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Ferry Getting Support


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Probably not!...we have to remember that this country is ignorant and once you f**k up...it's all downhill from there.

People still hate Vick and the man served his time for doing wrong.



Ironic. I think people who can't think for themselves are ignorant. You said Vick served his time... by whose standards? One judge? Sorry, I just don't blindly follow a single person's word. By your logic, it's ignorant to hate O.J. because he was found innocent, right? You must feel that way. Unfortunately, Vick's sentence was garbage and O.J. should have been convicted. I'm not gonna be like "oh well, the justice system did it's job". The justice system is a p.o.s. in the first place. An 18 year old can choose to go shoot other people/shot to death(sometimes against their will through draft) but they can't drink and gamble until they're 21? Yeah, okay. Yet you don't even have to be 18 to endanger the lives of everyone on the road with a 1 ton vehicle at 60mph.


Simply put... it's not ignorant to think Vick is a dirtbag. It's ignorant to follow one judge's ruling and shrug your shoulders as if it's acceptable because someone else decided it was acceptable. Hopefully you don't smoke weed, it's illegal and you accept every law and ruling set forth apparently. I think it's ignorant to be cool with someone who had contracts worth over 100 million, could do anything they wanted in the world and could get their fix for adrenaline by playing in front of 70,000 fans. But nah, that's not exciting enough for said dirtbag. Instead, he gets his fix starving dogs, beating them and forcing them to mutilate each other. And afterwords, smashes them across the pavement, hoses them down to electrocute them, hangs them etc. Sorry, that's what you call a psychopath. He lacks any form of empathy and gets his thrills torturing animals for fun. Not to mention, he gives girls herpes, takes weed on planes and probably had someone shot outside a party. But yeah, it's ignorant to think the dude is p.o.s. apparently. Sorry, I guess I just don't like sociopaths.


And not to mention, he's arrogant to boot. "I revolutionized the game", gtfo. Guess he never saw Randall Cunningham, Steve Young, John Elway, Dan Marino, Donovan McNabb, Steve McNair etc. Dude thinks he revolutionized the game because he's a faster QB than those guys. Then again, maybe he's right. He revolutionized the game in the sense that you only have to be a good passer 2 seasons out of 12 as long as you can put up a ton of yards on the ground. He's right, that was new to football... a quarterback who struggled to complete 50%+ of their passes while starting year after year. Anyways, dude is a jackass and I don't care if he did what some judge perceived to be an appropriate amount of time. That's not ignorant, that's called thinking for myself and having my own beliefs in life. I don't agree with everything the government says and does. Shocking.



Also, I don't really think what was said is a big enough deal to have someone lose their job over. Same goes for people like Imus. Everyone has heard the old adages... "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me", and, "actions speak louder than words". People can say anything they want to me and I won't be upset. I love my mom more than anyone but if someone talks shit about her, I'm not gonna get offended. If someone talks shit about me, I'm not gonna get offended. They're just words coming out of the mouths of stupid people. Now, stuff like what Michael Vick and Ray Rice do, that's another story. They're out in the world physically causing damage. What's worse? Mean words, or physical pain? Good luck finding someone who would rather be beaten and tortured over someone speaking to them.


What Levenson and Ferry did isn't even that big of a deal, let alone being compared to Vick as far as public reaction is concerned. Seems as though the most upset by this is that little church group demanding meetings and showing up anyways because they weren't told by an owner himself not to and then whining about it. I assume their Rev. just wants money out of this the same way Jackson and Sharpton do, every time they show their face and start race wars.

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Ironic. I think people who can't think for themselves are ignorant. You said Vick served his time... by whose standards? One judge? Sorry, I just don't blindly follow a single person's word. By your logic, it's ignorant to hate O.J. because he was found innocent, right? You must feel that way. Unfortunately, Vick's sentence was garbage and O.J. should have been convicted. I'm not gonna be like "oh well, the justice system did it's job". The justice system is a p.o.s. in the first place. An 18 year old can choose to go shoot other people/shot to death(sometimes against their will through draft) but they can't drink and gamble until they're 21? Yeah, okay. Yet you don't even have to be 18 to endanger the lives of everyone on the road with a 1 ton vehicle at 60mph.

Simply put... it's not ignorant to think Vick is a dirtbag. It's ignorant to follow one judge's ruling and shrug your shoulders as if it's acceptable because someone else decided it was acceptable. Hopefully you don't smoke weed, it's illegal and you accept every law and ruling set forth apparently. I think it's ignorant to be cool with someone who had contracts worth over 100 million, could do anything they wanted in the world and could get their fix for adrenaline by playing in front of 70,000 fans. But nah, that's not exciting enough for said dirtbag. Instead, he gets his fix starving dogs, beating them and forcing them to mutilate each other. And afterwords, smashes them across the pavement, hoses them down to electrocute them, hangs them etc. Sorry, that's what you call a psychopath. He lacks any form of empathy and gets his thrills torturing animals for fun. Not to mention, he gives girls herpes, takes weed on planes and probably had someone shot outside a party. But yeah, it's ignorant to think the dude is p.o.s. apparently. Sorry, I guess I just don't like sociopaths.

