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Smoove is Selfish


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I love it.

You call my intelligence into question twice, then you show at least twice in the same thread that you don't know the difference between the words "loss" and "lost".


However, my statement was more on the fact of Smoove's game not whether we won or loss.

I could care less that we loss, like I told Reject it was statement on Smoove's game.

Perhaps there's not a difference at all. Perhaps they're exactly the same, just like a high school diploma and a GED.

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All you care about is draft picks and losing.

Yeah, that sounds exactly like what I said...pffft! You really think I want to lose?

Scratch that, bucko. I want to WIN...but as long as we're losing anyway, I want as high a draft pick as we can get.


You better hope this team is a championship caliber team in two to three years.

Or what? Are you going to "blow [me] out of the water", hot head? Anyway, how would winning this last MEANINGLESS game improve our team 2-3 years from now?


Not a team that battles for one of the lower tier playoff spots with a .500 record.

Fragment! F!


Let me ask you this if we would have won more games last year we could have either a) gotten the #1 pick since Milwaukee had the better record or b) been force to take a PG with our pick because we were picking lower than two.

What pig ignorance! Let me get this straight. If we had won more games, you think there would have been two possibilities.


2) We get a worse pick than we did

Where's the possibility for getting the exact same pick that we did?

It seems you think that if we had finished with a better record, we would've had a better chance at getting #1...or if we had finished 6th (as Milwaukee did), it would've been us with the #1 pick. That is flat out stupid. We could've won 20 more games and finished 8th or 9th from the bottom and still drawn #2. You don't know what the situation would've been.


Both would have been better than the scenario that ended up happening. You just aren't bright enough to see that.

Um, yeah that's what I said. Geez, dude. The fact that we didn't get the best player doesn't mean that we should've wanted a worse pick going in. You always want the #1 pick. Historically, it is the best pick to have. Would you want the #1 in the '93 draft when Shaq was it? Sure. Now, imagine, he had suffered a career ending back injury in his first year...or imagine he had just been lazy (and that was unforseen). Then, you might say, "Dang! I wish we'd had the #3 pick, so we could get Mourning!" That would be hindsight, though. You couldn't have known that going in. You wanted the #1 pick.

Now, I will proceed with the futile exercise of drawing a clear comparison that you will fail to understand.

Some people argue that one should not wear a seat belt when driving an automobile. Why? Well, because there are a few stories of individuals who have actually died because of the seat belt. For example, the car could be in flames, and the seat belt would jam, and the driver would be trapped. Why would you wear a seat belt if it might be the cause of your death???

Sounds like pretty good reasoning, eh? 'Fraid not, my simple friend. See, wearing a seat belt drastically reduces the incidence of death in auto accidents (by at least half). In the VAST majority of cases, wearing a seat belt is favorable. However, the few cases in which it is unfavorable carry more emphasis with some who do not know how to weigh evidence.

How is this like the draft? Well, having as high a draft pick as possible is, historically, GOOD. Furthermore, having the more ping-pong balls is, generally, GOOD. The fact that the #7 team occasionally wins the lottery doesn't mean that you should want to be #7. Similarly, the fact that the #4 selection is sometimes better than the #1 doesn't mean you should want #4.

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Josh doesn't get criticized as often because he came out of HS very raw and has made tremendous strides in his game. No one expects him to be perfect and we are all very happy with the development we have seen. He has the highest upside of anyone on the team, IMO, and has been translating that upside into productivity this year on both ends of the floor.

Hence, when he decides in one game to hold the ball and pull up from too far out on a final shot, you chalk it up as a learning experience and don't worry about it.

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Exactly. Young guys make mistakes and that's what the coaches are there for. I hope next year they get them playing a little closer to the basket. We didn't need a three and in our great win over the Heat Lue took 2 3s when we only needed a 2. Sure he made one but he could have missed like Smoove. Wait till next year!

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...At times he doesn't give the ball up. He seems to be a glory hound. If he hasn't shot in awhile he jacks it up when he gets it. When he gets a rebound he wants to bring it up instead of getting it into the guards hands.

Tonight down by 1 and he pulls up two feet behind the three point line while he has Johnson on one wing open, Williams on the other wing open, and Harrington cutting to the middle. However he wants all the glory...

That's BS IMHO...JS is one of the more creative passers we have. He dished to MW earlier in the game (from like 5 feet from the basket) when he could have taken it himself.

Did we have a time out left? Did the coach care? It's not supposed to be JS's decision with 6 seconds left. He did his best.

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I mean he dosen't get critized for anything bad he does here on hawksquawk like every other player on hawks.

Why is that??


There is some truth to that. He delivers excitement and game changing plays. Fans can forgive players who are the guilty pleasure like Smoove.

I think he is playing so far above expectations, that you can forgive his mistakes. He has been a winning lottery ticket for our franchise. We rolled the dice with a #17 pick and got a potential all star.

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Hence, when he decides in one game to hold the ball and pull up from too far out on a final shot, you chalk it up as a learning experience and don't worry about it.

I am not worried about it at all, I wanted us to lose, but there's no denying that it was a horrible shot. That being said I couldn't care less really

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Smoove is selfish because of one play?

What a moron.

