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Everything posted by JTB

  1. JTB


    Is there a link to this?..Im a bit surprised that they are still talking sh*t after that as* whooping the hawks gave them last game!….just sayin
  2. JTB


  3. I love the new logo!!! Its about time! I love the old school with new school look. This is what will catch people attention in Atlanta as we become a better team.
  4. Lol perfectly said....I need to learn how to wrap my long threads into shorter threads like this.
  5. What the hell is this guy talking about! Does he even watch the rest of the NBA teams?! Not only that why the hell is he overrating the pacers players?…Dude really need to do his own research and stop listening to ESPN! Here's how I see it and I have watched both teams all season long: Best PG between hawks/pacers- Teague Teague is better than George Hill who hasn't been good since he left the spurs and CJ Watson who is clearly not a better point guard than teague. Teague would have a way BIGGER shot at getting to an all star game before George Hill and especially CJ watson. When he's aggressive he sometimes feel like the best player period between these two teams and that includes better than star paul george (when he's aggressive, key word) Best SG between hawks/pacers- Lance Lance is ONLY the best SG between these two teams because he has an all around good game as he can play offense, defense, and rebound very well for a SG. As a hawks fan I can honestly say the guy is a triple double threat, however Lance is a knuckle head, reminds me a lot of Josh Smith! His attitude is so horrible its easy to take him out of his game! On offense he gets to a point where he plays too much hero ball and sometimes he plays over aggressive. Defensively his main problem is just playing too aggressive that leads him into foul trouble. At this point in his career he's not a very smart player. Korver and Lou on the other hand matchup well with Lance because their smart especially Korver. Best SF between the hawks/pacers- Paul George Paul George is the best player on the floor at ALL times and believe it or not the only player that can really challenge that out of ALL players is Jeff Teague. Nothing really to say we know he's the best player. Best PF between the hawks/pacers-Milsap Hands down milsap is arguably the best BIG man between the two teams! The only player that could really challenge that is our very own Al Horford if he was healthy. The pacers BIGS aren't better than the hawks period. None of their guys are better than milsap or horford. Roy Hibbert is overrated and has been for a while now. Best Center between hawks/pacers-horford Lets just be real here if horford was healthy he would be dominating hibbert right now. People forget how good this 17/10 center is and to top it off horford has always been an efficient scorer even in he playoffs. Boy oh boy did the pacers get lucky right here! Im not putting Hibbert as the best center for many reasons! For one the guy has been average for years and that hasn't changed, followed by ONE good playoff run, then came back this year played an ok first half and a terrible second half! So really he became this all star center and household name off of a playoff run not because he was really that good. This guy was never an all star nor does he put up all star stats, he is nothing more than a rim protector and he's only that because he's 7'3! If you thought Asik was a waste money than you just haven't seen Hibbert play. Antić is more valuable than Hibbert just because he can knock down the 3 ball…..Hibbert is just another player the NBA or the media I should say crowned too early off one decent playoff run…SMH damn shame! (Looks like it may be happening to Harden too) Conclusion: So if both teams are healthy we are more talented based off the fact that Teague is better than Hill and Watson. Milsap is better than West and Scola. Horford is better than Hibbert and the rest of the pacer centers. If it wasn't for Lance triple threat ability and Paul George who's a star they honestly wouldn't have a chance against us. As far as the bench goes our bench is better even though they have bigger names.
  6. Eventually he's going to get his shot going....hopefully tomorrow's game.
  7. This is why the hawks should go after spencer hawes! A guy who is a more of a sure 3pt threat! I like the idea of going into next season with hawes spreading the floor and horford and sap getting one on one opportunities in the post. Also I say sign a back Elton brand for defense or pickup a defending center so we can have one to throw in the hand when needed.
  8. You know I think a guy like Lance can get this hawks team to next level believe that or not but as I continue to watch this series the more I notice that he isn't worth any more than 6m in my opinion. He's projected to get 8-10m but I think his attitude and maturity will hold him back from his full potential. Up until this point I was putting Lance defense on the level with Tony Allen but Allen defense is way better and though he's a very very aggressive player much like Lance, Allen knows how to keep his cool WHILE he turns it up on the aggressive level.
  9. JTB

    Teague Injury

    I rewatched it too…it was a nasty shoulder by P. George but not a serious injury where Teague can't play at all or be at least 95%…it just didn't look that bad to me where he should even be thinking about sitting out. I mean it could be a freak injury like horford's but I doubt it! We would have heard something by now.
  10. Oh how I love that the spread 5 will continue! Are they more physical? Yes Are they quicker than us as a team? No Sap's speed is good enough to get around gortat or nene and Antić will bring one of them out to the perimeter. Offense I'm not so worried about honestly. Defense I'm a little worried because we can't match up very well with nene and gortat in the post but that doesn't mean they are going to drop 20...they aren't 20 point scorers. I'm not too worried about wall or beal or Ariza. Wall and Teague will likely cancel each other out. Beal is going to have a tough cover chasing Korver all series and Ariza isn't Paul George and DMC is doing a good job on George he's just making tough shots. The pacers are more physical than is too....or atleast they were! Give this hawks team some credit we have a physical team believe that or not. We can beat the wizards...BUT we need to take care of game 6 against the pacers first before we continue this discussion! Now is not the time to sleep on the #1 seed, hawks need to come out and step on their throat and let the wizards know what's coming.
  11. First off congrats to this hawks team! I have seen bigger name players on this team in the past 7 years (Johnson/Smith era) that would have folded if they ran into this situation, so I have to say this is by far the best hawks team I have seen in a long while....losing record or not this team has heart, hustle, and trust among each other!....oh and for any negative post prior to game 6 I recommend hawk fans to just ignore them, you already know your hawks can win this series so it's no need to argue with haters...pointless. There's nothing else to really say... So in my best mortal kombat voice....."FINISH THEM!!!" Pacers=overrated Go Hawks!!!!
  12. We will be ok....good win for the pacers.
  13. It's all good I kinda knew that would happen and it will happen again once we win unless we blow them out by 20 next game. All that matters is the win at the end but the media need something to make an excuse for the pacers or to make them look better.
  14. JTB


