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CWebb to Atlanta?


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How low has CWebb's career sunk??

I think that it's being said that Sac-Town is ready to make changes but fears that no one will take Cwebb due to his massive contract and declining skills.

So instead of CWebb, thoughts of trading Peja is the norm.

Well, I've looked at it and Peja is a force and unless they can get Pierce it makes no sense to trade him...

Howver, going back to Cwebb...

We are in need of an identity.

We have lots of cash.

We have the potential to be a FA hotbed...

We just lost the lottery...

Who would consider this trade:

JT/#17 for CWebb?

With #6, you take Harris.

In FAcy, you get Jax/Sura/Foyle...

and we have Kings East

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In the playoffs, CWebb averaged 18.4, 8.3, and 3.7....

I realize he's going down... Still:

1. He's 31.

2. He has about 2-3 productive years left.

3. He gives the team an image.

4. He could help us draw FAs.

Now... What do you add to that:

Devin Harris = JT (Younger, probably room to grow, definitely cheaper).

Jax = We all know what Jax can do.

Sura = We all know what Sura Can do.

Foyle = Defensive stopper.

And a couple of more cheap guys who can add value off the bench...

This puts us in the running.

let this ride... And next year, we're in the midst of the FAcy for one FA player who can help us making a difference. Next year, we draft one PF who will be our future.

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Diesel there is no way in hell I would give Pierce up for Peja. Peja is a jump shooter nothing more nothing less. Pierce is a borderline superstar thats still growing. Maybe Im over estimating Pierce, but I don't think many gm's would take Peja over Pierce.

Its easy to look good when you got a great team around you, and all you do is chuck wide open jumpers. When Minesota put the clamps on peja he faded like willow without water.

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I think Peja is a great player. Very heady which is something we could use. It's hard to compare Paul Pierce and Stoyakovic, though. I would have to say Pierce has a more versatile game and is more of a franchise player-type but Peja is very solid and wouldn't mind picking him up at all. Just not sure I would move the #6 for him.

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There's some overestimation and underestimation going on....

Let's start first with FG%. Pierce misses a lot of Shots. He also takes a lot of shots. Sure he's a dangerous player... but why is he chucking up so many threes and missing...

Peja is more than a 1 dimensional player. He's not Allen Houston.

Ask people... I'm not a fan of very many Europlayers... But Peja is different. I like him.

Why would he work in Boston.

1. He mimicked his whole game from Larry Bird.

Peja is smart enough to know that he can post up Smaller players and he can run players his size off of picks and if a player ever leaves him open that's a guaranteed 2.

Why did Peja get shut down against Minn... The same reason why Carmello got shut down... Trenton Hassell. Minn has a defensive stopper who don't need any help guarding the other team's best G/F.... If he plays 20 minutes or more, he neutralizes the other teams best G/F... When you watch him it makes you sick because he never leaves the player alone. He doesn't give them room to breath... Tonight I hope they sick him on Kobe...

Back to the trade. It would have to involve more than just Peja however, that's because of Peja's contract. He doesn't make as much as Pierce so SacTown would have to find extra compensation....

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pierce and peja are two different types of players..but in my opinion pierce is better.

no to webber..we're not a playoff team that just needs a piece of the puzzle. like detroit was with adding wallace.

we're a new team with a young new future. he would do nothing to help us for the future. waste of cap space.

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No way!!! Why turn our fair city into a toxic waste dump for fragile players. Stay very far away from C-Web. Hendu's problems were enough for the Hawks to endure. We need to build with talented youth and not try to patch with worn out vets.

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He may lack the flash of a guy like Pierce. But flash isn't everything. The glory days of the NBA were what they were because guys could shoot. Pierce can't shoot the ball for jack.

I wouldn't give up Peja for Pierce and neither would Sacramento...

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The point is your not going to win a championship with peja as your best player. Peja is not going to take anybody off the dribble and shoot over them for the win consistently. Peja is a regular season star and a playoff jump shooter.

Regular Season

Peja 24.2 ppg FG% .480

Pierce 23.0 ppg .402


Peja 17.5 ppg in the playoffs FG% playoffs .384

Pierce 20.8 in playoffs. FG % playoffs .342

Peja -20% FG% -27.6% ppg

Pierce -14.9% FG% -9.5% ppg

Yes Peja is a better shooter. However, he has more talent around him at every position. Even with Webber out they had Miller. That takes a tremendous amount of pressure off of Peja.

