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Now, time for your "Woody, WTF?" moment of the day


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"So I don't want to screw him up. And I want him to feel free to the point that if he doesn't like things that I'm doing, hey, he's got that right to let me know, and we'll change them."

No "we'll consider it", or "we'll listen", just simply "we'll change them".

He basically just publicly conceded that he knows less than Mike Bibby about how to coach an NBA team.

Don't get me wrong, I feel a whole lot more comfortable with Bibby calling the shots, I just can't believe he lets these things come out of his mouth.

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I knew he was the dumbest coach I had ever seen after only a handful of games. Even back in the 13 win season. I feel differently than most here about this. That's where a coach with any ability could have won at least 19 or 20 games, if not a few more. His flaws are blatant and there every day for all to see. I've never seen someone get so little, out of so much, for so long. He has taken minimizing talent to a new level. Have you ever seen such an inspiration killing attitude by a professional coach? He may be rich, but he's a loser in most every regard.

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H would not be the 1st coach to say something like this. Pat Riley always said he coached the D and Magic coached the offense. I doubt Avery Johnson is breathing down Kidds neck telling him what to do. I think this is s SMART MOVE by Woody. Woody can coach the D and let Bibby run the offense.

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"So I don't want to screw him up. And I want him to feel free to the point that if he doesn't like things that I'm doing, hey, he's got that right to let me know, and we'll change them."

No "we'll consider it", or "we'll listen", just simply "we'll change them".

He basically just publicly conceded that he knows less than Mike Bibby about how to coach an NBA team.

Don't get me wrong, I feel a whole lot more comfortable with Bibby calling the shots, I just can't believe he lets these things come out of his mouth.

Maybe he'll learn a few things from Bibby and coach the offense a little bit better.

Although he still can't learn how to subs in the best players available on his bench.

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"So I don't want to screw him up. And I want him to feel free to the point that if he doesn't like things that I'm doing, hey, he's got that right to let me know, and we'll change them."

No "we'll consider it", or "we'll listen", just simply "we'll change them".

The "NO Woody Offense" sounds great. LOL.

Best quote I have ever hear from Woody.....Stay out of the offense and let a proven guy like Bibby run the show. Focus on defense, motivational tools, player mathups, rotations, and adjustments. Give the young guys the in game remindes they so desprately need (Marvin, Law, Smith, Horford). I am so tired of iso plays.

We have been running alot of high post plays lately and some 2 man pick and rolls with Bibby and JJ that works well. I would like to see us try the (Memphis Tigers Offense) some. They spread the floor with 4 guys around the perimeter and one guy on the weak side post rather then the strong side post. The purpose is to try and make it easier for the perimeter players to attack the rim. Four things usually happen that equates to a good shot if you have good guards:

1. Guard beats his man for a lay up or floater

2. Guard draws the oppositions center to protect the rim leaving an open pass to Horford for a weak side dunk off the guards drive (alot of floater alley-oops).

3. The guard draws another defender in the paint for help defense leaving open a kick out pass.

4. a cutter follows the guard into the paint as the trailer

The Memphis Tigers run this continually. Doc Rivers has implemented it in Boston to a degree with KG on the weak side, Allen as the main spot up shooter, and Pierce and Rondo the penetrators. It is extremely effective vs. zone defenses. This offense would not work with AJ and Lue as the PGs but with Bibby & Law it can work nicely b/c they can beat their man off the dribble. Bibby can also be the spot up shooter when JJ, Marvin, or Smoove have the advantage of being the penetrator of the dribble.

(Ths offense has become widespread in highschools. It seems over 50% of schools run this offense and mopst without dominant offensive big men run this offense exclusively. It has also caught on college with many elite teams running it. The Celtics and others have implemented it at times this year in the NBA. Phoneix has alwayse used it to an exent. Lets give it a shot as a "coaching adjustent" that maybe coach Bibby will recommend.

All sports follow trends. I think our players fit this new "trend" pretty well.

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Yep. What more can you say about this coach's offensive accumen?

I get the feeling that Bibby read Woodson's quote about "milking the clock" and told him that the team needed to run. Then Woodson came out with this bizarro statement.

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Is it the fact that Woody let's his "QB" give his input on whether plays should be changed and/or the freedom to change them on the court?

Maybe it's the fact that for the first time Woody has a PG that he can actually trust to run the team, someone with 10 years of experience starting in the NBA and taking a team to the Western Conference Finals, and because of that trust doesn't have to hold him back?

I swear nothing will please you people. It would be A HELL OF A LOT WORSE if Woody came out and said that the team (Bibby) would run his offense the way that he designed it and if he didn't then he would bench him. God forbid Woody actually trusts his players to give him input and to tell him when something isn't working.

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Is it the fact that Woody let's his "QB" give his input on whether plays should be changed and/or the freedom to change them on the court?

Maybe it's the fact that for the first time Woody has a PG that he can actually trust to run the team, someone with 10 years of experience starting in the NBA and taking a team to the Western Conference Finals, and because of that trust doesn't have to hold him back?

I swear nothing will please you people. It would be A HELL OF A LOT WORSE if Woody came out and said that the team (Bibby) would run his offense the way that he designed it and if he didn't then he would bench him. God forbid Woody actually trusts his players to give him input and to tell him when something isn't working.

I'm not a big Woodson fan but this post is right on the money. At least he knows WHEN to trust his players.

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Is it the fact that Woody let's his "QB" give his input on whether plays should be changed and/or the freedom to change them on the court?

Maybe it's the fact that for the first time Woody has a PG that he can actually trust to run the team, someone with 10 years of experience starting in the NBA and taking a team to the Western Conference Finals, and because of that trust doesn't have to hold him back?

