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My niece is here!


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Quite a bit early, but she's here and doing well.

My sister had to have a stat c-section today. Her blood pressure was going up, and the baby's heart rate was dropping, so both were getting into some trouble.

Sis is doing fine now, and the baby is doing well so far. The baby was 13 and a half inches long and weighed 1 lbs and 15 oz. I got to see her in the NICU, and she looks just like my sister. The ventillator was even turned down because she was breathing so well on her own. It's still going to be a while before she gets to come home, but so far, everything is going well.

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Glad to hear everyone is ok. My son was the same weight when he was a week old. It was hard watching him every day without being able to hold him much. The hospital he was in told us to use his due date as a target for when he might be ready to come home. They don't necessarily have to be 5 lbs. They just need to be able to maintain their own temperature and be fed on demand (theirs) and gain weight. I learned it's not instinctive to suck and swallow. My son came home 5 weeks before his due date weighing a whopping 4 1/2 lbs. The really hard part is leaving the hospital without your baby. Bonding is rough but once she's home everything will be ok. Give your sister a lot of support, she'll need it! And you are all in my prayers.

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