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A lot of mugslinging going Al's direction when the numbers say your full of it


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Seriously, this topic pisses me off so much because you guys really don't understand Basketball saying stupid shit like keep Sap trade Al. This is foolish. You know Al is a movement player. Every year is assisted 68-73% of the time. EVERY YEAR. You play Al who is completely undersized for a center and play him next to an undersized PF who plays like a SF at times and then you wonder why? You play him with a combo guard in Teague and then wonder why he doesn't score more PPG. Get the hell out of here with that BS. I been watching this team play for so many years. If you really wanted to make Al special. You would flip players for Rubio. Get a true center in here or better yet just wait till Dennis is developed which could take a couple of years or more.

This is foolish. You know why Sap could score on OKC when Ibaka is 6'9 with 7'2 wingspan and Perkins is one of the best post defenders in the NBA and Westbrook is one of the best perimeter defenders and cut that PnR/PnP shit out to slow Al down? Because Sap can shoot from the perimeter like Mike Scott but he's better than Mike Scott. Sap scoring was coming from that and he would attacking off the dribble since he is a good ball handler for his position. That's how Sap was scoring. He isn't generally a heavily assisted player. In Utah, his assisted charts show he is a 59-62% assisted player which means he really isn't a player who needs others to create his own offense but then again, he doesn't create his offense at a high level anyway. Some of this Milsap talk is bigger trash than the Jamal>Joe threads from way back.

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You're definitely right. After watching the Heat-Pacers game I have realized we need to get a center here and soon. Basketball on offense at its simplest is about points in the paint and high percentage jump shots (no kidding). By getting q center here who can lower FG% around the rim will go a long way towards making us contenders. Although I think Bebe can be that player for us one day, he's far from ready to contribute. The question is, in the short-term how do you get that center to Atlanta?

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Let's break down the stats:

Simple basic stats:


Al: 17.0

Jeff: 16.6

Paul: 16.5

Al is our best scoring via PPG but all three seem to be good scorers. From the eye test, Jeff is mainly a slasher who scores a handful at the line, Al is a movement player to excel off the ball, PnP, and the mismatches due to his BBIQ. Paul can create his own shot to a degree and score off the ball but he isn't that talented and due to his size for his position, he is undersized.


Al: .537

Jeff: .406

Paul: .500


Al: 20.4

Jeff: 17.7

Paul: 20.4


Al: 24.2

Jeff: 26.9

Paul: 23.4

Impact stats via 82games.com-




22.8 13.9


19.6 17.2

Paul: 23.4

20.4 16.0


Al: +8.8

Jeff: +2.4

Paul: +4.3

On/off court:


+4.7 -5.7


+2.5 -1.5


+1.5 +0.8

The team is much more effective with Al than without Al. The team without Jeff is worse but not a lot worse and with Paul, the team is better but still effective without Paul.


Al: +10.3

Jeff: +4.0

Paul: +0.7

It's clear, this team is much better with Al than with Paul. Any other stupid opinions need to be hushed. Hots, Diesel, will, stop it. Just face the facts, Al is superior to anyone on this team and if we had a PG and a true center, he could be taking a major leap into his potential like LMA is doing this year.

Not picking at you at all Supes, but why do people continually make threads about something that is clearly obvious?

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Not picking at you at all Supes, but why do people continually make threads about something that is clearly obvious?

Because some people look at Sap and Horf and players on the same level. When Horf is on the same level with LMA and Griffin while Sap is slightly better than Ryan Anderson due to his defense. It's unfair to play Al at center nowadays.

You're definitely right. After watching the Heat-Pacers game I have realized we need to get a center here and soon. Basketball on offense at its simplest is about points in the paint and high percentage jump shots (no kidding). By getting q center here who can lower FG% around the rim will go a long way towards making us contenders. Although I think Bebe can be that player for us one day, he's far from ready to contribute. The question is, in the short-term how do you get that center to Atlanta?

Amazing post. I would rep you twice if I could.

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Horford has no heart and that's the only stat that matters. Paul Milsap has come from Utah and taken over this team. One thing about star players is that they have an "Alpha-Male" mentality which AL clearly lacks. I'm not attacking the kid but ever since his injury a couple years back, he has played softer and softer. He doesn't attack the rim and force the action. He got destroyed against Ibaka aka an athletic big man hmmmmm.. And he prefers power forward lol.. Hopefully he'll take working on his game in the off-season more seriously.

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There is not one PG in this league that could make Al a 25PPG. NOT ONE.

Even Griffin does not score that much. There is nothing Al does that a good defensive team can't slow down or stop when it matters.

When Al missed most of the season a few years ago the team still did pretty well. They didn't sink while missing this so called "top 20 player".

Al Horford will be no better than a 3rd option on pretty much any team with title aspirations. You want to say that he is better than Milsap? Fine. Does this team need a center? Of Course. But Al is still the 3rd best option on a team with title hopes.

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Nobody has ever said that Al is not a good complimentary piece. However, going forward, with a future at PF... is he better at that than Sap?

Your statistical treatment is good fodder but it doesn't uncovers what happens if we do get a C and move Al to PF. Here's the interesting thing... we know what Sap does at PF. He has made a career doing it... In the best and worst of circumstances. However, what does Al do as a PF next to a C. All we have is a few games he played without Smoove and speculation.

When we speculate, we notice that Al has no goto moves or is not an unstoppable force on offense. We also notice that on defense, he's good for standing in the way of Cs but can he matchup with PFs.

KD vs. Al what happens?

TJones vs. Al what happens?

Dirk vs. Al what happens?

Aldridge vs. Al what happens?

Smoove vs. Al what happens?

I don't know all my PFs but you get the gist of where this is going.

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This team so needs a center without giving up Al, Sap, Korver, or Teague. There has to be some way to make it happen.

Good Centers are hard to find. Mainly because the teams that develop them do everything they can to keep them.

If they are tanking, Larry Sanders may be available.

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