I swear nothing will please you people. It would be A HELL OF A LOT WORSE if Woody came out and said that the team (Bibby) would run his offense the way that he designed it and if he didn't then he would bench him. God forbid Woody actually trusts his players to give him input and to tell him when something isn't working.

It's the fact that he admits that he has to get out of the way to not screw up Bibby, and they fact that he publicly admits that Bibby's input will trump his own.

I admit that taking it out of context isn't wholly fair, but if you do and you take his words at face value, he's basically saying if he's allowed to coach Bibby he could screw him up and that Bibby has the last word.

It's great to trust players, and players like Kidd, Jordan, Magic, well they're hall of famers and legends of the game. They DO/DID have the last word because coaches can't really improve their play much. Bibby's a good point guard, but let's not pretend he's in their company.

Do I know exactly what Woody meant? No.

But if he meant what it sounded like he meant, it's pathetic. There's no need for Woodson if Bibby has the last word. If Woodson can't be the authority in his own huddle, let's get a better coach, preferably one who knows more about basketball than Mike Bibby.

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I agree.

I saw the quote as a positive. Its his best quote all year.

I also saw it as a positive for our team. But just not as a ringing endorsement for keeping Woody as our coach. I would rather have Bibby making the decisions than Woody.

But wouldn't you like for Bibby to have someone to go to with his own questions? Like, I don't know, a head coach?

We didn't just go get the equivalent of a genius play calling QB like Peyton Manning. Bibby isn't Kidd or Nash. We got a good point guard, a bordeline all star level point guard, who has very little knowledge of the personel on the team, and all of the sudden that guy immediately becomes the authority on how to coach this team - that's a little troubling for the long term under Woody.

Good - Bibby's calling the shots

Bad - We don't have a coach who knows enough to be more of an authority than Bibby

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I agree that this is a GOOD THING. When Bibby gets more team practices under his belt, I'm sure he will start introducing some more plays to the team. I am totally anti-Woody, but I have to give him credit for knowing when to defer to someone else. If Bibby is better at running the O, then let him have at it! We certainly know the extent of Woodson's playcalling:

"Clear out for Joe". I would love to see Bibby inject some of his own flavor into this offense.

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I agree that this is a GOOD THING. When Bibby gets more team practices under his belt, I'm sure he will start introducing some more plays to the team. I am totally anti-Woody, but I have to give him credit for knowing when to defer to someone else. If Bibby is better at running the O, then let him have at it! We certainly know the extent of Woodson's playcalling:

"Clear out for Joe". I would love to see Bibby inject some of his own flavor into this offense.

Listen, I'm not complaining about the result of Woody's comment, I'm complaining that we have a coach who can truthfully make this comment.


Good: Bibby calling the shots

Bad: We don't have a coach good enough to be a better option than Bibby calling the shots.

So we're better off with Woodson deferring, and good for him to recognize when he can't help the team more than he can hurt it.

But BAD for BK and the ownership for continuing to employ him. Is there no man out there who could be a RESOURCE for Bibby instead of a guy looking to Bibby for the answers?

I admit to overplaying this a bit off of one quote, but I'm just shocked that Woody said it out loud, on the heels of his clock milking quote.

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Is it the fact that Woody let's his "QB" give his input on whether plays should be changed and/or the freedom to change them on the court?

Maybe it's the fact that for the first time Woody has a PG that he can actually trust to run the team, someone with 10 years of experience starting in the NBA and taking a team to the Western Conference Finals, and because of that trust doesn't have to hold him back?

I swear nothing will please you people. It would be A HELL OF A LOT WORSE if Woody came out and said that the team (Bibby) would run his offense the way that he designed it and if he didn't then he would bench him. God forbid Woody actually trusts his players to give him input and to tell him when something isn't working.

It's the fact that he admits that he has to get out of the way to not screw up Bibby, and they fact that he publicly admits that Bibby's input will trump his own.

I admit that taking it out of context isn't wholly fair, but if you do and you take his words at face value, he's basically saying if he's allowed to coach Bibby he could screw him up and that Bibby has the last word.

It's great to trust players, and players like Kidd, Jordan, Magic, well they're hall of famers and legends of the game. They DO/DID have the last word because coaches can't really improve their play much. Bibby's a good point guard, but let's not pretend he's in their company.

Do I know exactly what Woody meant? No.

But if he meant what it sounded like he meant, it's pathetic. There's no need for Woodson if Bibby has the last word. If Woodson can't be the authority in his own huddle, let's get a better coach, preferably one who knows more about basketball than Mike Bibby.

That was also my reaction.

Do you remember Phil Jackson saying, "I don't want to screw up Pau's game. Whatever he says goes on offense."

Or remember Avery in Dallas saying, "I don't want to screw up our offense now that Kidd is here. He will have the freedom to run this offense his way."

At best he is giving the perception that he is clueless. The comment about screwing up Bibby is the strangest part to me.

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Do you remember Phil Jackson saying, "I don't want to screw up Pau's game. Whatever he says goes on offense."

Or remember Avery in Dallas saying, "I don't want to screw up our offense now that Kidd is here. He will have the freedom to run this offense his way."

At best he is giving the perception that he is clueless. The comment about screwing up Bibby is the strangest part to me.

So Phil Jackson CAN say it about Gasol. Avery Johnson CAN say it about Kidd but Woody CAN'T say it about Bibby? How does that make any sense ?

Are Phil Jackson & Avery Johnson saying they are clueless too by stepping aside and not being a dictator to their new star or close to star players ? It's not like there is a 6 week training camp to teach all the plays. You got games to play now so conventonal wisdom says to go with what you know.

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