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Positive, Anything


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I usually don't respect your posts for some reason, but this should be pinned. We need to support these guys no matter what... Shitty fans in Atlanta or not.


Go f'ing Hawks.

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Gas is $3.45. That's cheaper than $4 dollars.

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I am really down after this game, i don't care that it was the Lakers, I'm jus pissed cuz my team, MY team jus doesn't have what it takes to get it done and as much as I don't want to believe it, it is true. We have been clamoring for these guys to show some heart and toughness for going on 3 seasons now. We left our heart in Boston after that game 7 blowout loss and this team has been riding the magic from that series ever since, well except the magic has been long gone. The Hawks were once the most exciting team in the NBA but now,they are the team nobody wants to bet on because they trully do have the talent, but they are missing the heart that winners possess and it seems more and more like they don't care. Those 2/3 games after the Hinrch trade were awesome and really made me proud of our guys, but they have lost that intensity as well, Defense aint just about ability, it's about "will". Do you have the toughness to give ur all when the outcome isn't in ur control, can you keep it up when that shot goes in desite ur best efforts, our guys CAN be great, but they just won't because they are fickle and make the same mistakes night in and night out, and now season in and season out. We all have witnessed the same problems so much that we could create a million scenarios to improve this team. But the reality is we can't do anythin but wacth, cheer, or not cheer. And judging by the crowds the past week,thers a lot of not cheering going on. I wish dominique would be our coach, he is the best thing that ever happened to us and he sounds more hungry calling games than our guys do playing it smgdh

Edited by RedDawg#8
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Mo Evans is stealing his Pay Check elsewhere

The Heat are terrible

Horf is a beast

The Economy is improving..

Give me what you're smoking. The economy is NOT improving...

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Give me what you're smoking. The economy is NOT improving...

The * official* unemployment rate is failing (albeit people are falling off of the rolls) and there has been a net positive job gain for the last few months now. Its improving. Then again, it simply has to be default considering where we where.

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Mo Evans is stealing his Pay Check elsewhere

The Heat are terrible

Horf is a beast

The Economy is improving..



Really.... Horford is a beast? Why because he can hit an outside shot?

Yes, an outside shot!!

This is the freaking problem. We have nobody willing to play inside when the big men cometh. We better hope for Chicago in the playoffs. Horf is not afraid of Noah. Otherwise, we're screwed.

Did you not notice that everybody puts up Jumpers because we're scared little bitches when 7 footers come to play?

Bynum and Gasol OWNED us.

They came in took the paint and Horford said... Great job guys, let me know when you're finished.

Horf is no beast.

Horf is an opportunist.

What we need is a beast.

I can live with Horf at Pf.

Get Al Jefferson for Smoove and Craw.

That would be getting a beast!

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Effort was their during the 9-0 run in 4th qrt but just wasnt enough against a bigger and better team defensive and offensive, I know everybody is going into 1 and done mode all ready.We played two title contenders in west lost both and one east team(NYK)that was making every shot in the 4th qrt plus our turnovers. Hawks need to worry about how yu do against the magics minus hawk killers(vince,gortat,pietrus,barnes,and lewis),heat(overrated) can beat them in my opinion,boston(most troubled one to me minus hawk killer nate and one less big body in perkins),and chicago(hawks own them won 6 in row against them i think already beat them once lets see how we do on road against them.rest of month,if we go 3-1 against those teams this month i wouldnt be suprise cause i know hawks can play with all these teams,boston most troubled one, Wait till we play them before yu assume one and done, I have faith in hawks all the way till the fat lady starts to sing. Go Hawks!! Just My opinion

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I'm good now,just watched some Kevin Hart and got a nice laugh.

anyways,the title of the thread is positive,anything? And the best thing I got is that as pissed as we (or maybe just me) are, we didn't expect to win a title this year,and we are still on track for a possibly entertaining showing in the playoffs. Heat fans on the other hand have got to be pissing their pants at how their team is falling apart before their eyes. They have a worse record against winning teams than us (not based on actual research, but jus go with it)

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The Hawks are actually just ahead of schedule. They are exceeding expections. Usually this type of poor play starts up half way through the first round of the playoffs and comes to its pinnacle in the 2nd round. It is my theory that the Hawks are trying to force two seasons into one (possibly due to questions surrounding the CBA and whether there will be a season next year) and hit the playoffs just as they are starting "season 2". The Hawks tend to start their seasons well enough and they hope that carries them to the finals.

Another theory is that the Larry Drew, Rick Sund, and the ASG (master strategists that they are) are purposefully losing to force a first round match up that they like. My bet is they are looking for a Boston/Atlanta or Miami/Atlanta first round matchup. They just don't want to play Philly or Indy in the first round no matter what since they likely won't sell much of the opposing teams merchandise in the ATL team store. Best case scenario is for the Hawks to play Boston and then Miami in the second round or vice versa. Mike Bibby jersey anyone?

One last umm.. fool proof.. um.. strategy is the great Atlanta poker face. This team isn't showing all of its cards and is setting all these good teams up for a huge playoff bluff. The team will slide into the playoffs well under everyone's radar and lay down a royal flush against one team after another. These teams won't know what hit them as they won't expect the Hawks would be able to do any better than a pair of 3's.

Edited by Brokentree
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