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Thabo & Pero Arrested; Thabo OUT FOR SEASON due to injuries


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ATLien, can you get your wife a million dollars if she needed it tomorrow? If you can't, "how can you claim to be a real man?" -Pro athlete


You see, don't go challenging people's manhood without a leg to stand on. I will state this, I won't be a chatty patty on no man on something I don't know. 


chatty patty lmao

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I am working on starting businesses for that exact reason. To have a lot more capitol in the long run than continuing to be in the freaking middle class. I would love not to have financial questions. I would love to not stress over a bill because my baby can't pay it. Money matters, regardless of the system or oppression, it doesn't change your individual standing. 

Edited by nbasupes40retired
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ATLien, can you get your wife a million dollars if she needed it tomorrow? If you can't, "how can you claim to be a real man?" -Pro athlete

You see, don't go challenging people's manhood without a leg to stand on. I will state this, I won't be a chatty patty on no man on something I don't know.

Sir if you think how much income you have determines rather you're a man or not you have alot of growing up to do. My family has everything they need and I have plenty of money, but that doesn't make me a man. It's the life I lead the positive impact that I have on the my community and the people in and around my life.

You can't take money with you when you die; it's fleeding. Money defintley will not make you happy. God is not a respecter of person and that's what really matters; Everything else is vanity. The best thing you can have in life is a relationship with God, people you love and people that love you. I would trade all the money in the world to keep that.

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Sir if you think how much income you have determines rather you're a man or not you have alot of growing up to do. My family has everything they need and I have plenty of money, but that doesn't make me a man. It's the life I lead the positive impact that I have on the my community and the people in and around my life.

You can't take money with you when you die; it's fleeding. Money defintley will not make you happy. God is not a respecter of person and that's what really matters; Everything else is vanity. The best thing you can have in life is a relationship with God, people you love and people that love you. I would trade all the money in the world to keep that.

What he's saying is someone's definition of "being a real man" can be different based on circumstances. A pro athletes may be different because they obviously live a much different life style than any of us. Your definition isn't the end all and probably differs from a rich and famous pro athlete.
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lmao, they went to a club that you or I probably couldn't even get into. LW3 posted a description earlier that talked about an "Ostrich leather wrapped [something or other]". I don't think the venue was the issue.

Secondly, who are you to judge what makes a man a man? NBA players could think you aren't a man because your body fat percentage is above 15, and they would have just as much of an argument as you do.

Where did I question their man hood? Where did I say it was bad to go to the club? I criticized the decision making. Last time I checked neither Thabo or Pero has rings, so getting one should be pretty important to them. That is what every athlete pitches to the fan. Would you say their actions demonstrate that getting a ring is important to them? My message is clear your reading comprehension is lacking.

I haven't been to a club in a while because there's always some BS popping off. Take 3 stacks advice and understand you can't be the king of the parking lot forever. However, when I'm in New York I'll be sure to stop by and sit on the Ostrich so I can have your approval. Then I'll scream out N!g%a we made it.

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Where did I question their man hood? Where did I say it was bad to go to the club? I criticized the decision making. Last time I checked neither Thabo or Pero has rings, so getting one should be pretty important to them. That is what every athlete pitches to the fan. Would you say their actions demonstrate that getting a ring is important to them? My message is clear your reading comprehension is lacking.

I haven't been to a club in a while because there's always some BS popping off. Take 3 stacks advice and understand you can't be the king of the parking lot forever. However, when I'm in New York I'll be sure to stop by and sit on the Ostrich so I can have your approval. Then I'll scream out N!g%a we made it.


You can't make a serious case that Pero and Thabo going to the club two weeks before the playoffs diminishes their preparation for the playoffs.  This was a freak accident that nobody could see coming.  All of our players have gone out a ton during their career and not once has any of them had an incident before.

Edited by SalvorMallow
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Maybe I should have left out "greater than driving" in your quote because you seemed to have missed the point.


1 - # of players in the NBA today seriously injured in connection with clubbing appears > # injured by driving  (this is an assumption from the fact that you haven't identified any current player who missed a material number of games from a wreck)

2 - # of times the average player drives > # of times he goes clubbing

3 - Odds of getting injured when going to a club at 3 a.m. > odds of getting seriously injured while driving


If the above are true, you don't need the actual numbers.  #1 you should be able to verify yourself or rebut.  #2 is obvious.  #3 simply follows from 1 & 2.

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Sir if you think how much income you have determines rather you're a man or not you have alot of growing up to do. My family has everything they need and I have plenty of money, but that doesn't make me a man. It's the life I lead the positive impact that I have on the my community and the people in and around my life.

You can't take money with you when you die; it's fleeding. Money defintley will not make you happy. God is not a respecter of person and that's what really matters; Everything else is vanity. The best thing you can have in life is a relationship with God, people you love and people that love you. I would trade all the money in the world to keep that.

That's not the question, the question was, if your wife needed a million dollars, could you deliver? 


That's why I avoid the chatty patty express. I am huge believer in Jesus but I am not going to judge without expecting a reply. You can have God all day but if your wife needs that type of money, could you deliver? 

Edited by nbasupes40retired
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1 - # of players in the NBA today seriously injured in connection with clubbing appears > # injured by driving  (this is an assumption from the fact that you haven't identified any current player who missed a material number of games from a wreck)

2 - # of times the average player drives > # of times he goes clubbing

3 - Odds of getting injured when going to a club at 3 a.m. > odds of getting seriously injured while driving


If the above are true, you don't need the actual numbers.  #1 you should be able to verify yourself or rebut.  #2 is obvious.  #3 simply follows from 1 & 2.


What difference does it make?  


