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Our Star?


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I think that one of the most interesting things about our team is that we have a number of players who could turn out to be stars. Odds are we don't have 5 all-stars on our team, so my question is who do you think will turn out to be the leader of the team in the future. I would imagine that the answer to that question will become evident as this season progresses, unless it's Marvin in which case he may take some time to manifest his prowess.

So my question is, who do you think will emerge as the franchise player / leader of this team in the future?

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I'd have to say Chillz then Salim.

Everyone else has some leadership issues. We heard about JJ and Amare. We've heard about Smoove in summer league, we've heard about Marvin and Al with their, "its not that i'm not good enough to start," lines, and we heard about Chillz leading by example something this team needs. Not someone who will yell your face off like Walker, but someone that shows you the way something is to be done and leaves it up to you to do the same.

I would have to say salim next, for the simple fact that he is a recovering perfectionist, and if he was the leader he would demand nothing short of excellence. He wouldn't yell at anyone but he might have a b*tch fit.

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I guess maybe I should have separated best player and leader because they are not always one and the same. That being said, I voted JJ because I really think he is all that. I haven't seen enough of Marvin to know whether or not he will fulfill his potential. I think JJ was quiet in Phoenix because he had Nash, Marion, and Amare before him. I think part of his reasoning for coming here is the will to be a leader, and I don't just mean to dominate the ball.

I could see Chill being our most vocal and spirited leader too, but I don't think he will be our best player

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Well Put, I think Chillz is the kinda guy that could end up being a player rep for the Players Union. He seems like he'll be a good community guy and a great leader.

Also, I think he'll be a damn good player and he'll probably make a few all-star teams before he's done.

However, I think Marvin will be the best player on this team in not as much time as many are predicting...I watched his game alot in college. There's nothing on the court he can't do. He's got something special in his game. I believe he's barring injury...he's going to be a great player in this league and perennial all-star.

After Marvin, I believe JJ will be our next best player and let me say that he does have the talent to take the "best hawk player" throne from Marvin...

We're gonna GOOOOOOD real soon. I like the way BK is putting this team together.."right" piece, by "right" piece.

As it stands right now. we need a decent big man...which ZaZa has a chance to become...like a 8/10/2 guy...let this team gell and we're on our way!

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Didn't Salim have attitude issues in college? I don't

think he will be any sort of leader. About the question,

I honstly don't know. I think both Smith and Johnson

have the potential to be stars... But who knows? I

haven't seen Marvin play so I can't comment on him. I

think Childress can be to the Hawks what Marion is to

the Suns... But not a true star player.

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I voted for Chillz. I watched him a lot in college and I always thought his game improved each year. He took down some pretty good teams late in games including Salim's cats.

I can see him becoming a Reggie Miller type player in a couple years. I know his stroke looks broke but I believe he will find his NBA shot sooner than later.

I also think he has the most maturity on the team and while not the most athletic he is the most well-rounded next to JJ.

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I know his stroke looks broke but I believe he will find his NBA shot sooner than later.

I also believe that. I think his shot this year will be night and day compared to last year.

I find the results of this poll amazing. We have 4 players getting over 20% of the vote as the guy who will be THE star. I think that's what's particularly amazing about our young squad, and will make them a fun story to follow

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It's too early to say with Marvin Williams. In limited time at the collegiate level, he looked pretty good; but, it's still college ball and it was still a limited showing for him. He may or may not live up to the lofty expectations put on him. However, at this point - after a so-so summer league, before the preseason, before the season - I think it's WAY to early to say we have our future star/leader. At least let the guy go out and make one dominant performance in an actual NBA setting before we conclude that. We've got to wait on him to see what he's got, and THEN compare it to what guys we have are doing.

When I think star/leader/best player, I think of a guy that takes action and and takes control of a game. Josh Smith does not strike me as that guy. He seems more of a reactive type...a finisher. He can hit the wide open mid range shot, he can finish on the break, he can grab the rebound and put it back.

  • Does he call for the ball?

  • Does he go to the ball?

  • Does he go to work down low?

  • Does he create his own shot?

Not right now. Again, Josh is more reactive on the offense. It's up to him to work on being able to create his own shot; which is still not enough. He's got to start going to the ball or calling for it as well.

