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Don't put words in my mouth. I never said that this team would win without Walker. This team is terrible with or without Walker. Again don't put words into my mouth.

What I am saying is that you don't invest 12+ million in a guy long term that is not helping this team WIN. Basically I am saying we can be sorry without a 14 million dollar guy on this team that isn't making a difference in the outcome of games. I think BK has this same philosophy. That is why we got rid of Theo, Shareef, Big Dog, etc. You don't pay big money like that to one player and you are not winning. You end up in the same situation this team was in under Babcock......stuck and can't make any moves because of finances.

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Don't put words in my mouth. I never said that this team would win without Walker. This team is terrible with or without Walker. Again don't put words into my mouth.

What I am saying is that you don't invest 12+ million in a guy long term that is not helping this team WIN. Basically I am saying we can be sorry without a 14 million dollar guy on this team that isn't making a difference in the outcome of games. I think BK has this same philosophy. That is why we got rid of Theo, Shareef, Big Dog, etc. You don't pay big money like that to one player and you are not winning. You end up in the same situation this team was in under Babcock......stuck and can't make any moves because of finances.

I see your point but I also say you have to start somewhere. If Walker is willing to take on average 10 million a year that leaves us plenty of cap room to improve.

You have to start somewhere.

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Don't put words in my mouth. I never said that this team would win without Walker. This team is terrible with or without Walker. Again don't put words into my mouth.

What I am saying is that you don't invest 12+ million in a guy long term that is not helping this team WIN. Basically I am saying we can be sorry without a 14 million dollar guy on this team that isn't making a difference in the outcome of games. I think BK has this same philosophy. That is why we got rid of Theo, Shareef, Big Dog, etc. You don't pay big money like that to one player and you are not winning. You end up in the same situation this team was in under Babcock......stuck and can't make any moves because of finances.

WAIT A SEC! You think Walker is not Helping the team WIN?? You *Do* know that we are rebuilding(the right way), right? And who is going to score, I ask you, if Walker was never signed??


It's NOT Walker who isn't helping the team win....IT'S THE "TEAM" who isn't helping the Team win.

Oh and about putting words in your mouth.....How about I just give you a Double-Whopper w/cheese instead. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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What is your definition of winning?? This team is not winning!!

Read my post again and think smartly about it. You don't invest that kind of money into 1 player and you are not winning.

You are missing the entire point. It is about economics!! You don't see that???

I never said Walker couldn't play. I am saying he is not worth that much money for 1 player and we are not winning with him. You strap yourself when you do that.

Think about it logically and not emotionally!!!That is the same reason Shareef, Theo, Big Dog got traded...you don't see that?? Walker will be traded for the same reason. It is economics not emotions.

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Maybe the rationale would be we can lose just as well without Walker. Maybe Knight would decide to not resign Walker and to play the Kids...

However, I don't think that's the case.

Knight will not put these young players in a position where they can be blamed for the losing. I think he will keep Walker around for leadership and his versatility... But nothing with BK is longterm...

What I mean by that is that First, Walker will not just Walk without us getting something back for him. Unlike some of you on this board, BK probably realizes that we don't have much CAPITAL in the FA arena... i.e. NO Free Agent wants to come here.

That means that we have to get valuable player through trade and the draft. Well, the way this team is going, we should get a good player out of the draft. However, Walker will not just walk. BK will either find a trade or resign him. If BK resigns him, it will make it easier to find a trade later.

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What I am saying is that you don't invest 12+ million in a guy long term that is not helping this team WIN.

Well, Maybe not ridiculous but Niave...

When Building a team, I think that you have to invest money even while you're losing... Here are some prime examples...

David Robinson got huge contracts from SA while they were still under .500.

How in the world did Elton Brand get a Max Deal?

KG was one of the highest paid players in the league when his team couldn't make the playoffs.

MATRIX got a deal but how?? Did you see Phoenix last year?

The point is that you can't wait til your team is over .500 before you decide to pay your best players in a rebuilding situation. When Walker hits the market, his worth will be high... Maybe Higher than 10-11 million per. Because teams won't evaluate Walker on the Hawks winning % (there are too many variables that can effect that), They will evaluate Walker on his play. Walker is right now the Best PF in the East and he leads the Hawks in many statistical categories...

