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Taurean Prince 3 and D Impact


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1 hour ago, Lurker said:

Except he's not providing this in 2017-2018 because he knows the team is bad, so he's like "why the **** should I even bother with playing hard?"

It is no doubt a down year but why would he have that kind of attitude when he should be using this time to continue to adjust and adapt to the nba, develop his skills, and learn about his other fellow younger teammates that’s going to be here for a while like him.

down season sure! That was done on purpose but at the same time take advantage and play hard anyways.

With all that said I personally don’t feel that Prince has had that kind of attitude this year by any means. He’s playing well in most of games and he’s really been showing how good offensively he can be as of late but it’s a long season so hopefully he keeps the what I call positive energy going despite the teams record.

a down year for extremely young pros don’t mean it’s time to relax until we get all the right pieces! Can’t have attitudes like that and your not yet truly accomplished in this league....(shouldn’t have that attitude at all really but I know more accomplished players would feel like that if a team like this was around them)

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Not going to create a new thread on this but I’m curious on who Prince reminds them of based on what we’ve seen of him offensively and defensively so far?


personally I’m seeing a mixture of DMC and Nicholas Batum. Better handles and more of an offensive arsenal than DMC clearly but not quite the shooter Batum and DMC is yet however looks like he will be just as good as shooter as they are at some point in his career from what has been displayed so far. He seems closer to Batum than DMC offensively to me just because he’s able to do more with the ball in his hands, defensively I think he’s going to surely be right up there with both DMC & Batum by the end of this season if not a little earlier. Rebounding wise I believe he’s already better than both of them and could avg 7 or 8 boards a game if he put his mind to it.

he’s definitely more athletic than both those guys right now so to me if you’ve watched batum and DMC I think by the time prince hits his prime he is going to surely be a better version than those guys and probably be able to avg 17 or 18 pts per game (in buds system)/ 7 or 8 rebs/ 3 or 4 assist/ play outstanding defense.

im aware that some has compared Prince to spurs Leonard early on as a possibility that he may get to Leonard’s level but kwahi (if I spelled that right) has taken such a huge leap that I just can’t disrespect Leonard like that. I hope prince get to that level but he’s more steered towards the level of being a better DMC/Batum type player which is still really good and valuable to the hawks franchise.


.....chime in! Looking forward to your thoughts.

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Prince is likely going to be a great 3 and D player for years to come.

He has everything. His stroke looks great so far. He made some tough j's from the elbow already this season. We don't even have to talk about his Defensive Potential. Hes crazy athletic and has a big frame. Nice hands and everything. 

The only bothering thing is that he has also shown glimpses of Bazemoreism in his game. Driving boneheaded into players and making the wrong decisions on fastbreaks. But I think that will get better through experience. To me he is going to be a perfect third option on a championship winning team

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13 hours ago, Lurker said:

Except he's not providing this in 2017-2018 because he knows the team is bad, so he's like "why the **** should I even bother with playing hard?"

I would you're not accurate otherwise that suggests Prince is the guy we are looking for. Either you have that dog in you or you don't.

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Got kind of a funky game. I like his passing and (theoretically) his ability to score off the ball in a variety of ways. Defense should be good too. Reminds me of Hayward with worse handles and worse shooting (right now), but Hayward's a legit #2 I think, so Prince could be a #3 one day.

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The closest comp for Prince I've seen is Ariza with less ball handling. He doesn't have the footspeed to get past his defender as you see him try to get off first by picking up his pivot foot before dribbling.

He'll get all that cleaned up eventually. I'll like him to gain more mass and absorb the contact instead of trying to blow by. His ceiling isn't all star but his floor is solid starter for years. 

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9 hours ago, Kimsey said:

The closest comp for Prince I've seen is Ariza

Ariza earned a ring as a clutch role player so here is hoping Prince does the same thing for the Hawks here in Atlanta. If Prince does improve on his defense he will be closing in on that complete role player that big time winning teams always have to have. A major piece for us.

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