We'll see what Joe Johnson has. I haven't seen a bunch of him, but I know what people who have say. All around game with a good shot - and he knows how to create his own shot. The most telling thing about Joe is...his decision to play here. People can talk all the bullsh!t that they want. He could have stayed in Phoenix or a couple of places for just as much money. This guys says "I want to play basketball for the Atlanta Hawks."


Joe wants to show people that he is not just a product of Nash, Amare, and Marion. He wants to prove that he can be a star in this league. He is even eager to prove that he can run the point. If his game is as good as his desire, then this is going to be our star...but I didn't vote for Joe.

Nope. I voted for Chill. What is it about Chill that has me so excited? His game just screams leader/star to me. Watching Chill on the break is something else. It's almost automatic when the ball is in his hands or coming to his hands. He makes such good decisions, I mean, the kid knows exactly what to do with the ball at any given second; and that's on the break or in the halfcourt.

He's got the star potential. His game going to basket is so strong. That is the first thing that I noticed about Chill. There are some guys that have one highlight play every 3 months where they make a good move to the basket. There are some guys who can do it, but can't finish (Chris Crawford). I studied his collegiate highlights and watched Chill very closely from his very first game. He's got that ability to get to the hole...at that level where it causes problems for the defense. The ONLY thing he is missing is a consistent jumper.

...and not the ability to create it though. Because again, he has excellent handles, he's quick, and he knows what to do with the ball at any given moment. Not only that, but in college, he was a guy who moved without the ball and got his shot off - even drawing comparisons to Reggie Miller.

I think Chill is a player that can put up tremendous numbers if he has that compliment that can take the heat off of him. Al Harrington is not that player because he's NOT complimentary and when he gets the ball he is ALWAYS looking to assert himself. Joe Johnson, however, is going to provide a much better distraction.

In the end, I think it's going to come down to JJ and Chill. My vote goes to Chill, but that doesn't take anything away from our core. Lascar makes the best point here in that all of these guys really have star potential and that's what makes our team so promising. This can only be a good season. We either bomb and end up with another tremendous lottery prospect (to add to our already talented core) or we make the playoffs.

All this, and nothing has been said about Harrington who is still a VERY good talent himself. I have a very good feeling about this season and I really think we've reached a turning point. We are not far away from putting together a winning season.

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Very well put together response Wretch.

I too voted for Chill, with some consideration to JJ. The reason I see it is the off court leadership ability and also the play to back it up on the court..when this guy has another threat on the perimeter with him, look out! I expect his shot to be much improved this season and I think undoubtedly that Chill has star written all over him RIGHT NOW. Smoove and Marvin have some development growing pains ahead of them, particularly Marvin. One thing about Marvin though is his GREAT attitude and work ethic, Imo that will pull him through. In a few years JJ might again be in a situation where he is one of 4 or 5 really good to great players, will he still want to be THE GUY then? that is my only question.

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# Does he call for the ball?

# Does he go to the ball?

# Does he go to work down low?

# Does he create his own shot?

When I read those criteria, I couldn't help but process Reggie Miller. Was Reggie Miller ever the leader of the Pacers? You would want to say Yes, but he fits none of those criteria. However, I remember Reggie vs. the Knicks when he put on the Superman shirt... He took over the game and scored like 38 points and led the Pacers past the Knicks.. However, his game was mostly, coming off picks (so he couldn't create for himself and he didn't work down low).

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Not with the ball in his hands. Reggie was a shooter. Though, as a scorer, he was still the star of those Pacers teams in his prime; he carried them with his offense, no question and he led by example - what he did on the court and how those games usually turned out because of it. JO came in and has since his coming out assumed a leadership role; but, Reggie Miller was the star of that team until his decline (which took quite a while).

Chill is different from Reggie in that he is a decision maker and he is better at creating his own shot. Reggie was an underrated penetrator, but he's nothing like Chill going to the basket (in his approach or his athletic ability). In that regard, Chill is more akin to Pip. Like a hybrid of the two (if he is as good at coming off screens as they say he was in college).