    I'm sure it will be whatever color out crowd for game 4! That's going to be the biggest game this season! It is a MUST win! We survived another night of bad shooting and the hawks have yet to have their best offense performance....it's coming!
  15. DAAAAMMMNNNNN RIGHT! As a hawks fan I'm glad to see them go up 2-1 on the #1 seed pacers but if they really want to put their backs against the wall Hawks NEED to win game 4 and go up 3-1! #TalkAboutShockingtheNBAworld #GoATLhawks
  16. Pacers aren't going to respect us until we hit these shots consistently. We need to watch out from George in this 2nd quarter
  17. I noticed that none of our guys are saying that it was the pacers defense game 2 but more self inflicted wide open miss shots. I say we win game 3 but shall that happens game 4 will be extremely important.
  18. We aren't getting a superstar....the plan is to stay competitive and flexible. Adding hawes allows that.
  19. I would like Gortat too but Im trying to be more realistic. I don't see Gortat leaving his situation which is a good situation in Washington to come play with the Hawks. Wizards are 2-0 on the bulls right now and will likely beat them. I like Gortat with horford trust me but I doubt we have a real shot at getting him and a way bigger shot to get hawes who Im sure isn't happy in Cleveland. I feel hawes is a starter just as much as Hibbert in this League. I mean he can consistently knock down shots and will go after boards. Plus he's 7 foot…we don't have a lot of options to go with at center to be honest. Hawks fans want…... Asik-too expensive for Ferry to really consider him. Gortat-I really believe he's happy in Washington Andre Drummond- Nothing is going well in Detroit especially after all that money they gave Smith, then brought in another hot head B Jennings. You really think they are going to let their restricted Free Agent who could be a potential all star center for many years just walk….Get Real! No way Detroit lets him go. Next Best guy is Spencer Hawes...
  20. We will more than likely have the same team next year with horford back and maybe two new players. I hope this guy is one of them. Spencer Hawes -Woud easily fit coach Bud's System (especially on offense) -Can spread the floor -Legit 7 footer -Only 25 years old -Probably willing to come cheap to play along side horford and milsap (shouldn't cost that much either way…he WONT break us like a Asik will) -Decent rebounder that could avg. 10 boards a game with some help from Horford or Sap -Defense is average at best but a better team could indeed make him better. OH! and this………. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeud3VtwXbM I like what I see! Stand up for your teammates Hawes! I think the hawks can make noise in the East next year with small adjustments that won't break us and a healthy hard fighting team. How will the Offense Work: Don't worry too much about how a front line of sap, horford, and hawes will work because sap and horford has an inside game as well as outside and ALL our guys in the front court (sap,horford,hawes) can spread the floor! How will the Defense Work: Here's the experiment. I have seen sap play other SF's very well but he hasn't had the job to play SF full time nor should he. I think coach bud can easily figure out a rotation to split sap minutes at SF and PF and it will not change anything offensively especially if we bring back Antić whose on the bench to provide hawes and horford rest and can also spread the floor just like them when he's in the game. All in all defense is going to be an experiment period come next year. Worried about Sap as a SF period: Well you shouldn't be because Im not saying play him at SF full time. I think sap like horford can be very versatile and thats how we should use him to throw different looks at our opponents. If you are concerned about Sap dribbling on the perimeter at SF, I wouldn't be because he's a decent dribbler for his size and he secures the ball well and hell he's a lot better than DMC and korver at dribbling so thats not an issue. (Again NOT saying to play Sap at full time minutes at the 3) How is this going to help us next season? Our offense would be great the next season and the focus could be purely on defense. If it was up to me, I would definitely get hawes and then get a SG with the 15th pick who could be a phenomenal perimeter defender like Kwhahi Leonard. Would we still be a jump shooting team? Of course! We will always be a jump shooting team with this system! But the inside points will be there probably on most nights with teague, sap, horford and sometimes hawes. Why this over anything else? Because we don't want to spend a ton of money! Ferry wants to stay flexible but at the same time put a competing team on the floor. Well you can do that with signing hawes and cutting Lou. Then signing a perimeter defender at SG with the 15th pick. With a roster like this we can get close to 50 games and if the east is terrible again next year and we stay healthy we will surely win 50. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_4VcxgEs0M
  21. Lol oh so little faith my friend....we have about as much of a chance against the pacers as we had against Boston in 08. Expect the hawks to make this a series. I'm not about to believe in a pacers offense that struggles on most nights to come out like that again! that just isn't them, playoffs or not.
  22. Agreed its like they forgot he could score but what's really bad about it if you go back and rewatch the game scola had way too many uncontested shots. The hawks really folded on the defense end.
  23. I say go after spencer hawes, trade Lou to free up that money, and with the 15th pick sign a sg that fits buds scheme. By the way hawes is only making 4mil right now and we could probably get away with signing him for 7m.
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