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Still Disrespected...


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I turn over to see what's going on at ESPN.


Their lead basketball story is the Cavs holding off the Clipps??!!?!???


Who gives a damn!


But I can let that slide.. But I noticed on their basketball site, there is no picture of no Hawks.


I look at their stories, and there's only one story on the basketball page that mentions us.


Then the kicker, I look at a sportsnation Poll  and the people believe that the Bulls will win the East?


It just means we have more to prove...


We....The South!!

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Diesel:  I'm loving it!


Bulls are expected, by the brains over at ESPN, to win it all.  After all, they have

that super star playing PG.  A super star is a must, we've all heard, if a team

is even to compete in the playoffs,  Sadly, Hawks have no super star so that

means we can't.


Bulls are expected to go on a roll beginning with their victory tonight.  Their

next five victims?  The Cavs, Spurs, Mavericks, Heat and Warriors.  Win all

six of these games and they are on their way.


We'll see, starting tonight!



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Eh, they actually covered us pretty well last night on SC. After showing our highlights, then an interview of Horf, they had a "Are Hawks really this good?" discussion. They all said yes.

What he's saying is we should have at least followed the Cavs on LBJCenter.

We are on a historic blistering pace. 10 or 11 CONSECUTIVE winning road games including the big boys out West - who does that? Only the Hawks.

I keep saying the media has no idea how to handle the Hawks success. They are so used to the focus being on one player it's tough for them because they have to do actual work for our entire group. Lazy bums.

Edited by JayBirdHawk
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Stephen A. was pretty effusive in his praises after his initial comments. After we double-digit Chicago, he's gonna have an even more eloquent soliloquy that should go perfect with his Knicks disgust every Sunday Morning. I thought it was interesting he said "they're among the best teams in the league" after he said "I don't care about GS." There's more than a little media distrust of Kerr seeming to stem from within NBA circles and maybe former colleagues?

We have to pillage the NBA to get a mention, so be it.

And Greg Anthony likes us as much as DC area hookers.

Edited by benhillboy
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SI calling us NBA final contenders


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As you can see technology confuses me.

Edited by asdogg
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SI calling us NBA final contenders

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As you can see technology confuses me.

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Maybe Coach Bud could help the team out as far as getting more press. He wouldn't need to change anything substantive - just do his pressers in a beige leisure suit with an orange shirt and a gold chain. Heck, I never throw anything away - I probably have one I could loan him.

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haha is that devon harris ? Ball breakdown gives a nice review but using outdated stock images.

Devin Harris is still with us...in spirit (not to be confused with our live Hawks bird spirit..:-/)

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