And not to mention, he's arrogant to boot. "I revolutionized the game", gtfo. Guess he never saw Randall Cunningham, Steve Young, John Elway, Dan Marino, Donovan McNabb, Steve McNair etc. Dude thinks he revolutionized the game because he's a faster QB than those guys. Then again, maybe he's right. He revolutionized the game in the sense that you only have to be a good passer 2 seasons out of 12 as long as you can put up a ton of yards on the ground. He's right, that was new to football... a quarterback who struggled to complete 50%+ of their passes while starting year after year. Anyways, dude is a jackass and I don't care if he did what some judge perceived to be an appropriate amount of time. That's not ignorant, that's called thinking for myself and having my own beliefs in life. I don't agree with everything the government says and does. Shocking.

Also, I don't really think what was said is a big enough deal to have someone lose their job over. Same goes for people like Imus. Everyone has heard the old adages... "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me", and, "actions speak louder than words". People can say anything they want to me and I won't be upset. I love my mom more than anyone but if someone talks shit about her, I'm not gonna get offended. If someone talks shit about me, I'm not gonna get offended. They're just words coming out of the mouths of stupid people. Now, stuff like what Michael Vick and Ray Rice do, that's another story. They're out in the world physically causing damage. What's worse? Mean words, or physical pain? Good luck finding someone who would rather be beaten and tortured over someone speaking to them.

What Levenson and Ferry did isn't even that big of a deal, let alone being compared to Vick as far as public reaction is concerned. Seems as though the most upset by this is that little church group demanding meetings and showing up anyways because they weren't told by an owner himself not to and then whining about it. I assume their Rev. just wants money out of this the same way Jackson and Sharpton do, every time they show their face and start race wars.

Seems like you have more of a Vick issue than anything else.
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Ironic. I think people who can't think for themselves are ignorant. You said Vick served his time... by whose standards? One judge? Sorry, I just don't blindly follow a single person's word. By your logic, it's ignorant to hate O.J. because he was found innocent, right? You must feel that way. Unfortunately, Vick's sentence was garbage and O.J. should have been convicted. I'm not gonna be like "oh well, the justice system did it's job". The justice system is a p.o.s. in the first place. An 18 year old can choose to go shoot other people/shot to death(sometimes against their will through draft) but they can't drink and gamble until they're 21? Yeah, okay. Yet you don't even have to be 18 to endanger the lives of everyone on the road with a 1 ton vehicle at 60mph.


Simply put... it's not ignorant to think Vick is a dirtbag. It's ignorant to follow one judge's ruling and shrug your shoulders as if it's acceptable because someone else decided it was acceptable. Hopefully you don't smoke weed, it's illegal and you accept every law and ruling set forth apparently. I think it's ignorant to be cool with someone who had contracts worth over 100 million, could do anything they wanted in the world and could get their fix for adrenaline by playing in front of 70,000 fans. But nah, that's not exciting enough for said dirtbag. Instead, he gets his fix starving dogs, beating them and forcing them to mutilate each other. And afterwords, smashes them across the pavement, hoses them down to electrocute them, hangs them etc. Sorry, that's what you call a psychopath. He lacks any form of empathy and gets his thrills torturing animals for fun. Not to mention, he gives girls herpes, takes weed on planes and probably had someone shot outside a party. But yeah, it's ignorant to think the dude is p.o.s. apparently. Sorry, I guess I just don't like sociopaths.


And not to mention, he's arrogant to boot. "I revolutionized the game", gtfo. Guess he never saw Randall Cunningham, Steve Young, John Elway, Dan Marino, Donovan McNabb, Steve McNair etc. Dude thinks he revolutionized the game because he's a faster QB than those guys. Then again, maybe he's right. He revolutionized the game in the sense that you only have to be a good passer 2 seasons out of 12 as long as you can put up a ton of yards on the ground. He's right, that was new to football... a quarterback who struggled to complete 50%+ of their passes while starting year after year. Anyways, dude is a jackass and I don't care if he did what some judge perceived to be an appropriate amount of time. That's not ignorant, that's called thinking for myself and having my own beliefs in life. I don't agree with everything the government says and does. Shocking.



Also, I don't really think what was said is a big enough deal to have someone lose their job over. Same goes for people like Imus. Everyone has heard the old adages... "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me", and, "actions speak louder than words". People can say anything they want to me and I won't be upset. I love my mom more than anyone but if someone talks shit about her, I'm not gonna get offended. If someone talks shit about me, I'm not gonna get offended. They're just words coming out of the mouths of stupid people. Now, stuff like what Michael Vick and Ray Rice do, that's another story. They're out in the world physically causing damage. What's worse? Mean words, or physical pain? Good luck finding someone who would rather be beaten and tortured over someone speaking to them.