First of all, on that play it was a situation where the team doesn't call a timeout trying to catch the defense off guard. He was running and had Al and Joe to his left and right but both players were being followed by the men guarding them. Smoove pulled up and took a shot that wasn't going to be any more contested than the shot that Al and JJ were going to take with their men both in front of them. It was a good look and we just lost the game.

Smoove is not the least bit selfish. He is an excellent passer. THat's the most underrated asset of his game. He def has some court vision because I've seen him make the no look kickouts and passes on a fast break.

Maybe you can say Smoove made a selfish decision (if you can call it that) but to call him a selfish player is outrageous.

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First of all, on that play it was a situation where the team doesn't call a timeout trying to catch the defense off guard.

The announcers said the Hawks were out of timeouts before the second free throw was shot. I agree with most of the rest of your post.

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Listen Chops who gives an F' if he can take the big shot, jacka@@

He took a poor shot, there were other guys open that had a higher percentage shot, but seeing how you probably never played sports or know anything about organized sports you weren't bright enough to understand my argument, IDIOT.

I love how people come out an attack people with insults when they disagree with their opinions.


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I guess you can't post anything negative about Smith on this site.

Personally I lover the guy, however I guess nobody notices any of his flaws.

When a guy comes down and pulls up a couple of feet behind the three point line while other guys are open on the wing that is a bad shot. Maybe not to most.

And as far as the other things I said watch the games he does take it coast to coast without passing, or instead of giving it to the guard he makes a pass that is difficult for him.

The guy is doing great, however these are things for him to improve on.

Yeah is it great he is showing confidence, yet the shot was a bad shot. While he is being agressive he is also passing up other opportunities to set up his teammates. This is all I am saying. With more work he should see these and improve.

Lord forbid if I say it outloud on this board.


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Sorry Mr. Grammar. I meant won or lost. Thanks for pointing that out. Then again you love to be high and might over everyone with you thoughts and opinions.


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Here is my problem with you. You think your word is the unspoken truth. Every argument I have with you is that you know more and you what is best about the Hawks. God forbid if someone has a different opinion.

We have had this on going argument for two years since this rebuilding project began. The mangement has decided to go the direction you wanted to go. Thus that is why it is an on going argument.

You want the team to tank thinking it will be good down the road. This could happen.

I have always stated win as many as you can. Get the draft picks you get and sign possible free agents to help. With the belief the more you win the more free agents you can attract. I believe losing will deter other free agents from coming. It creates a losing environment that players don't want to be around. I think you need good draft picks, but you also need to sign good free agents.

Once again I go back to the arguments between us. Your attitude is what stinks. Any chance you get you like to belittle people and make them feel small. That is just being a D@W#. Maybe that is how you are in life. What kind of comment is that about a GED? I guess you never get caught up in a moment and say or type something without thinking it through. I write loss instead of lost and you make a comment like you did. That is just being a c#$%.

I don't feel I have to give my educational background to you for an argument about sports to justify what I type. However, I am doing this because I will give you credit you do a good job of pushing my buttons.

The arguments you do make are BS because you go out of your way of justifying your point with the added put down towards the person you are arguing with. Wonderful. I guess no one can have a different view without being insulted in some little dig that is intended to make you feel inadequate.

You got me with your insults of my grammar, seat belt references, better to lose than win mantra.

I think there is more ways to rebuild a team than just tanking. Evidently that is the only philosophy you believe. The whole disagreement began, because I was playing devil's adovacate to your opinion. Yet, I guess you aren't allowed to question your thoughts.

Listen I just want the Hawks to win. This thread was about the poor shot selection of J. Smith. Yes, it's great he has confidence, yet there was better options for a higher percentage shot at the end. Also, it had been a pattern of his the last couple of months to look more for his shot instead of passing to the open man. This wasn't a comment on wether we WON or LOST.


Please let me know what grammatical mistakes I made. I am sure there is a few. I didn't know I have to proof my rebuttals to you before I post, almost like I was at work. I thought we were some Hawk fans just chatting about the team I guess not.

Also, add any insult you may fine necessary or cliche to make me look foolish. Let me guess give a man fish he eats for a day or teach him how and he lives forever. Tell me wise master.

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Also, it had been a pattern of his the last couple of months to look more for his shot instead of passing to the open man.

In the last two months Smith has been averaging about 4 assists per game and has hit more clutch shots than anyone on the roster except JJ.

He also made the 3 pointer THAT GAVE THE HAWKS A CHANCE TO WIN THE GAME.

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Listen everyone is missing the point here.

SMITH IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know he is improving he is going to be the best we won more games because of him. Yet, he has his flaws. If you watch the games you will see he passes up the open man sometimes for his own shot. If he hasn't shot the ball in awhile during the course of the game he jacks it up real quick. I know twice last night the Hawks crossed half court one pass to Smith and he jacked a three didn't make either one. Still 18 secs on the shot clock. I feel he needs to improve shot selection and look for the open guy a little bit more.

This is not a knock on him. Everyone seems to be taking this personally. Watch all of the games and dispute what I say. Yes, his assists went up. Yes, he hit big 3's. All this is great. However, he still makes mistakes and that is all I am pointing out. I would like to see him improve on these aspects of his game.


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