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Billy Knight was starting over. The entire team was making too much money and left the Hawks with little flexibility. So BK got rid of all those contracts. Not just one. That's the difference.

When you are singling out just one player, it comes down to whether or not they are overpaid. A good example of this would be Big Z in Cleveland or Houston in NY. But either team (along with a slew of others around the league) would kill to have Walker right now and would slap him a 5 year extention in a hot second...because they recognize his game. He's a piece of a winning puzzle; just not the main piece. Imagine Walker in Miami, Minnesota, or Cleveland...

In our case, rebuilding, you don't just throw away pieces because the team isn't winning. If we did that, then by the time we find our Dwayne Wade or LeBron...we'd have no talent to surround them with. We'd have money available to sign a FA, but who's going to take it? And the guys in the $6 - $7 million range could be had even with Walker signed to an extension.

Walker was traded from Dallas because he didn't fit. He was cut loose from Boston, from what I hear, because of personal issues with someone in the front office. His ability to contribute to a team was the least of the deciding factors in each of his trades. The same will hold true if we deal him.

In our case, we got a good deal in Walker and we'd only be looking to capitalize on it by getting another HIGH draft pick or a MUCH younger player that could figure into our plans longer.

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I don't think the Boston Celtics or the Dallas Mavericks agree with that.

Why has AW been traded twice in the past couple years?

Walker played the same position as Dirk and when both of them were on the floor Dirk was playing center. It didn't work plus from my understanding Dirk started whining when Walker was getting more credit then he was.

Walker was let go from the Celtics because Danny Ainge is still today friends with Rick Pitino and ML Carr himself will tell you Walker was the scape goat in Boston especially during the Rick Pitino era. Walker did nothing wrong in either situation and especially with Boston it was Danny Ainge being an a%% and refusing to judge what was going on right in front of him.

Danny was even quoted on TNT during his commentator days saying stuff about Walker before he ever met him and years before he was in charge of the Celtics. I'm talking personal stuff that he got from Rick Pitino and even the Celtics organization will tell you how many years he set them back with his stupidity. He traded Chauncey Billups away in his first season. that should be enough for nuff said but that doesn't even bring into consideration was a bs artist and liar Rick Pitino was.

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Walker is past his prime. You just don't sign him for that kind of money. Now if we can sign him for much less than what he is making now then yes I would keep him. But I think he is going to try and get the most he can get especially if this is his last contract. If that is the case we need to trade him.

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Walker is past his prime. You just don't sign him for that kind of money. Now if we can sign him for much less than what he is making now then yes I would keep him. But I think he is going to try and get the most he can get especially if this is his last contract. If that is the case we need to trade him.

28 years old is NOT considered past your prime. Hell...Grant Hill is older than Walker...Do you consider HIM past his prime, too?

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I agree. As I have said in an earlier post, this man has earned some more MINUTES, and he should get them and not be yanked if he makes a mistake. Imagine how much time Walker and Harrington would play if Coach pulled them everytime they had a turnover. Gee wiz the rookies at time give us much better production than the vets......so let the rooks play.

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Dallas trade Walker because they were in dire need of a PG. Nash had jetted off to Phoenix and JT looked good to them. Plus, Walker plays the exact same game as Dirk.

Boston traded Walker because Danny Ainge had just gotten the job and he wanted to do something for the sake of doing something. Did you notice Obrien and Pierce's reaction to the Walker trade?

O'Brien Quits

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Dallas trade Walker because they were in dire need of a PG. Nash had jetted off to Phoenix and JT looked good to them. Plus, Walker plays the exact same game as Dirk.

Boston traded Walker because Danny Ainge had just gotten the job and he wanted to do something for the sake of doing something. Did you notice Obrien and Pierce's reaction to the Walker trade?

O'Brien Quits


If Ainge had been planning to trade Walker the entire time, and all indications are that he had been, then why wait until a week before the season started? Why not do it earlier and give the new players the entire training camp to get their act together? Or better still, why not wait until the NBA trading deadline in February, when players in the last year of their deals are at the most valuable? Even now we're hearing Antoine Walker's name being brought up in trade talks, possibly to Portland for Rasheed Wallace.

Walker and O'Brien had a history going all the way back to their days at Kentucky and O'Brien is extremely loyal to his players. I doubt he was high on trading his second best player.

I'm beginning to think perhaps Walker is heading to Philly in February....what do you think?

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