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The Braves are toast


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I have never understood the Braves.  We should have won at least 3 WS with the hall of fame players we had.   Now we have a manager who is a joke and a gm who at least tries but signing BJ to a 75m contract was just dumb.  


Time to clean house

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There was a pic of a the Braves logo going down the drain in our paper years ago, and brought up later... I wish I had access to it.


They'll regret not doing more with the previous winning seasons with nothing to show for it, and now they are  an average team overall, and below average the last few weeks.

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Chipper was on radio yesterday and he said something interesting: when he took over as leader of the clubhouse he was 30 - the Braves are a young group and lack leadership at this point because their best players are young guys (or something like that).

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Today's Braves team remind me of the first year Mets team, who was coached

by the late Casey Stengle.  He was quoted, "Don't anyone here know how to play this game?"


There players don't know how to manufacture a run when needed.  Knowing how to

bunt, then doing it, is beyond their capabilities.


They wait for that three run homer all night.  Dang, that's hard to do when they have no

one on base!


  Their pitching will be going along, doing well.  Throwing strikes.  Getting

that fly ball or that easy to play grounder.  Then, for no apparent reason, they give up

a single, a single, a single, a single and then a bases clearing double.


What is the problem?  Apparently, it's one of two things or maybe a combination

of the two.  1.- They don't know what they are doing or 2.- All the other teams are

simply better than the Braves.


Where is the leadership?  Seems we don't have any, either from the players or any

of the coaches.  Still, they draw the fans who come out, do the chop and watch them

drop another game, and another, and another.


We can't really blame the head coach.  He doesn't play.  Yet, someone must pay the

price for all this and you can't fire the entire team. even if you wanted to. 

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Fredi has always struck me as a weak tactician. If he can't instill discipine within the team on top of that, I am not sure what value he brings.

I think it is time for a serious overhaul of the organization. They don't develop power pitching nor power hitters. The guys coming up from the minors all seem to have weird hiccups in their swings. The assessment of free agents is awful. Freddie can't manage. Guys don't respect or fear him.

Jeff Shulz did an interview with McGirk (sp?) In today's paper. It seems changes are on the way though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't wanna see Fredi, Bonifacio, Harang, Laird, BJ upton (good luck gettin outta that contract)...So pissed at these guys...it's like they all forgot home to play. I'm sorry there is no excuse for not being able to being a runner home from 3rd with less than 2 outs..I don't care what you do, sac fly, sac bunt, opposit field sac grounder ..just get the guy in..dang.

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This roster need a major shakeup. We are fine in the pitching department. Keep Roger no matter what. Clean house elsewhere. Freeman,Simmons and Bethancourt are keepers. Begin figuring out the rest from there.


Freeman, Heyward, J. Upton, Simba, and Bethancourt are all keepers either because of their offensive potential, elite defensive skills, or both.

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