomplete, and the transaction isn't expected to close until February, Belkin said in an e-mail last month.

Gearon and Rutherford Seydel, Atlanta-based members of the ownership group, share one vote, and Bruce Levenson and Ed Peskowitz, Washington-based members of the group, share another.

Since summer, the Atlanta and Washington partners have said repeatedly that they will have no trouble reaching consensus on major decisions.

Woodson, hired after being the top assistant at Detroit when the Pistons won the NBA title in 2003-04, is in the middle of a three-year contract.

"Anytime you lose, you worry about holding a team together," Woodson said. "But it's my job as a coach. We've got to continue to work. I've got to stay upbeat about what we're doing, and these guys have got to believe in what they're doing.

"We have to work our way through it. That's the only way it's going to happen. The schedule is not going to change. We're still going to have to practice. I've still got to come to work just like they do."


A look at the NBA's worst records over a 100-game span from 1954 to the present.

Rank, Team W-L Beginning

1. Dallas 11-89 12/30/1992

2. Denver 12-88 02/20/1997

2. Philadelphia 12-88 03/14/1972

4. Atlanta 15-85 11/03/2004

4. Cleveland 15-85 11/28/1981

4. Vancouver 15-85 02/25/1996

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Without Belkin's OK.

This makes for an interesting situation...

Does Belkin hold up the firing of Woody out of spite?

Does Belkin not hold up the firing of Woody in order to see if he can raise the value of the Hawks before Feb?

There are some certainties...

1. BK's job is secure.

I know there's no such thing as Job Security in the NBA, but the article said "Gearon, reached by phone during a business trip in Brazil, said he does not consider the Hawks' record a repudiation of the moves made by Knight."

2. Gearon believes it's coaching

Gearon said "The problem we've got right now is I look at each player individually and I get excited about this team," Gearon said. "It's a matter of figuring everything out, playing together as a team, maximizing what each player can contribute.

That's a statement that speaks to coaching.

3. Even Gearon admits that Woody was thrown under the bus.

Gearon said....It's a very young team, having to learn the hard way, and we'll get through it. ... We could be in worse places. I'd be more worried if we had an old team and this was our record. But we knew when we blew this up it would take some time," he said, referring to the decision two years ago to dismantle the roster.

4. No move can be made without the evil Belkin...

Gearon said the owners have "empowered [Knight] to make the decisions that are in the best interests of the team." But under the owners' partnership agreement, some major decisions — including hiring or firing a coach — require a majority vote of the ownership group.

Steve Belkin, whose opposition to the Johnson trade led to a decision in August to sell his stake in the Hawks and Thrashers to his partners, still holds one of three votes in ownership decisions because the sale of his stake hasn't closed.

Again, we are in a pickle...

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The writing is on the wall. Ownership nor BK gave a vote of confidence about his job security. The big question will be who do you bring in to coach. One person who I have heard name float around in Kenny Smith from TNT. I don't see anyone else out there with veteran experience who can turn things around right now.

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I think Belkin would go along with anything they want to do now. Like TO, I don't think he wants his name in the news right now for a disagreement with Hawks ownership. I think he and Stern worked out something anyway during the JJ situation to let him come back at some time in the NBA so this wouldn't help his cause.

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Doesn't it say that major decisions only require a majority? Belkin only has 1 of 3 votes so if the non-lame duck owners agree then its done.

I agree with everything said in the article and I agree with Woodson's comments too. He's got to keep them working and stay optimistic.

I think Kenny Smith would make a good coach but I think we have to go with experience if Woodson is fired. Its crunch time though. I believe if we can get a couple wins and play tough that Woodson can save his job. These guys are only seriously overmatched against the elite teams. There are plenty of winnable games. A little confidence would go a long way with these guys.

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is a damn joke. With ownership located all over the country and this and that one having to vote on this an that, what a freaking joke this franchise has become. Now we have a GM that had his BOY come in as coach and is in trouble.

I understand why the league and everyone in Atlanta is laughing at the Hawks.

We should have hired Fratello as coach and West as GM. LOOK at Memphis now! Could have been the Hawks with that leadership.

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A look at the NBA's worst records over a 100-game span from 1954 to the present.

Rank, Team W-L Beginning

1. Dallas 11-89 12/30/1992

2. Denver 12-88 02/20/1997

2. Philadelphia 12-88 03/14/1972

4. Atlanta 15-85 11/03/2004

4. Cleveland 15-85 11/28/1981

4. Vancouver 15-85 02/25/1996

Wow, I'm shocked Chicago isn't in that list...

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I understand that frustration. However all that we FEW fans can do is look forward. I feel Woodson was not placed in a favorable situation. He seems like more one to coach a veteran team (ala Pistons) as opposed to a team composed mostly of first and second year players. Who is his replacement? Time will tell. Smith maybe. What do you guys think of Paul Silas as a possibility? He is definitely an in-your-face coach, and I think it would serve our young team well? Thoughts?

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At the time, I think it was financially impossible to hire Fratello...

For as much as he "wanted" to be back in Atlanta, it was reported he was asking for 5 million per season. I know Fratello would have brought back Nostalgia for guys like me and he would have been a much better teacher, but BK made good moves to save money and to help the franchise out of Debt...

In one of the articles I brought back, somebody said that whoever was brought in should have been given 4 yrs based on what they had to do... Well, I believe that Woody should get at least 2 whole seasons...

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If Woody is fired, I think it should be at the end of the season... Not now.

