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Is Mike Smith fired during the bye?


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Cox or Tice could get more accountability out of the guys. I'm not totally positive, but wasn't it possibly to just kneel and run the clock out on first down with about 1:56 to go and no timeouts for Detroit? Simple math right there, although I knew the third down conversion surrendered early in the third quarter around midfield with a 21 point lead no less, spelled doom. The Lions only got a field goal on the drive, but it was clear the momentum swung in their favor. I knew we wouldn't get it back because their interior lines don't fold over with each play in the second half.

Most people like Mike Smith as a person, but it should be clear to everyone that it's time to move on. Blank should've been on the phone after the touchdown on 3rd and 25. Probably took a bathroom break to get away from Dimitroff so he could speak colorfully about his future as well.

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Yep just deleted it.

Well a lot of sad Falcons fans here but spudder and ferrsure should be thrilled right now.


I'm a Falcons fan first and foremost and feel completely let down by the Falcons.  I was praying Prater would donk that field goal.  It's real bad now cause I'm rooting for the Seahawks and Packers now.  Just so tired of this team underachieving.  Teams have bad games but this crap of playing well in the first quarter and then they forget how to play football and to run an offense the rest of the game has been going on for years.  Someone needs to be blamed and take the fall here.  Bad thing for Mike Smith is that he has two ex-head coaches on his staff right now that could take over (Mike Tice and Mike Nolan).  I hope they just promote Tice for the season if they do can Smith.  Honestly, Arthur Blank isn't that type of owner though.  He'll stay true to his word and give Smith and TD the rest of the season to get it right.  7-9 could win this division but the Falcons got a tough schedule to end the season...


It's pretty bad that I'm ready for the Hawks to save me as an Atlanta sports fan.  Desperation will do that to a fan.

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Fire Mike Smith and hand the reigns over to Assistant Coach Terry Robiskie or Special Teams Coach Keith Armstrong. Have a box sent to Thomas Dimitroffs office so he can pack up all of his crap too. I'm tired of watching dumb decision after dumb decision hurt us every year. Every player rated higher on the draft boards that we skipped over are being praised every Sunday. It was painful watching Paul Worrilow get shook out of his shoes while in coverage during the final drive.

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Fire Mike Smith and hand the reigns over to Assistant Coach Terry Robiskie or Special Teams Coach Keith Armstrong. Have a box sent to Thomas Dimitroffs office so he can pack up all of his crap too. I'm tired of watching dumb decision after dumb decision hurt us every year. Every player rated higher on the draft boards that we skipped over are being praised every Sunday. It was painful watching Paul Worrilow get shook out of his shoes while in coverage during the final drive.


Neither one of those guys are even remotely fit to be head coaches, plus I doubt either of them would take on the interim title. Tice sucked as a head coach and so did Nolan, but he had a bad team and he's probably grown since then. I'd give him a shot at it and see if he can light a fire under the team. 

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Not worth going in depth over. Just get rid of koetter, mike, and tommy.

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I wouldn't mind if the season ended today just so we can get a new regime in here and have an extremely high draft pick with about 25 mil in cap space to give the new GM. Playoffs are the last thing on my mind, I'm already scouting for that high pick we're going to have

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Cool under pressure ...




I can just hear him going, "OMGOMGOMG, ahhhh you take it!"  Sorry, gotta laugh to keep from crying.


I doubt Blank fires them until after the season.  My theory is that Blank is meddlesome behind the scenes.  He knows he has a hand in what's happening on the field so he's not brazen enough to lump it all on them.  Just my hair-brained theory.

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Blank was more emphatic at the end of last year about this is not acceptable.  Tice is an interesting guy, I'd give him the nod if Smith is gone.  But TD needs to be shown the door as well.  He's the one that put the talent on the field.  Peter Principle.......he got promoted one too many times. The talent just sucks on defense.  

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I'm really starting to dislike Mike Smith. He coaches like a Scardy cat. His press conferences make me wanna puke.


What you no like the "process"?


He lost me with all the stupid buzz words.  He'll never say we lost, just that we didn't 'get the result we wanted'.  That crap drives me crazy for some reason.

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What you no like the "process"?

He lost me with all the stupid buzz words. He'll never say we lost, just that we didn't 'get the result we wanted'. That crap drives me crazy for some reason.

Process, tip my hat, self scout.....uuuuuhhhhhh.
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Process, tip my hat, self scout.....uuuuuhhhhhh.


Ahh, I just threw up in my mouth.  "Self scout" is the worst one for me.  Newsflash "Coach" Smith, you're not some football guru.

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