I doubt anyone was making a serious argument about the numbers, they're saying in either case, the chances of something happening are extremely low so one shouldn't consider either action as hazardous.  We shouldn't expect players to see the club as "dangerous" because of some minute chance that they could be injured any more than we should expect players not to drive because of a minute chance that they could be injured.

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What he's saying is someone's definition of "being a real man" can be different based on circumstances. A pro athletes may be different because they obviously live a much different life style than any of us. Your definition isn't the end all and probably differs from a rich and famous pro athlete.

In my experience in life money doesn't change character it only magnifies character. If you are charitable you'll be even more charitable. If you're a womanizer you'll have a woman in every city. If like Cars you'll have a fleet. If your a idiot you'll be a bigger idiot. Stop using money as a crutch for why they made bad decisions. The Waltons have more money than the GDP of some countries I've never heard boo about them. Russell Simmons has plenty of cash Daymond John has plenty and I've seen both in clubs. I've never heard of them being arrested.

It's not the end of the world or even that big of a deal, but don't ask me to give them a shoulder to cry on. Learn from it, be better, stop making excuses, take responsibility for your own actions. To whom much is given much is required.

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1 - # of players in the NBA today seriously injured in connection with clubbing appears > # injured by driving  (this is an assumption from the fact that you haven't identified any current player who missed a material number of games from a wreck)

2 - # of times the average player drives > # of times he goes clubbing

3 - Odds of getting injured when going to a club at 3 a.m. > odds of getting seriously injured while driving


If the above are true, you don't need the actual numbers.  #1 you should be able to verify yourself or rebut.  #2 is obvious.  #3 simply follows from 1 & 2.

It's not your comparison but your assertion of "a known risk" in the activity by simply listing number of reported incidents. Listing number of incidents does not imply this is a risky activity to even begin with.

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You can't make a serious case that Pero and Thabo going to the club two weeks before the playoffs diminishes their preparation for the playoffs. This was a freak accident that nobody could see coming. All of our players have gone out a ton during their career and not once has any of them had an incident before.

I don't care if they club. I want them to not get in trouble and listen to police instructinon. I don't think that's to much to ask.

My point about going to the club mid-week at 4am is it's asking for trouble. Who's at the club on a Tuesday / Wednesday at 4am? Athletes/ stars, professional clubbers/groupies, drug dealers, and people with no job. 3/4 the off that equation sounds like trouble to me. The only people with something to lose in that equation is the athlete/star. These guys are targets they have to think; they are not local yocals.

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In my experience in life money doesn't change character it only magnifies character. If you are charitable you'll be even more charitable. If you're a womanizer you'll have a woman in every city. If like Cars you'll have a fleet. If your a idiot you'll be a bigger idiot. Stop using money as a crutch for why they made bad decisions. The Waltons have more money than the GDP of some countries I've never heard boo about them. Russell Simmons has plenty of cash Daymond John has plenty and I've seen both in clubs. I've never heard of them being arrested.

It's not the end of the world or even that big of a deal, but don't ask me to give them a shoulder to cry on. Learn from it, be better, stop making excuses, take responsibility for your own actions. To whom much is given much is required.

Your trying to project that your world equals everyone's world. My ex used to do that and it was so annoying. 

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That's not the question, the question was, if your wife needed a million dollars, could you deliver?

That's why I avoid the chatty patty express. I am huge believer in Jesus but I am not going to judge without expecting a reply. You can have God all day but if your wife needs that type of money, could you deliver?

How is having a million dollars relevant to this conversation? Is your point that because I don't have a million dollars liquid right now that I can't have an opinion? The statement was so ignorant I didn't know how to respond. It was however a great strawman to distract us from the conversation at hand. Let me answer your question no I don't have 1 million dollars liquid. Does this empower you to now ignore the common sense I've posted today.

Let me now ask you a silly rhetorical question. If you had a million dollars and had an incurable disease, then would you trade it all to be a dreaded 9-5er and live?

By the way if we compared salaries and mine was higher wouldn't that mean my opinion should hold more weight than yours using your logic? I could be like you don't live the life of an executive so what does Sup know. Do you see how ignorant that would be.

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How much net income do you have Sup? I know you probably made millions as a college student slash scouting legend. What exactly gives you the insight into millionaires lives? What gives you such certainty that their lives are so much different than everyone else?Looks like to me they got treated by the Cops the same way you or me would have.

I know you're a Jesus fan check out that book of Proverbs there's lots of relevant info there around starting your business. Oh wait I forgot Jesus wasn't a millionaire. Maybe pick up that Kim Kardashian book instead.

I'm done with this topic. I'm glad to see there are still plenty of enablers male groupies around to keep Thabo and Pero warm.

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Trust me I agree, I was one of his biggest advocates when we signed him. He was a godsend for us, playoff tested/proven, pedigree going against the best. Shined in big moments the whole nine yards. Any team would be better with a player like him. But after accepting the truth its time to move on. Life happens and you cant cry over spilled milk. Last I checked we start a guy named Demarre Carroll who has quite the knack for playing defense and is an even better offensive guy. Last I checked yea we lost games without Thabo on the road but how many of those games did we really try to win with our starters being rested? Last I checked the playoffs arent the regular season and I expect Al Horford to be a bigger difference maker for our squad than Thabo. I expect Baze to focus and step it up and make a name for himself. I expect the Atlanta Hawks to trust the system, trust each other, and compete until their last breath. Thats me though, I cant speak for the rest of you "Hawks Fans" on here.


"I expect the Atlanta Hawks to trust the system, trust each other, and compete until their last breath."



I expect the same thing too, but i would prefer Thabo to be playing in the playoffs  because he makes a huge diffirence when he's on the court. His defensive skill and versatility makes Hawks much more of a threat. You always want to see your team in full strength when going in the playoffs and not missing any players just like any other team out there who's also preparing for the playoffs.



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