If he is fired, I would think he can be replaced by one of these guys (in no order):

Paul Silas, Dave Cowens, Frank Johnson, John McLeod, Del Harris, PJ Carlismo, Paul Westphaul, Paul Westhead, Matt Guokas, or Jeff Budzklik.

My personal pick is Dave Cowens then Frank Johnson.

I think however that Silas will not play a run and gun style that this team really needs...

I think an interesting choice would be Westhead...or one of his disciples. I don't know how Westhead's health is.. I know he's over 60... However, I would love to see the Hawks running the Loyola fast break.... It's an offensive scheme that would fit their personnell. I also think that it will help them to learn roles rather quickly.. Westhead was role oriented.. Meaning that everybody knew their role above everything...

The Point Guard (#1) was taught to receive the outlet pass and push the ball of the court. His role was to push the ball up the court and PASS for a score! The PG was to dribble up the center of the court to the top of the circle and make a pass to the wing spot or top spot being creative to find the open man. If no one was open for a pass head he would continue to dribble penetrate.

The (#2) Shooting Guard was taught to run the right wing to the basket area and flair out to the side looking for a jump shot or inside pass.

The (#3) Small Forward was taught to always run the left wing to the basket area. This player needed to be a defensive rebounder first before filling this lane but have the athletic ability to make up the late start while being an honest defender.

The (#4) Big Forward was required to fill the center of the court parallel to the PG and stop at the key area for an open jump shot. On any pass from PG to the Shooting guard, the Big Forward made a diagonal cut to the basket. This player was necessarily a very strong post player with a good perimeter shot to 15'.

The (#5) Center was responsible for the initial outlet pass and always took the ball out of bounds with the 3-step technique on any made basket. He would then fill the spot vacated by the #4 man cutting diagonally.

The Loyola fast break had three basic phases, the early break involving PG, 2, and 3 and a lot of creative penetration and pass, the middle break looking for 4 as a key trailer or on the diagonal break, and the late break where the 1 and 5 man played a series of different options including what was called the 1-5 dive, 1-5 pick and roll, 1-5 get, 1-5 screen, and 1-5-3 dive.

I think we have the personnell to run it...

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3. Even Gearon admits that Woody was thrown under the bus.

Gearon said....It's a very young team, having to learn the hard way, and we'll get through it. ... We could be in worse places. I'd be more worried if we had an old team and this was our record. But we knew when we blew this up it would take some time," he said, referring to the decision two years ago to dismantle the roster.

This is a statement about the team and is the most intelligent thing Gearon said. This is a statement about Woody and is meant to put things into perspective for the "impatient" fan. I've been saying the same thing, but people simply refuse to listen.

This isn't a bad team per se. Some bad teams are simply lacking in talent. Some teams with talent simply don't play well together...and then, there are teams that are just young - which is what we are. So, for the peoople who truly understand the game, we aren't as frustrated as the rest...because we know that we are extremely young and inexperienced. In any case... young... old... experienced... some teams can see improvement with minor personnel changes including the coach. We aren't seeing any improvement under Woody and that's where this thing is headed.

Woody is all but fired at this point. I won't go all out and say he's a bad coach, but he isn't doing a good job with this team. What the front office is looking at is the fact that we've got the same team from last year, they've got a year under their belt, and we've added ZaZa, JJ, Salim, and Marvin. We should be showing some kind of improvement as a team. Record-wise, that isn't happening. I think we look more competitive than last year, but sporadically - like the 1st PTL game, the San Antonio game, and our wins. Additionally, individual players (specifically Chill) look like they've regressed.

Overall, I am simply not impressed with Woody's coaching. I think some minor personnel changes are in order - which IMO the coach should not be excluded from.

...and again, an official "let's warm up the chair" article has been written about Woody - but there is a very telling lack of support from the players and BK. It's also very telling that most of the info comes from above BK's head. I don't think he wants to be the one to fire Woody. It needs to look like it's coming from above.

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Yeah. Look at Memphis. That's a team that Billy Knight built and wasn't allowed to stay around till the end. Jerry West has added very little overall to the personnel of that team. Their best players are Pau Gasol, Shane Battier, and Lorenzen Wright....all players that were acquired by Billy Knight. Jerry has not drafted well at all for Memphis. The only thing he has really done is dump Jason Williams off on Miami and bring in a steady veteran presence in Eddie Jones.

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I don't think Woody should go now. I do think he needs help - maybe an old retired college coach to work with the younger guys on their fundamentals (and a 2x4 to get their attention). If he went now, who would really be available (and willing) to replace him? Makes more sense to give him to the end of the season.

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I have said before that some of the assistants should be held accountable for the development of our team. I am tired of going to games and the only thing they are good for is keeping up with the fouls. We need someone on the bench who would pull a player to the side DURING the game and tell them what they are doing wrong or a better technique to play.

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It would take all owners agreeing for Woody to be fired.


from article above:


some major decisions — including hiring or firing a coach — require a majority vote of the ownership group.

so it takes washington and atlanta agreeing to fire woody...or the devil and one of the 2 cities to agree

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Paul Silas - A very good possibility

Dave Cowens - Interesting, but not what we need

Frank Johnson - No chance in hell.

John McLeod - I actually laughed at this one.

Del Harris - Shakey, bu experienced


Paul Westphaul - Weak coach...he'll stay in college

Paul Westhead - So we can be the Chris Jackson Nuggets?

Matt Guokas - It's been a while. Not sure what he brings.

Jeff Budzklik - I haven't seen him coach to be honest

All in all, I would say that (despite my hatred for him) Silas is the likely guy.

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