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I think that's just the criteria for Smoove. It will be different depending upon the type of player you're talking about. Obviously, most of that would not apply to a PG...say like Kidd, but you do know who's the leader when he's on the court.

So, I wouldn't say the same standards apply to every player...but to a player like Josh who has to do these things before he asserts himself as a star - and more importantly OUR STAR.

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I don't disagree with you. In fact, I think that Mark Jackson was the leader of the pacers while he was there and like you said, JO became the leader at a time (a little after he came in). I think that the Pacers mainly worked by knowing who everyone were.

In the clutch, you knew Reggie was the man. The Davis' knew that their jobs were to rebound, set picks, and take shots if they had a wide open shot. The PGs knew that their job was to set up people to score. That's part of the reason why Tinsley struggled and part of the reason why he will turn out to be one of the best PGs in the game. He had to learn to set people up.

I don't know if we can be setup like that. First of, we don't have a PG who can set people up. But when we get one, we will be interesting.

Right now, we look much like a Triangle team.

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We are drifting from the topic, we are defining the franchise player/star not the leader of the team.

Even if Marc Jackson was the leader of the Pacers he is far from the franchise player, that distinction solely resided on Reggie's shoulders for years. Smits was his complementary piece.

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I picked Josh Smith. I don't think he is the star of the present (that is Joe Johnson) but I think he will be a star in this league and his game and profile are already on the rise, bigtime. Unlike anyone else on the Hawks' roster last year, you watched his games and went "wow" at least once a game with some amazing play he did. He was the one who screamed "star" when I watched him.

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Reggie is called a star and a franchise player, but really, Reggie was the biggest ROLE player that there ever was. Think about it. If Nobody ever set the pick for Reggie, he couldn't have hit big shots. He would be a good shooter, but not what we recognize as a Franchise player. In many instances, while he was playing, Reggie was snubbed as being one dimensional. However, that was his game.

Now, if you want truth...

If All Josh Smith ever does is finishes... and he develops a halfway decent shot, he will become a star. He already has the charisma. He's the slam dunk champion. He can ride the same wave that JRich is riding...

Josh Childress, definitely has the ability to be the leader. That's different than the star... I don't think JChill will be recognized for his play as a star because he's so versatile. Sometimes, Versatility is a bad thing... What I mean is that there won't be people going to buy his Jersey because he would be that Utility guy that can do everything good (but nothing exceptional).. Still.. He's more prone to be the best all around player we have.

I think that JJ could be a star of the magnitude of Pierce or Vince IF he moved to SG and we got a real PG. Being a PG won't let him close out the way that a star should close out.

Al is not a star neither is he a leader. It's unfortunate. BUT Al is a guy who fits very well into the needs of this team. He's an athletic Pf who has a good offensive game. I don't see us stressing defense anywhere so I see no reason why we shouldn't keep Al. I think Al will do what he does better than anybody else on this squad NOW or in the future.

Marvin.. Well, you know what I feel about him. I think he's going to be bench fodder for at least the next 2 yrs. I think the only reason we got him was the HYPE AND BK's insecurity of Smoove... If BK knew that Smoove was a sure thing, then We would have Deron right now.

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Reggie is called a star and a franchise player, but really, Reggie was the biggest ROLE player that there ever was. Think about it. If Nobody ever set the pick for Reggie, he couldn't have hit big shots. He would be a good shooter, but not what we recognize as a Franchise player. In many instances, while he was playing, Reggie was snubbed as being one dimensional. However, that was his game.

You have a point, but it's not like what's so special about Reggie is the great pick setters he played with. Reggie set his shot up time and time again by running all over the court, going around all the right picks, shoving his man at just the right time, flopping for free throws and knocking down the shots. Just because he set himself up without the ball in his hands doesn't make it any less of a skill. Rip Hamilton does the same now. I've also seen him create many a shot by dribbling, stepping back and shooting on his own.

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Lascar has all that rolled up into the poll. The question is really asking who's gonna be "the man" for the Hawks. And to that, all of this applies - who's going to be the leader, who's going to be the star, who's going to be the franchise player...

You don't immediately think of Reggie as having the qualities that we are using to evaluate the players in the context of this discussion; however, Reggie was unquestionably "the man" in Indiana.

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