Once the playoffs started Peja became a pedestrian shooter. Why? Because he got a taste of what PP sees every night, being the number one and pretty much only option on offense. However, peja is not the only option on his team. In peja's defense he did have Webber there taking more shots and screwing up the chemistry.

To be totally honest these stats should be to Pejas advantage, for this is an up year for him and a very down year for pierce. Last years playoffs Pierce averaged.



Pierce FG% .416 PPG 25.9


Pierce Fg% .399 PPG 27.1

01/02 Pierce


FG% .442 PPG 26.1


FG% .403 PPG 24.6

Its also important to point out that because of Pierce driving style he gets fouled while shooting more often. Hence, he misses alot of shots because he is getting fouled.


Pierce Free throws attempted 631

Pejas Free throws attempted 425

Pierce shot 32.6% more free throws than Peja. When you get fouled its my understanding that you still get charged with a FG attempt. I don't know how to calculate it, but I bet that has alot to do with his lower FG percentage. And yes i realize you do not miss every shot you shoot a free throw for and that you don't have to be shooting to shoot free throws, but most of the time you are. Even if you take out 10% to account for that and make it 22.6% thats a hell of alot of negative on a FG percentage.

I like peja as much as the next man, but he is just not in Pierce's league IMHO.

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I would let Peja be the man on my playoff team, if I had to decide. The guy is outstanding, and right now he isn't the main attraction.

Early this season he was the main attraction when Webber was hurt, but the Kings didn't use him as the go-to-guy during the playoffs. Peja put up some points during the playoffs, but he would be oustanding if he knew he was "the man"......

I will take Peja over alot of people in the league!!

He is so accurate, you can't teach that.

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i rather have PEJA than PIERCE...


- PEJA received 4th most votes in the MVP consideration... there must be a reason for this...

- PEJA is also less TURNOVER-PRONE.

those are 2 qualities we havent had in a hawks jersey in a while...

Peja plays better team ball. Pierce is the better one-on-one player.

but since the NBA emphasize team ball... and it takes a TEAM to win in this league, i rather have PEJA on my team.

also, take into account

how worse is SAC w/o PEJA?

how worse is BOS w/o PIERCE?

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WTF peja received 4th most votes for mvp? Yea and Keith Brooking makes the Pro bowl every year in both cases that means squat. Sac would be just fine without peja. Peja has one good regular season and yall want to crown him the next Larry Bird. Put Peja in Pierce shoes and I gurantee you Celtics wouldn't have made the playoffs for the last 3 years.

I can't believe how you guys can just except the fact that Peja choked in the playoffs the way he did. This was Sac's big chance and he and many other chokers on SAc let the cityd down.

You guys give guys like pierce and Iverson alot of flack for their shooting percentages, but there production damn sure doesnt drop like his. If iverson had played the way he did in the playoffs there would be a mile long thread about how he is falling off or I told you once he lost his athleticism post.

What gives?

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I'm tired of these high profile chuckers, who lack the most basic skill in basketball (shooting), being heralded as "great players" when the guys who can shoot, but lack the flash and the profile, are considered lesser stars because they are better basketball players....

seriously, wtf has pierce done? They barely made the playoffs this year, in a shitty conference. Since the walker trade what has he done? nothing...What team has he carried? none... Peja carried his team and kept them atop the western conference for most of the season, BY HIMSELF. HE WAS THE MAN. Pierce couldn't get his team to play above .500 IN THE EAST...you call that a star?

There are 40 players in the NBA that, if you put the ball in their hands every time down the court and give them the green light, could give you similar numbers as Pierce. But that's not winning. That's not leading. That's not carrying a team. That's people who can't shoot, chucking up shots...

If you're going to blame Peja for fading in the playoffs, you could at least call it like it was. Ever since Webber came back and forced himself back onto the team they were playing lesser ball. For the last month of the season, they were not the same team. Why was that?

oh, and talk about production dropping. Pierce shot what, 34% in the playoffs? THIRTY FOUR PERCENT?? Those are all-star numbers...in baseball...

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I like both players but their games are different. I think Pierce would have just as much success as Peja with Sacramento because the players around him would be better. I don't know what happened to Peja in the playoffs but he just was never comfortable, he rushed his shots and never finished strong. Pierce had no one to help and constantly found himself taking the shot with two/three guys on him with the shot clock running low.

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