What Levenson and Ferry did isn't even that big of a deal, let alone being compared to Vick as far as public reaction is concerned. Seems as though the most upset by this is that little church group demanding meetings and showing up anyways because they weren't told by an owner himself not to and then whining about it. I assume their Rev. just wants money out of this the same way Jackson and Sharpton do, every time they show their face and start race wars.

So if I don't think like you, I don't think for myself? Funny stuff.  If nothing else this incident has been enlightening about the demographic of our members here.  

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You forget the Free Agents.  In a league that is 85% people of color... you don't offend people of color.  This is open and shut when you think about the ramifications.  Ferry has to go.

No worries, Hopefully our next big free agent signing will forgive Ferry for his comments.



Edited by Peoriabird
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Sticking Masai Ujiri's thoughts in here:




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I’ve known Danny Ferry for a few years; first, when I worked as an NBA scout, and then as a fellow GM.

I’ve always thought he carries himself well. He’s tough. I respect that.

We did a trade together in June, one that brought Lou Williams and Lucas Nogueira to the Raptors. Danny was straightforward in what he wanted, and pushy when he wanted to make the trade happen. That’s the way it should be.

So when I heard what he’d said, I was taken aback.

I reached out to a couple of people who know Danny well. Both have been great mentors for me.

R.C. Buford is the GM of the San Antonio Spurs. He was one of the first NBA executives to come to our Basketball Without Borders camps a decade ago. That same year, he adopted a young man from Cameroon. Wayne Embry is an adviser for our team. Forty years ago, he was the first African-American GM of an NBA team.

Both of these men, whom I trust so much, are close to Danny. They have nothing but great things to say about him. The league is a small world. Other people I’ve spoken to who know Danny well say that he has never done anything they’ve seen to suggest he holds racist views.

I spoke to Danny myself about this. He started off by apologizing to Luol. He apologized to me and apologized for any insult he’d offered to African people in general. He explained the incident as best he could to me. There are some things about that conversation I would like to keep between the two of us, but I came away feeling like I’d understood what he had to say.

Here is what I have to say:

I have no idea what is happening in the Atlanta Hawks organization, but I do know how the scouting world works. We all have different ways of sharing information about players and different vocabularies to do so. It crossed a line here.

That said, we are all human. We are all vulnerable. We all make mistakes.

You discover a person’s true character in their ability to learn from and then move on from those mistakes. One of the truly important things we must learn is how to forgive.

Danny’s mistake will remain tied to him for a long time. What he’s said can’t be unsaid, but we must measure his heart. If he has made an honest, isolated error, we should forgive and move on.

I spoke to Luol on Thursday morning. The first thing he said to me was, “We have to figure out a way to make sure this doesn’t hurt other African players.”

Young players from Africa are renowned around the basketball world for their work ethic and their decency. Luol isn’t worried about himself. He’s worried about making sure the opportunities he and I were given are still available to the next generation of Africans. He’s also worried that some of the noxious stereotypes that have been raised in connection with this sad incident do not take hold in people’s minds. That shows you the sort of man he is.

Luol will move on from this and continue in his work, of which professional basketball is only one part. I hope to see him soon back home in Africa, where we will work with the many young people who understand that to have a little bit of African in them is to have the pride of a continent inside you.

My hope is that we will soon see Danny Ferry at a Basketball Without Borders camp as well, so that he may come to know us.




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That is great stuff there, thank you for posting it lethal. I'm dying to know what this hidden part is though.




There are some things about that conversation I would like to keep between the two of us, but I came away feeling like I’d understood what he had to say.
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That is great stuff there, thank you for posting it lethal. I'm dying to know what this hidden part is though.


I would guess it was the legitimate criticism he had of Deng and Masai felt like those legit concerns helped explain a bit better how Ferry could have said that but that he recognizes that insulting Deng is not going to win Ferry or anyone any friends right now.

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I would guess it was the legitimate criticism he had of Deng and Masai felt like those legit concerns helped explain a bit better how Ferry could have said that but that he recognizes that insulting Deng is not going to win Ferry or anyone any friends right now.


Yeah I'm assuming whatever it is, couldn't possibly help Ferry look any better. The entire thing makes it sound like Ferry made a mistake and has to own it and try and move forward. Doesn't sound like there's going to be any redeeming info to come out and make it look any less bad than it does.

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Yeah I'm assuming whatever it is, couldn't possibly help Ferry look any better. The entire thing makes it sound like Ferry made a mistake and has to own it and try and move forward. Doesn't sound like there's going to be any redeeming info to come out and make it look any less bad than it does.


I am past hoping for any redeeming info to emerge at this point.

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Billy King standing up for Ferry, presumably after hearing or being told about the details of the tape.


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